The Best Way To Be Happy

Are you feeling depleted and exhausted in life? You’re not alone. Many of us feel overwhelmed and struggle to find happiness. Sadly, many search for ways to fill the void within. We chase temporary pleasures, material possessions, and external validation, and these fall short of their ability to bring genuine, lasting fulfillment. What is the best way to be happy?

The Best Way To Be Happy

The Bible offers guidance on how to achieve happiness from God’s perspective. In a world where happiness can seem elusive, the Bible can be an excellent starting point for those seeking long-lasting happiness.

Prioritize Choosing Joy Over Pursuing Happiness  

The Bible highlights the importance of prioritizing joy over happiness because happiness depends on circumstances. While happiness can be fleeting and subject to change based on our situations, joy transcends them. Based on our circumstances, we can be happy one minute and unhappy the next. However, it is possible to experience joy regardless of our conditions. God wants us to have more than temporary happiness. He desires that we possess everlasting joy.

While happiness can be lost when circumstances change or desires remain unfulfilled, joy is not a transient emotion tied to situations. Instead, it is a deep peace and contentment that transcends life’s ups and downs. Joy gives us a sense of wholeness and completeness even amidst challenges, and it goes beyond momentary pleasure.

Dont tell god how Big Your problems are Tell your problems how Big your God is.

Acknowledge That Life Is Not Always Happy 

As we go through life, we must understand that it won’t always be full of happiness. Instead, we might face tough times, disappointments, and moments of sadness. However, we should not let them rob us of our joy. Instead, we can view them as an opportunity to grow and put our faith in God’s plan.

Looking To Jesus

We must trust that God is with us through every storm, and His strength will help us overcome. We should let the joy of the Lord be our foundation, reminding us that He is always with us, even in our darkest moments.

The Bible teaches us that sometimes joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5) or on the other side of trials. We can learn from Jesus, who endured the cross for us, knowing that it would bring us joy on the morning He rose from the dead. Jesus did this out of love to reconcile us with the Father. Because of His sacrifice, we can now find the joy of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).

Bible Scripture about Joy and Salvation

To Be Happy, We Must Choose Joy

When it comes to happiness, nothing compares to the joy of the Lord. But what is joy, exactly? Joy is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, a divine gift that God bestows on us. It’s an internal state of being that arises from our connection to something greater than ourselves, our Maker. When we allow God to lead our steps, we experience joy no matter our circumstances.

Be Happy Choose Joy

Joy is more than just a feeling – it’s a powerful force that brings hope, strength, and perseverance. It reminds us that even when things are tough, there is always hope for the future because our hope is grounded in God, who created Heaven and Earth. Scripture tells us that the “joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Although joy is a gift, we must cultivate it by following God and His plan.

When we focus on the goodness and characteristics of God, we experience an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives, both great and small—shifting our focus from what we lack to the abundance we already possess fosters contentment and joy. And when we praise and worship despite our circumstances, we remind ourselves that God controls everything.

May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy Bible  Verse

We trust that God loves us and will supply our needs. He is our hope no matter what we face. No matter what we go through, we must always strive to hold on to the Bible’s words. Sometimes, life throws lemons at us, but God gives us joy, hope, and peace. Sometimes, things are not going well, but we must trust the God of hope to be happy.

We have to surrender everything to Him; in return, he fills us with joy and peace through the power of His Holy Spirit. He leaves us with hope when we remember that no matter what, God is good and big enough to handle everything that comes our way.

The Bible tells us that the “joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). We gain the strength to hold on when we remember who is in control. We trust that God loves us and will supply our needs. He is our hope no matter what we face. No matter what we go through, we must always strive to hold on to the Bible’s words.


I have compiled a PDF list to remind us of God’s attributes. If you struggle to find joy or if you could use a little extra happiness in your life, perhaps remembering how big and mighty our God is will help. This list enables me to remember God is God. He is not a man. He is God; I can rest easy knowing I am in his hands! Download your list here and refer to it often to build your faith in the one true God! Our God of hope promises to fill you with peace, joy, and abundant hope.

The best way to be Happy Download

Let’s Pray A Prayer For Joy

In summary, we must aim to be more than happy but to have joy, the powerful force that arises from our relationship with God. Joy brings hope, strength, and perseverance in challenging times, fosters gratitude and contentment, and reminds us of God’s sovereignty.

A Prayer For Joy png

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

God’s Provision: Release Worry and Anxiety

God’s Provision: Release Worry and Anxiety

Uncertainty and a sense of lack can cause us to worry and feel anxious, but as children of God, we are not supposed to feel chained to stress and anxiety. God’s provisions allow us to release worry and anxiety as He desires us to lead a life of assurance despite uncertainties. We can break free from fear and anxiety by embracing God’s unwavering commitment to provide peace, provision, and purpose for every aspect of life. This article explores the unshakable promise of God’s divine provision. 

Worries tend to take root in our minds, robbing us of joy and peace. We worry about money, sickness, family, and countless other things. With the power of God’s promise, we can embrace His unwavering commitment to provide for every aspect of our lives. We need to know how. Our journey begins by understanding the depth and scope of God’s promise of provision, which extends far beyond mere material needs. 

God's Provision release worry

Imagine waking up every morning with a lightness in your heart, knowing that no matter the challenges, you have a divine safety net of provision waiting to catch you. This safety net is not just wishful thinking or an empty promise but a reality that can transform your outlook on life. God has promised to care for his children, and we must graciously accept His loving kindness. 

Let Go Of Worry And Anxiety By Understanding God’s Promise Of Provision.

To understand God’s promise of provision, we must first let go of worry and anxiety. By doing so, we open our hearts and minds to the abundance God has in store. One of the scriptures that comes to mind is Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” 

God's Provision- Promise to supply all your needs

We must learn to embrace this scripture, which means we fully understand who supplies our needs and what He promises to supply. God promises to provide all of our needs, not some, everything. That is good news. If having our needs met relied on our strength, then there may be cause to worry because we are limited. But if we genuinely believe that God will supply our needs, then we need to determine what those needs are. After we define our needs, we can let go of our worry and anxiety because we know God’s got it, and He is limitless. 

We only need a relationship with God to communicate our needs in prayer, and we need faith. It should be comforting to know that God’s provision is not contingent upon our efforts or abilities but on His unwavering love and care.

Letting go of worry and anxiety is not a passive act but an intentional choice to trust in God’s faithfulness and ability rather than our own. In doing so, we acknowledge that we surrender by recognizing that we are not in control but that God is and will provide for our every need. This act of surrender takes work. It goes against our nature to relinquish control and trust in someone else’s plan. But only when we embrace this mindset can we find true freedom from the burden of worry and anxiety. We must do four things:

  • Replace Worry and Anxiety With Contentment and Gratitude
  • Embrace God’s Divine Plan
  • Embrace God’s Perfect Timing
  • Pursue God’s Will and Guidance.

Replace Worry and Anxiety With Contentment and Gratitude

We all experience both highs and lows in life. At times, everything may seem to go smoothly, but there will also be moments when it’s tempting to worry. Paul, who wrote from prison, reminds us in Philippians 4:11 that we should learn to be content regardless of our situation. 

God's Provision Be Content

When we worry or become anxious, we must challenge those negative thoughts by remembering to be content and grateful. We cannot allow the enemy to dominate our thought life. Instead, we must take our thoughts captive and remember that we serve a mighty God who can send breakthroughs (2 Corinthians 10:5). The enemy may try to convince us of every worst-case scenario. Still, God has instructed us to resist the enemy and cause him to flee (James 4:7). We must take our thoughts captive and remember that we serve a mighty God who can send breakthroughs and miracles.

Amid our storms, we must take the time to remember who our God is. The God we serve sent food, called manna, from Heaven to feed the Israelites in the desert, caused water to flow from a rock, and gave land to His people (Nehemiah 9:15). He commanded a Raven to feed the prophet during a drought (1 Kings 17:4). He gave Solomon wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-30). He sent His Son to rescue us (John 3:16).


When we shift our focus away from what we lack, we can pay more attention and become thankful for what God has provided in the past, as written in the Bible, but also in our lives. Taking the time to exchange worries and fears with contentment and gratitude helps us become attuned to the many blessings surrounding us. Developing an attitude of gratitude opens our hearts to receive more of God’s blessings and enables us to live in a relaxed state of contentment and joy. 

Embrace God’s Divine Plan

Although we would never wish for difficult times, we will inevitably encounter them and must learn to relinquish our fears and worries and trust God’s Divine plans. Surrendering to God and wholeheartedly trusting in His plan is not a one-time event but a daily practice of unwavering faith.

Trusting in God’s plan is not always easy. We tend to want things to happen on our schedule and according to our desires. However, when we trust God, we acknowledge He sees the bigger picture and knows what is best for us and when it is best for us.

By letting go of worry and anxiety, we can live in the liberating embrace of God’s provision. When we stop worrying, we free ourselves from unnecessary concerns and fears, allowing us to fully experience the peace and joy that comes from relying on His faithfulness. Although it may require conscious effort and intentional reminders, the practice of surrender and trust can become ingrained in our lives.

Living a life of faith means having unwavering trust in God, even when circumstances seem uncertain or challenging. Like when Sarah was too old to have children, we have to place our confidence in God’s promises, knowing He is always faithful to deliver (Hebrews 11:11).

God's Promise God is Faithful

Embrace God’s Perfect Timing

There may be times when we feel impatient or uncertain. We might wonder why things aren’t happening as fast as we’d like or why particular doors remain closed. But in those moments, we need to remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness and how He has provided for us in the past. In doing so, we embrace patience and surrender control, trusting that God’s timing always aligns with our highest good.

Trusting in God’s timing doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting for things to happen. It means taking action and doing our part while surrendering to His guidance. We must proactively pursue our goals and dreams while believing He will open doors and orchestrate circumstances in His perfect timing.

God's Provision Do Not be Anxious

When we trust God’s timing, we no longer need to rush or force things to happen. We can let go of our anxiety and embrace the peace that comes with knowing He is in control. Finding contentment in the present moment helps us to relax, knowing that each step we take leads us closer to His purpose for our lives.

Pursue God’s Will and Guidance

Rather than worry and live a life of anxiety, we must develop a deeper intimacy with God to become attuned to His voice and gentle nudges, leading us closer to the path He has set before us. As we surrender our worries and anxieties, we allow His peace and grace to fill our hearts. Through this connection with Him, we find strength and confidence in knowing that we are not alone, for He is always with us.

My Sheep Hear My voice

In seeking His will and guidance, we also find clarity and direction in uncertainty. Rather than relying on our limited understanding, we trust God’s infinite wisdom to lead us down the right path, allowing us to confidently make decisions, knowing that we are following His divine plan for our lives. Through this active pursuit of God’s direction, we deepen our connection and align ourselves with His purpose. We can encounter God when we pursue His will.

As we follow God’s will and guidance, we position ourselves for a life of faith and gratitude, which helps us find peace and contentment within ourselves and become a source of His love and provision in a world that desperately needs it. We free ourselves from trying to figure everything out independently and find fulfillment in His divine plan.

As we learn to live a life free of worry and anxiety and embrace God’s promise of provision, we become agents of positivity and hope. Our faith and gratitude become contagious, inspiring others to seek the same peace and reassurance we have found in God. As we embrace this way of life, we experience a deepened relationship with our Creator and become beacons of light, leading others toward His provision and promises.

A Prayer To Let Go Of Worry and Anxiety

By comprehending God’s steadfast commitment to providing for us, we can liberate ourselves from the hold of anxiety and fear that usually hinder our lives. Let us pray to release all worries and anxious thoughts so that we can have complete faith in God’s impeccable plan and timing as we rest assured that He is orchestrating everything for our greater good.

Prayer To Let Go Of Worry and Anxiety

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Is it Ok to Ask God Questions, and Will He Answer Me?

Is it Ok to Ask God Questions, and Will He Answer Me?

Do you have questions for God and wonder if it is ok to ask Him? You may wonder what God’s will is for your life, or maybe you’re struggling with a difficult decision and would like God’s help. Whatever your question may be, don’t be afraid to ask God your questions when you pray! When we ask questions during prayer, God leads us into a deeper understanding and a closer relationship with God. As we ask questions, we gain greater clarity about ourselves and God. Most importantly, we learn to trust God more when we ask questions.

Is it okay to ask God questions and will he answer me?

When we ask God to reveal things to us, He will. He invites us to meet with Him by praying because prayer is a powerful way to connect. Sometimes, everything seems to be humming along just fine, and we may not have many questions, but no sooner than we begin to feel at ease, out of nowhere, something rains on our parade and leaves us questioning everything. Whether you have many questions today or just a few, let’s look at what the Bible says about asking God questions and then learn how God answers our questions.

What Does the Bible Say About Asking God Questions?

There are many scriptures in the Bible that speak about asking God questions, but my favorite is in Matthew, where God invites us to “ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7).” I also love James 1:5, which states, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5-6 ESV)

The scriptures invite us to ask our questions and reassure us that when we do not know something, God will not be angry with us for not knowing. He will help when you ask. As we study stories in scripture, one of our main questions as God’s children is how something will happen. We often struggle to gain wisdom or a clear understanding of “how” God will work out situations.

In the Bible, there are stories where God’s children ask questions. Jesus’ mother, Mary, asked questions to find out more about how the birth of Jesus would take place. When the angel told her she would bear the Saviour, she asked “how” questions to better understand the process.

Virgin Mary had questions

In Exodus, after God told Moses that he was to go and free the Israelites from slavery, Moses had many questions. He questioned God to know how others would believe him. He asked, “When I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? What shall I say unto them (Exodus 3:13 KJV)?”

God understands that we are humans and we have questions. When our desire is to move forward with God in faith, but we have genuine questions, it is ok. Our questions do not threaten him. We ask our questions respectfully with faith, not doubting that God can do what He says, but only seeking to understand the process better.

Can You Have Faith and Ask God Questions?

Asking God questions during our prayer time signifies a healthy relationship with God. When we ask God questions, it shows that we are humble enough to admit we don’t know everything. We pray with a humble heart, knowing that He is the Almighty God and we are His humble servant. As Christians, God patiently helps us understand what He is saying. He will not rebuke us for having questions, but when He answers our prayers, we must demonstrate faith to believe what He has said.

Asking questions shows that we are willing to seek God for answers. It demonstrates that we believe God exists and are interested in what He says. We do not have to be afraid to ask God any question. He is a loving and gracious God who wants to have a relationship with us. There are times when He answers specifically, but there are other times when He strengthens our faith to trust Him.

No matter what, as children of God, we know that Our Heavenly Father can always answer our questions. We must trust Him to do so in His way and time. Although we want to ask questions and get an audible answer right after we ask, God does not always respond that way.

There is one story in the Bible where a priest named Zechariah must have been praying for a child. When Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, came to announce that God had heard his prayer and was giving Zechariah and his wife a son, rather than celebrate the good news, the Bible says that Zechariah questioned the angel as if he did not believe the angel.

Pray and Ask Questions with Faith

Ultimately, when Zechariah asked the angel of the Lord for a sign, he received one. Zechariah’s question did not stop his blessing but delayed his ability to praise God for hearing his prayers. Zechariah was mute and unable to speak until after the child was born.

Let me be clear. Asking questions is not the opposite of faith, but if God sends His angel to announce that he has heard and is answering your prayers, we must choose to believe and walk in faith. That should be enough of a sign! It would have been better if Zechariah had responded in faith.

We must learn to trust whatever answer God does or does not give. While we can ask God questions, we must do so with an understanding that He is God, the Earth is His, and everything in it belongs to Him. We must also remember that He is a sovereign God and does not owe us an explanation. He is not our equal. We know that God is perfect, loving, and all-knowing. He will work everything out for us. Even though we would like God to explain how everything will work out, He does not work that way. We have to trust Him.

Isaiah 55:8-9 Scripture

How Does God Answer Our Questions?

When we have questions, we know to pray, but how does God answer our questions? He may speak through His Word, other people, or our experiences. God answers prayers in His own time, and we must trust that He always works for our good, even when we don’t understand His ways. We must be persistent and never give up on praying for answers. As we keep praying and seeking God, He will eventually answer our prayers in His perfect timing.

To answer our questions, God will sometimes lead us to the Bible, which is full of wisdom and guidance. The answer we need may be a scripture or a sermon from the Bible. When facing a decision, we can ask God to show us what He has to say in the Bible. God will often lead us this way, or He will usually confirm answers by using His Word so that we are sure the response is from Him.

The importance of God's Scripture when asking God Questions

God may speak to us through the people He has placed in our lives. When we struggle with decisions or have questions, God may speak to us through others, such as a trusted friend, family member, or pastor. He can also have a perfect stranger cross our path and tell us something that answers our prayers. Others may be able to offer insight and wisdom that we didn’t have before. We must pray first and after to ensure that the information is from God. God’s answers will never differ from those consistent with His Word or character.

Lastly, God may answer our questions directly through our own experience. Sometimes, He responds by giving us experiences that teach us what we need to know. For example, if you are wondering if you should move to a new city, God may lead you to meet someone who can tell you about their experiences. He can give you a dream or vision or speak directly to Your heart in an undeniably God way. We serve a powerful, loving God who knows how to get our attention.

Let’s Pray and Ask God Our Questions

We must be faithful, vigilant, and patient when we pray and ask Him questions. When we approach God with a question, it’s important to remember that He knows what we need and is always willing to provide an answer. Asking God a question and being open to whatever solution He may give us is a great way to stay connected to Him and open up other opportunities for growth and development. Let’s pray and ask God our questions today.

A Prayer To Ask God Questions
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does God Think Of Our Self-Reliance?

What Does God Think Of Our Self-Reliance?

As we say goodbye to a year, we must re-evaluate our plans, purpose, and goals. We usually make resolutions to better ourselves at the beginning of the new year. The world tells us we reach our goals with self-motivation and self-discipline, but is that true for Christians? What does God think of our self-reliance?

What Does God Think Of Our Self-Reliance

During the pandemic, I was at home more, and now I am unhappy with the extra pounds and flabby muscles resulting from a more sedentary lifestyle. I want to get active and healthier this year. Like many women I know, I would like to shed some pounds.

I would also like to improve my time management, which has become more difficult during the pandemic. The kids are more at home during the daytime, and my schedule is off. As I ponder what to do, I get discouraged because I do not know where to start. Since it is winter and there are still pandemic restrictions, I don’t know what to do.

I questioned my self-motivation, self-discipline, and ability to get in shape, so I asked God to help me. As I prayed, God faithfully answered with a loving response that instantly brought peace to my heart, and I pray it is a blessing to others. I believe God waits for us to stop trying to do things ourselves. Words like willpower and self-reliance do not seem valuable to our Heavenly Father, who invites us to see things from His perspective.

Self-reliance scripture 2 Corinthians 3:5 ESV

Self-Reliance Defined

Our society values and emphasizes words like independence, self-determined, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance. The definition of self-reliance is “reliance on one’s powers and resources rather than those of others.” Humans tend to think that doing something on their own is admirable. We strive to be independent, driven, hard-working, and focused. These are good traits, but we must remember that there is a limit to what we can accomplish on our own, and ultimately, we reach the end of our abilities.

Although we live in this world, we should always strive to see things as God sees them. We must be careful to distinguish and develop a God view as God’s perspective often clashes with the prevailing worldviews in our society. Everything we do as Christians should line up with the Word of God, the Bible. Although celebrated by most, self-reliance is a worldview and not a God-view because it forgets that God.

Choose To Rely On God and Not Yourself

Self-Reliance and God-Given Talents

We must be careful when we celebrate our talents. For example, if we have giftedness in an area, we can quickly become lifted in pride. Similarly, if we meet someone skilled at something, we sometimes try to hold that person up in high regard, forgetting that all good gifts come from God (James 1:17 KJV). It can be easy to forget that even when someone is talented, their ability is limited. 

God has called us to be His children, and He has called us to be His sheep. Children and sheep are both dependent on others. No one ever describes children or sheep as being self-reliant. Self-reliance says, “I can do it myself.” God-reliance says, like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all through Christ who strengthens me.”

Self-reliance is relying on our limited powers and resources. God-reliance means depending on God’s limitless resources and abilities to help us in every situation. 

Definition of God Reliance and self-reliance

Self-Reliance In The Bible

The Bible is full of stories where people try to be self-reliant instead of obeying God’s commands or waiting for His promises to manifest. One example of self-reliance is King Saul, the first king of Israel. When God first chose King Saul, he was humble but lost his humility as he experienced battle victories.

In 1 Samuel 13, we see that King Saul overstepped his boundaries and got out of order when he offered a sacrifice to God. Offering this sacrifice was not for King Saul to do but was a task given to Samuel, a prophet. In this chapter, King Saul offered the sacrifice because Samuel had not yet arrived, but Samuel came as soon as he had finished presenting the burnt offering.

Another time, Saul was disobedient on the battlefield. He did not destroy the enemy as commanded by God, which resulted in God rejecting Saul as king and ultimately anointing David as the next King of Isreal.

King Saul’s issue is that he stopped being humble, relied on what He thought was best, and failed to listen to God’s command. Self-reliance causes us to go it alone, which is not what God wants. As our Father, He wants to shield and protect us, but we must be willing to obey.

Strive For God-Reliance Instead of Self-Reliance

What Does god think of our Self-Reliance scripture

God does not see self-reliance as a virtue to reach toward; instead, He wants us to be God-reliant. God does not want us to be boastful about anything we receive from Him as a gift, nor does He want us to be envious of others. He wants the glory for all He has created and all the blessings He has freely given.

Self-reliance causes unnecessary stress and sorrow, but God-reliance results in peace. We carry a tremendous and unnecessary load when we feel responsible for everything. The Lord invites us to bring all of our burdens to Him. He wants our hopes, dreams, and even our New Year resolutions. He wants us to ask for His help in everything.

As we learn to turn to Him for everything, we surrender to His ability to work out our situation correctly. He can provide us with all of Heaven’s resources to help. Sometimes, He may even allow others to come alongside us and share our burden, but we will never realize God’s help if we are stuck in self-reliance.

God sent His son Jesus, who died on the cross, rose again, and sent His Holy Spirit to help us live this life. Rather than try to manage anything by ourselves, we can look to Jesus. He will give us wisdom. He will strengthen us to achieve whatever we set out to do, not because we are strong, but because He is strong.

Self-reliance John 15:5 NKJV

When we learn God-reliance rather than self-reliance, we are like a healthy branch growing fruit. Jesus tells us that we cannot live fruitful lives without living attached to God. In John 15:5, Jesus tells us that we can do nothing without Him. Two of the many fruits He can produce in our lives are peace and self-control. We must allow Him to help us bear fruit rather than rely on ourselves.

A Prayer For Turning From Self-Reliance to God-Reliance

As we review last year and press toward this next year, we must learn that we do not want to go it alone. God does not want us to. We should pray and ask God to help us with our goals and dreams. Imagine what would happen if we did. Let’s pray to turn from self-reliance to God-reliance.

A Prayer For Turning From Self-Reliance to God-Reliance
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What To Do When Trouble Comes

What To Do When Trouble Comes

If we live long enough, we will have our share of difficulties in this life. Grief, pain, broken relationships, sickness, and persecution are all examples of the problems that we can face. These trials are a part of the human experience. Jesus warns us, “In this world, you will have troubles” (John 16:33 NIV). Since it is not a question of “IF” but “WHEN” the difficulties will come, we must prepare and know what to do when trouble comes.

What to  do when trouble comes

There are many examples of trials and trouble in the Bible. A crisis can affect a country, a family, or an individual. Some difficulties hurt many people; for example, David and his men lost their wives and children because they were captured in a raid at Ziklag by a people called the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30:1-6 KJV). Some troubles only affect individuals and their families, like Job, who suffered when he lost everything (Job 1:13-22 NKJV).

As I’m writing this, some individuals in my neighborhood are experiencing grief and mourning the loss of their mother, who was a prominent figure in the community. Meanwhile, others are finding it difficult to cope with the rising prices of gas and groceries. It seems like many people are struggling with various issues, and I believe God is concerned about all of us.

Psalm 121:1-2 KJV

Jesus Taught Us What To Do When Trouble Comes

When Jesus went to the cross, the Bible says that he knew what he must do, but it caused agony, so much that he sweat tears of blood. The previously written prophecy stated that the Messiah would be beaten and crucified. Jesus knew all that would happen, which was troubling, so what did He do? He prayed and trusted God.

And he took with him Peter and James and John and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.” And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.

Mark 14:33-35 ESV

Jesus asked others to keep watch but ultimately had to pray alone. When Jesus prayed, he asked God to help. After asking in prayer, Jesus surrendered to the will of God in obedience and trust. He willingly endured being beaten and killed, knowing that the pain of the cross would bring us the joy of salvation.

Mark 14:36 ESV

As we look at the prayer that Jesus prayed, we see that Jesus acknowledges that God could remove the trouble because He states, “All things are possible for You.” Jesus’ words show that He is confident in God’s ability. He asks God to take the trouble away; perhaps he wishes there was another way. Finally, His “nevertheless” demonstrates that He surrenders to God’s method and will; even though it would not be easy, He trusted God.

Believe, Pray,, Trust

Trouble Will Come, Nevertheless

We will have trouble in this world. There will be times when we lose a loved one, and grief feels unbearable. Sometimes, we or someone we love has to fight sickness, which feels unfair. Other times, we may even step right into a pit of our own making and suffer the consequences of our mess. (I can hear my mom say something like, “You made your bed hard, and now you gotta lie in it.”) The beauty is that God promises to be with us no matter where we are. We will never be too far from his reach. He will help if we call on Him in our times of trouble.

Troubles come and go. Hopefully, as we overcome our difficulties, we grow closer to God and learn to trust Him more. It may be hard to have strength in times of trouble, but if we can only muster the faith to say, “God help me,” He will come to our side. He can and will assist us through our troubles.

Each time we go through problems, we have an opportunity to know God in a new and more profound way. God reminds us that as His children, we will never go through anything that He has not prepared a means of escape.

Scripture about temptation 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV

We must remember that this world is a product of sin. Because of sin, there will be troubles. Being a Christian does not exempt us from sadness or unwelcome pain. We can only take heart that God promises to be there with us. He will walk with us in the valley (Psalm 23). He will comfort us in our time of grief, and one day, He will take us home to a place without sadness.

Until God takes us home to live with him, He does not want us to be troubled but wants us to trust his ability to provide for us. We may go through troubles, but God wants us to have peace and not fear. No matter our difficulties, our response should be the same as Jesus’ at the cross. We should pray and ask God to help by acknowledging that God has the power and ability to change all situations. Lastly, we must be willing to accept God’s will as our own and trust His method. We must say what Jesus said, which is “Nevertheless.”

What does the Bible say about trouble

A Prayer to Deal With Trouble

When trouble comes, it sometimes feels like it catches us off guard. No matter what the situation, our first response should be to take our burdens to God in prayer. Our heavenly Father specializes in answering prayers. He can remove our troubles, but sometimes, He only strengthens us to help us make it through. When we come out on the other side, we must remember to thank God. Trouble will come and go as a cycle as we grow and continue to live this life. There will always be ups and downs on this side of Heaven. Let’s pray together for God’s help today.

A Prayer to deal with Trouble
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

How To Have Courage In All Situations

How To Have Courage In All Situations

Do you know how to have courage in all situations? Watching a father teach his daughter to ride her bike for the first time without training wheels reminded me that we must have courage in all situations. As I looked on, the Father gently told his daughter that she was ready and could do it. The Father explained that he would be right there to catch her if she began to fall.

The daughter was fearful and reluctant. Her Father lessened her uneasiness as he explained that we all get scared when doing something for the first time, but soon, with practice, it will be easy. He told her that the first step was to try and be surprised at how simple riding the bike might be.

How To Have Courage In All Situations

Looking up at her tall, strong Father, the little girl tried it. She was so unsteady at first. The Father held onto her bicycle seat and ran beside her. Then, as she got the hang of riding, he gently let go but still ran beside her. She did it! When she came to a stop, they were both smiling. Oh, what courage the little girl displayed and what patience her Father showed. Our Heavenly Father wants the same courage from us.

Our Heavenly Father Wants Us To Have Courage

As Christians, God is like the Father teaching his daughter to ride a bicycle. Equally, we often feel like the little girl when God calls us to do something we have never done. The task that the Father calls us to do can feel insurmountable. We may believe we are not ready, prepared, or strong enough. Fear tries to sneak in, but our Father encourages us to trust him. He calls out to each of us, telling us to have courage.

Our Heavenly Father wants us to have courage. He specifically asks us to have three different types of courage.

  • God wants us to have the courage to try.
  • God wants us to have the courage to stand.
  • God wants us to have the courage to fight.

Have the Courage to Try Something New

Sometimes, we experience God’s gentle nudge as He gives us the courage to try something new. I feel that God encouraged me to start this blog. When God calls us to do something new, it surprises us, and we may even prefer not to stretch out into an unfamiliar endeavor. Most people initially ignore it, thinking it is just an unction or a fleeting thought.

God’s persistence and insistence help us know He speaks to us in the Spirit. Thankfully, God is so patient that He gives us a chance to respond. He knows and understands that we may not know it is Him. We are often just learning to hear God when He speaks, so He gives us many opportunities to realize that it is His voice.

How To Have Courage In All Situations 2

Our Father gives us a choice to obey. He promises to bless obedience. God knows what is ahead, and our blessings are often one “yes” away, but we must choose to follow. It can sometimes feel hard to step out into the deep water God calls us into because the enemy brings so many negative thoughts.

Have the Courage to Stand

Sometimes, God calls us to stand. This year, I was led to be quiet at a time when things did not seem fair. I wanted to protest, speak up, and demand fairness. But God called me to stand rather than fight and let Him handle the situation.

In my case, God chose to interrupt my plans for a meeting. The meeting was all set, but the other people canceled it at the last minute. I had rehearsed what I would say and how I would say it for weeks, but now the meeting was set for almost another month away. Thankfully, in the long wait, I realized God’s plan was for me to cancel the appointment and let him work it out for me. In His wisdom, God knew that the meeting probably would not have gone well.

How To Have Courage in All Situtions Psalm-34:17

Imagine if you heard your child crying out for you as a parent. Wouldn’t you come running as soon as you knew they were hurting? Our Heavenly Father loves us and will come running to us. Sometimes, He will tell us to stand still, be silent, and let Him handle the situation. Occasionally, we must let go and let God fight our battles. We must run to God, pray, and cry out to Him.

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent

Exodus 14:14 ESV

Additionally, there are times when we must stand more actively. God instructs us to put on our armor and stand against the enemy. We have to be ready for the fight. For example, in our homes, we all must stand against any enemy that would come against us. Sometimes, our Christian values clash with popular opinion, and we must stand up for what is right. We have to resist the enemy and cause him to flee. We must take a stand for our faith.


Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

Have the Courage to Fight

In this world, we often feel we have to fight our way. Sometimes, we get ill and have to battle a disease. There may be a time when we must help our children or loved ones as they struggle with an illness. It takes courage because we have to fight fear. The enemy will attack our minds, but we must hold on to God’s words and be willing to fight.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Isaiah 41:10 KJV

Our bodies and minds are the most significant battles we have to fight. We must fight negative thoughts and the lure of sinful acts. For this reason, we all should stay connected to a church family so that we can call for others to pray with us and for us. Our churches should teach us how to properly use spiritual weapons and tools like God’s Word, prayer, fasting, giving, and praising God to defeat the enemy who wants to lure us into sin rather than see us rise to defeat him.


The truth is that we serve a God who helps us fight our battles. He has given us victory. He strengthens us. We are never alone; He won’t leave us wherever we go. The Bible says that nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39)

A Prayer To Have Courage

We must remember that all our hope and trust should be in God the Father through our faith in the Lord Jesus. As Christians, we must be willing to live obedient lives and be ready to have the courage to try something new or to step out in faith for the cause of Christ. We must be willing to have the courage to stand still and be quiet at times, but we also must have our armor on and be ready to fight the enemy of our souls with our spiritual weapons. Let’s pray and ask God to help us to have courage.

How To Have Courage in All Situations Prayer
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What To Do When Life Is Falling Apart?

What To Do When Life Is Falling Apart?

We can encounter unforeseen events that surprise us and leave us overwhelmed. Examples of such events include divorce, sudden illness, problems with our children, or losing a job. During these times, it can feel like our world is falling apart, and we may be unsure how to proceed.

What to do when life is falling apart

At some point in life, everyone experiences difficult times. Learning how to cope with such situations is crucial to avoid falling into despair. During these moments, it seems like the enemy is trying to make the pain even more unbearable by twisting the knife in our hearts.

Negative thoughts, such as fault and condemnation, may arise during challenging times. These thoughts may suggest that the situation is entirely your fault. Phrases like “This is all your fault,” “You should have seen this coming,” or “Things would have been different if you had…” are all examples of negative thoughts that may come from within. These thoughts aim to make you feel regretful, ashamed, and condemned. If we’re not careful, we may start to believe these thoughts and think that God is punishing us for our sins.

Seek The Peace of God When Life Is Falling Apart

When tough times come, God wants to give us peace. It is hard to understand that we could have peace when it feels like life is falling apart, but that is what the Bible says.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7 ESV

To help us remember what to do when it feels like life is falling apart, we need to think of the acronym PEACE.

PEACE Acronym When life is Falling Apart

Pray When It Feels Like Life Is Falling Apart

Our first step is to pray no matter what unexpected difficulty we face. The Bible tells us to pray continually. The enemy will try and discourage us from praying. One way that the enemy likes to stop us from praying is by condemning us and causing us to think that God is punishing us.

1 Peter 5:7 KJV

People will avoid prayer during difficult times if they believe God is punishing them. The Bible teaches that God does not cause our suffering. He is not punishing us. The enemy tries to make us feel like we deserve the situations we are facing. The enemy wants to condemn and shame us. He knows that if he is successful, we will be like Adam and Eve, hiding from God and not reaching out to Him.

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.

James 1:13 ESV

When we face a problematic situation, we should pray for understanding, peace, wisdom, and direction. God will help us. Even if we can not understand the situation, He will give us peace to know that we are not dealing with the circumstances alone. Anytime we ask God to provide us with wisdom and direct our paths, He will respond.

If Any Lack wisdom  ask God verse

Evaluate What the Bible Says

Secondly, when it feels like life is falling apart, we need to evaluate what the Bible says to find a story or scripture that relates. For example, when we face unexpected illness, we can find scriptures that discuss healing. When our children are not making wise decisions, we can take comfort in the story of the prodigal son. (Luke 15:11-32 NIV)

Scripture reminds us that God is all-powerful and can handle every situation. God does not cause our suffering, but He is always with us to help us through. He will comfort us and stay close to those who are hurting.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted scripture

Accept and Allow God To Help

God has promised to change us to make us more like Jesus. He promises to grow us. We may not always understand the process, but we must trust God with all of the details, no matter what. Even when we do not know what is happening, we have to rest on the scriptures that tell us that God has a plan.

Jeremiah 29:11

Choose To Have Faith

As Christians, we often speak of having faith. Defining faith can be difficult. We often define faith as hope, but faith is more robust. Faith is confidence. Faith knows that things will fall into place even when life falls apart. Faith is confident that God will gather the pieces even if life falls apart.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1 NIV

Encourage Yourself And Others

Praise God through the storm. While going through difficult times, you must find encouragement in God. He will bring you comfort, strength, and peace. Do not try to figure it all out whenever life falls apart, but pray and hold onto God’s promises.

Encourage yourself with worship music that reminds you of the better day that is coming. Pray continually and focus your mind on God’s promises. Find scriptures that you can use in your prayer time and those that are uplifting.

Scriptures of Encouragement when life falling apart Infographic

Whatever the situation, the hurt and pain will diminish, and God will help you. Trust and praise Him in advance and speak words of victory. When the difficulty passes, you must encourage someone else. We should always be willing to pray for others and share our testimony.

A Prayer For When Life Is Falling Apart

When life is falling apart, sometimes it is falling into place. We must trust God even when we are hurting. Pray and ask God to help. Below is a prayer for when life is falling apart. Pray it aloud or quietly from your heart, believing that God hears you and will answer.

 A prayer For When Life is falling apart

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New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Precisely How To Build Up Our Confidence

Precisely How To Build Up Our Confidence

At times, we come across individuals who exude self-assurance. They seem to navigate life easily, projecting confidence and a positive self-image, leaving us wondering how they manage to do it because we want to know how to build our confidence.

Confidence refers to a feeling of trust in one’s capabilities or the abilities of others. Most of us believe that we must rely on ourselves to succeed. We understand the need to overcome our fears and be confident in our skills and abilities, but often, we struggle to figure out how to build our confidence.

Precisely How To Build Up Our Confidence

Whenever we do something that we have done repeatedly, we gain a certain amount of confidence and feel more assured in our ability. Whenever we start something new, we have courage and a willingness to try, nothing else. The opposite occurs when we are doing something for the first time and unsure what to do or how to do it. When doing something for the first time, we feel shaky and uncertain, so how can we be confident? These three steps are precisely how to build up our confidence. We need to complete these three steps and complete them often.

  1. Resist negative thoughts and fear.
  2. Pray and have faith in God.
  3. Praise God for helping.

Build Confidence By Resisting Negative Thoughts and Fear

When I was completing my degree, the enemy attacked my confidence. I believe the enemy always tries to flood our minds with negative thoughts. When I was completing the last step of finishing my degree, I began to question whether I could write a dissertation, and fear grabbed me. “What if I couldn’t do it?” “What if I failed?” The enemy was working overtime, and my doubt increased every time I had my paper sent back to me with more corrections (which is just part of the process). Whenever the enemy attacks, we need to have a plan of defense. We should build confidence by resisting negative thoughts and fears and mustering the courage to try.

The best way to resist the negative thoughts of the enemy is by using God’s word to negate the enemy’s thoughts. For example, when the enemy causes you to doubt your ability, stand on the Word of God that says, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” If the enemy tells you that you are not strong enough or the battle is too difficult, stand on the word that says, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World” and “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” Speaking and reading positive scriptures help build our confidence and will help us resist negative thoughts and fear. We can say these scriptures aloud to the enemy to help remove negative thoughts and replace them with the positive message that God wants us to hear.

Confidence in What The Bible Says Infographic

Build Confidence By Praying and Having Faith in God

Prayer is our secret weapon, and we must remember to pray about everything. We should pray if we are starting something new or want to do something better. We must ask God to help us in every area of life. No matter how able we think we are, God stands ready to help us be even better. Imagine the kind of parent we could be with God’s help. We could be better parents, students, athletes, and even better Christians if we ask. We build confidence by praying and having faith in God. Each time we trust God, we gain more confidence in His ability and faithfulness.

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us

1 John 5:14 ESV

We must believe that God hears us and will answer our prayers when we pray. By praying, we demonstrate to God that we have faith in Him, not ourselves. God wants us to have trust and confidence to know that nothing is too hard for Him. While the world tells us that we must be self-confident, God wants Christians to demonstrate confidence in Him, which is faith. Faith is fundamental to God.

Impossible to please God without faith Hebrews 11:6 KJV

If we believe that we can accomplish something on our own, we won’t pray. Feeling that we do not need to pray is wrong, leading to pride and arrogance. God has clarified that He wants us to be humble and not prideful. When we realize that God is in control and that we may not do well without Him, we will humbly bow our heads in prayer.

Build Confidence By Praising God

After following the Bible’s steps to resist negative thoughts and fear and praying, the remaining step is to praise God. We praise God because we are confident in His ability. We praise Him for hearing our prayer and answering us in a way that He sees fit in His all-knowing and loving way. God wants us to be confident in His power and ability. We should strive to have God-confidence, superior to any self-confidence we can try to muster.

I wll praise thee with my whole heart

A Prayer For Starting Something New With Confidence

As we look ahead, I am sure many of us have goals and dreams we want to accomplish. Perhaps you want to start a new job or career, kick a bad habit, start a weight loss program, or return to school. It takes courage to take a step and try something new. The enemy will send fear and convince us we are not enough. The enemy wants us to believe we are not intelligent, wealthy, or young enough. Whatever lies the enemy throws our way, we must stand firm and dare to try. Next, we must pray.

Prayer is effective against the enemy, so he will attempt to convince us not to pray. The enemy wants us to rely on our limited strength rather than the unlimited potential of God. The enemy will make prayer seem too hard. Do not believe the enemy’s lies. As you read the prayer below, say it aloud or to yourself from your heart. Let these words become yours, but always feel free to add your own. Just remember to pray from your heart. Be blessed!

A Prayer For Starting Something New With Confidence

Inspirational Resources

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does it Really Mean to Trust God?

What Does it Really Mean to Trust God?

Christians often say, “Don’t worry, trust God,” but most of the time, we mean, “Be patient.” We understand that we must trust God’s timing, but many of us use this saying to keep praying while waiting for God to do what we want. When God asks us to trust Him, He asks us for more than our patience. So, what does it mean to trust God?

What Does it Really Mean to Trust God

As Christians, we know that we need to have faith and trust in God, but I am convinced that we do not fully understand what it means to trust God. The definition of trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. I believe that God wants to make this critical idea plain and simple.

If we trust in God, we must firmly believe in God’s ability and not our own. There are three critical areas in which we are to trust God.

  1. Trust God and His Wisdom
  2. Trust God and His Love
  3. Trust God and His Plan
Trust  God

Trust God and His Wisdom

Adam and Eve were privileged to have God walk with them. They could have trusted the wisdom of God and left the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil alone, but they did not. So here we are, still trying to get things right. We are all like Adam and Eve in that we struggle to obey. We are still trying to rely on our thoughts and understanding, but we must trust God and His wisdom.

If we trust God and His wisdom, there will be times when God’s intentions do not align with our thoughts and desires. Sometimes, we ask God for something and feel that He is not responding. God asks us to trust his wisdom, even when the answer is not what we think is best. We must trust God and His wisdom and timing by surrendering to Him and not holding on to what we think we know.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart Proverbs 3:5

We must accept that God knows much more than we do. Even when bad things happen, and we do not understand how God works, He asks us to trust. Imagine when Jesus died on the cross; our human minds would have seen this as the end, but in God’s wisdom, it was a new beginning. Through Jesus and the knowledge of God, we have the gift of salvation.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV

Trust God and His Plan

We must trust God and His plan. From the beginning of time, God had an idea. He had a plan for this world, Jesus, and us. God is asking us to trust Him. God’s ultimate plan is so good that we cannot imagine what God has in store for us.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV

No matter what today looks like, God can turn things around, suddenly or slowly. He can give you the desires of your heart or exceed your expectations. Trust Him and give Him the wheel, invite Him to work in your life, and help you live out His plan.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Trust God and His Love

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 KJV
cross and Bblle

Many of us may have heard the scripture: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). However, it’s essential that we let some of the words soak in and truly understand the depth of God’s love. He demonstrated His love for us even in times of pain and suffering. It can be easy to feel God’s love when things are going well, but we must learn to trust His love even amid pain and tears. Sometimes, He may work in ways we can’t understand, but we must hold onto our faith in Him and know that one day, He will wipe away all our tears.

A Prayer To Trust God

God calls us to trust His wisdom, plan, and love. Be careful not to rely on your blessings, such as your education, riches, and ability. Learn to depend on God. Here is a printable prayer to help you trust God. Read this prayer aloud or in your heart, and believe He hears you.

A prayer to trust God
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Procrastination and fear are two of the most common obstacles people face. They can keep us from achieving our goals and living our best lives. But there are ways to overcome them. We must learn the three main ways that the enemy sends procrastination and fear and how to combat them with the help of God.

As we go through the year, for many of us, there are always a few items we can’t quite check off our list. While it feels great to complete a project, sometimes it can be a struggle because we have not learned to stop procrastinating. Often, what causes us to procrastinate is fear. God will help us move forward and overcome procrastination and fear when we admit that we need help and ask. Simply put, it’s time to recognize these obstacles and equip ourselves to take action and realize our dreams.

Overcome Procrastination and Fear

We all have that “one thing” we must do this year. For some, it is to get healthy and kick some bad habits. To others, it is to go back to something, like school or church. The one thing that needs to change may involve starting something new, like a business or career. Whatever it is, I am here to encourage you as I motivate myself.

Procrastination and fear try to keep Christians from God’s blessings. As Christians, we must guard against procrastination and fear every time it occurs. The enemy wants us to avoid taking action by causing us to perceive that a task is too complex, time-consuming, or costly. When we know that God is pushing us to do something and not do it, we are not obedient. God will bless obedience, and He will help us when we try.

Overcome Procrastination

The tasks we try to avoid are probably the most important to our destiny and blessings. That is the reason the enemy is trying to stop us. The enemy wants to trap and convince us that we can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t succeed. We must learn how to overcome procrastination and fear. We must learn to take steps of faith rather than be paralyzed by procrastination and fear.

Every Accomplishment Begins with the Decision to Start

How the Enemy Sends Procrastination and Fear

There are three main ways that the enemy sends procrastination and fear. First, the enemy sends anxiety and doubt. The enemy tries to paralyze us with negative thoughts to stop us from taking a step in the right direction. I think of this type of procrastination as my “what if” trap.

When we look at only the negatives, such as “What if I do not do well?” or “What if I don’t get the job,” we can use these thoughts as the reason not to try. We have to look at the positive. We should think, “What if I succeed,” and “What if this opportunity is the answer to my prayers.” Positive thoughts are always better than negative ones.

Dont let doubt, anxiety, and negative thoughts keep you from your blessings

A second way to procrastinate is by having poor time management. Waiting and putting off tasks is easy when we have plenty of time. Sometimes, we falsely believe we have plenty of time, so we wait. Poor time management will cause us to misjudge how long a task will take.

Instead of thinking that a project will be quick, we sometimes envision the job as too time-consuming and complicated. If the tasks seem daunting, it is easy to find ourselves doing what we consider fun rather than taking the time to complete the job. The enemy sends distractors to keep us off-task and procrastinating.

I must work the works of him that sent me

Lastly, the third way the enemy causes procrastination is rooted in a lack of faith. Sometimes, we do not want to start something until we feel assured we will succeed. We must be willing to take a step when God nudges us, even when unsure of the outcome.

Overcome procrastination and trust God

Sometimes, we feel the urge to take action, but we may not understand its reason. However, we cannot wait until everything becomes clear. Instead, we should trust and believe that God is always with us. We should let God guide us in the right direction. When God asks us to step in faith, He may not reveal our entire path. Instead, He might show us only the next step we must take. If we wait for every detail, we are not walking in faith but procrastinating.

Be Blessed and Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Sometimes, God is trying to bless us, but the enemy is trying to block the blessing. The enemy loves to convince us that we can’t, but that is when we must dig deep. We must reach for God’s truths, not the enemy’s lies and discouragement. Taking faith will help us be blessed and overcome procrastination and fear.

Excuses or Blessings?

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Whether it is the beginning of a new year or not, we must pray as we begin a task to overcome procrastination and fear. Praying is a weapon to remind the enemy that we believe God is on our side. God’s grace and Spirit will help us be successful when we ask. Trust that God has been and will always be good to us.

Overcome procrastination A prayer for the new year
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson