The Best Way to Handle Work Stress

The Best Way to Handle Work Stress

Do you know how to handle work stress God’s way properly? I had to learn this year as I started a new school year. The beginning of every school year is always a little stressful, but this year, my job changed. Instead of providing speech services to just one elementary school, now, I travel and service two elementary schools. I am thankful to serve new students, meet new staff, and spread the love of Christ to new parents, but a job change can be stressful. No matter what, I know God wants me to live in faith, not fear. God does not want us to worry; He wants us to trust Him.


Handle Work Stress with Prayer and Trust in God

To handle work stress, we must pray. When we pray about work stress, we often want God to change the situation and relieve our stressors. Perhaps we work with a problematic person and want God to fix them. Rather than moving the mountain, God frequently wants to strengthen us so that we can handle the climb. Better yet, sometimes, God wants us to pray for that person and show His grace and mercy rather than move that person out of our path.

Choose-Faith-over-Fear for handling work stress

No matter what, we must trust God, obey His Word, and follow Jesus. We start by believing God is in control and always on our side. We must trust that God is bigger than any situation and believe that He will help in the way He sees best.

Handle Work Stress with Scriptures

Trust-God Obey His Word and Follow His son to handle work stress

God speaks to us through His word. As we say our prayers, God often brings scripture to mind to give us the strength we need. These scriptures help us handle work stress well.

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV

Dismayed is a word that appears in the Bible, meaning discouraged, disheartened, or depressed in spirit. God does not want us to fear or be dismayed. He wants us to know He goes before us and will not leave us. God is there with us wherever we go and will help us handle work stress or whatever we face. He is our biggest cheerleader and fan.

 Scripture for handing work stress

God commands us to be strong. That means we can not let anything like work stressors cause us to be frightened, worried, or distressed. Whenever we are tempted to worry, we must remember and find comfort in knowing God is always with us.

Handle Work Stress Joyfully

As Christians, we should always choose joy. After praying and meditating on God’s word, we must remember to handle work stress joyfully. Working around stressed and overworked people makes it easy to notice those who manage to keep it all together with a smile.

I choose to Radiate Positivity to handle work stress

If you are like me, you try not to spend too much time on those who spend every day complaining and whining. It is because it tends to begin to pull you down. Work is where we spend lots of time, but we should want to stay positive. There may always be something to complain about at work, but what good does that do?

A Prayer To Handle Work Stress

When fellow workers see Christians acting less than favorable, it can cause others to question our faith. We have to speak words of hope in every situation. Believe that if God says He is there with you, He is. Believe that whatever the work stress is, it will pass. Pray in faith and permit God to fix the situation however he considers best.

A prayer to Handle work stress
A Prayer to Handle Work Stress

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