Four Lies From The Enemy About Loneliness

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I am now happily married with children at home, but there have been times when I felt lonely as a single and married woman. Loneliness doesn’t care if you are married or single. It is also not defined by whether or not you have children. Loneliness is a condition of the heart and mind, and God does not want us to believe the lies from the enemy about loneliness. I prayerfully write this post out of concern for those who are feeling extreme loneliness right now.


Our feelings must be dealt with as the enemy can use loneliness as a springboard for many dark paths, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and stress. If left unchecked, we may find ourselves vulnerable to sin as we try to justify sinful behavior such as promiscuity, addictions, or being involved in unhealthy relationships.

We are currently isolated during the shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We must stay in our homes and not even have contact with extended family members. Separation is difficult for people who are otherwise “social butterflies.” It is also difficult for those who are elderly and now find that no one can visit. In this challenging time, we suffer isolation from our friends, families, coworkers, and church families.

lion lies in grass

We are like little unsuspecting sheep grazing in the pasture. The enemy waits for us to get off to ourselves because we are easy prey. As our minds wander, the enemy will try to come in and fill us with several lies. The reason the enemy tells lies is that he wants to cause us to wallow in loneliness. The enemy is after our peace, hearts, and minds. Let’s look at four of the enemy’s great lies and combat them with God’s truth.

  1. The Enemy Lies by Telling Us That No One Understands
  2. The Enemy Lies by Telling Us That No One Cares
  3. The Enemy Lies By Telling Us That God’s Word Is Not True
  4. The Enemy Lies By Telling Us That The Situation Is Hopeless

The Enemy Lies by Telling Us That No One Understands

As we find ourselves isolated from others, the enemy likes to make us feel that our situation is unlike anyone else’s and that others will not understand what we are going through. Singles may feel like everyone else in the whole world is married. Women who do not have children may feel like everyone else has children and would not understand them or the situation.

The enemy lies by telling us that no one understands because he wants us to isolate ourselves from others, grow cold toward them, and refuse to share how we feel. If we know someone going through a similar situation, the enemy may try to convince us that that person is different from us somehow. The enemy knows that if we share our feelings with others, such as family or friends, they may offer to pray with us or become a needed support system.

Bow in prayer at a church

More importantly, the enemy knows that when you bow your head in prayer to God and ask Him to help, He will. God fully understands our hearts. He knows our thoughts and feelings. Our Heavenly Father waits for us to come to Him in prayer. He will listen and help.

In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

Psalm 18:6 KJV

The Enemy Lies by Telling Us That No One Cares

The enemy will work hard to keep us away from others. The enemy lies by telling us that no one cares. He wants to contribute to our feelings of isolation with negative thoughts that cause us to become more and more inclined to stay by ourselves and become depressed.

God is our refuge and strength even when we feel loneliness

When we feel this way, we must draw close to God because he cares for us. God has told us that he will be with us no matter what. He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). All we have to do is to come to Him.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

1 Peter 5:7 KJV

The Enemy Lies By Telling Us That God’s Word Is Not True

Ever since the days of Adam and Eve, the enemy has challenged God’s words. Satan knows what the Bible says, but the enemy lies by telling us that God’s Word is inaccurate. He opens the door to doubt if the enemy can get us to question any part of the Word.

The serpent caught Eve alone, challenged God’s words, and caused Eve to question what God said (Genesis 3:1-5 KJV). The enemy continues to work this way today. He waits until there is isolation from our prayer partners and church family members, and then he tries to convince us that there is some way of being a child of God and sinning “just a little.” 

Lies From The Enemy About Loneliness 2

If we open our ears to the enemy, we can fall prey to his untruths. The enemy wants us to doubt God’s goodness and willingness to help. He wants to diminish the risks of sin and increase its lure so that he can lead us right into his trap. We can not entertain thoughts from the enemy.

The Enemy Lies By Telling Us That The Situation Is Hopeless

Sometimes, we find ourselves caught in the enemy’s web. If we sin, the enemy will quickly try to condemn us. The enemy will point figures at us and try to convince us that we do not deserve forgiveness. The enemy lies by telling us that the situation is hopeless.

The enemy attacks our minds and tries to cause us to fall into despair. Peace comes from God, and the enemy wants to rob us. God wants to give us peace that surpasses our understanding, but we must not let the enemy steal the joy that God gives. The enemy is attacking us to get to our hearts and minds. We cannot fall into despair.

Four Lies of the Enemy about loneliness Scripture

How To Combat Loneliness and Find Peace

As we go through life and experience moments or seasons of loneliness, we need to trust God and come to him. We must know the enemy’s schemes and heed the warning signs when our peace and joy are attacked.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 NIV

The Bible warns us that we will have trouble in this world but commands us not to be afraid because Jesus has already overcome it. This world is not our heavenly home, and there will be some tough times along the way, but our best weapons against loneliness and attacks on our peace are listening or reading Bible scriptures, worshiping, and praying. All of these actions bring us into the presence of God, which is where we need to be, especially when the enemy is trying to attack our hearts and minds.

Open bible

The Bible is full of scriptures that will help us. God’s Word reminds us that, despite our feelings of loneliness, we are not alone. The Bible will remind us that we serve a loving God, and He wants a relationship with us. As His children, we are never alone.

There is a fullness of joy when we are in God’s presence. We must fight the enemy for our peace and decide not to follow his luring and temptations. When we go through difficulty, we need the presence of God to lift us. We can find the presence of God in his Word, and we can also find closeness to God in worship and prayer.

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Psalm 16:11 KJV

A Prayer To Deal With Feelings Of Loneliness

As we pray to God, we acknowledge He is all we need. Praying to God is a declaration of our faith and says that we believe God can and will help. Don’t fear, don’t fall into despair, stay encouraged, and call out to God in prayer.

A Prayer To Fight Loneliness
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

About Krystal Simpson

Krystal R. Simpson encourages women to live joyfully and victoriously. Krystal challenges women to follow God in total surrender, to learn from the Bible, and to pray about everything. Click here to get the FREE 7 Simple Ways to Live Joyfully Every Single Day, Starting Today!

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