Let Your Light Shine in the Darkness

Let Your Light Shine In The Darkness

Christians must be a guiding light for others, but how can we effectively let our light shine in the darkness without appearing overly assertive in our faith? As disciples of Christ, it is our responsibility to lead by example and inspire others so that we show them the way. However, expressing our faith without appearing forceful or pushy can be challenging. How do we remain true to our convictions while also respecting the opinions and beliefs of others? One way to approach this challenge is to compare our role to that of a lighthouse. By doing so, we can better understand our duty to let our light shine without imposing our beliefs on others.

Let Your Light Shine Like a Lighthouse

When we wholeheartedly devote ourselves to walking with God and following Jesus, we may be excited and desire to share the happiness and tranquility we have discovered. However, we should exercise caution and avoid being too forceful, as this may have the opposite effect and repel others instead of drawing them in.

Be The Light

Sometimes, people distance themselves from God, the church, or Christians because they may perceive our enthusiasm as overwhelming or pushy. Therefore, we should be cautious and not drive others away from the love of God instead of leading them to Jesus. We must strike a balance between being a source of guidance and respecting the diverse paths of others.

Many people avoid God or church because they perceive them as unforgiving and judgmental. Sometimes, we unintentionally come across as overly critical in our enthusiasm to explain Christian values or beliefs, which can result in people thinking that God is angry with them, their situations are hopeless, or worse, that God is punishing them for the mistakes they have made.

As Christians, it doesn’t mean we should keep our faith to ourselves. We should strive to be like a lighthouse by shining the light of Jesus to others. Our light should be bright enough to brighten up our homes and our city. It should also serve as a guide to point others towards our heavenly Father. Like a lighthouse, we must stand firm and tall, providing a steady beam of light to lead those lost in the turbulent sea of life. Our approach should be gentle and illuminating rather than forceful or demanding. There are three similarities between being a Christian and a lighthouse.

  • A lighthouse shines and gives hope.
  •  A lighthouse is trusted to stand alone.
  •  A lighthouse is well-constructed and built to last.
Let Your Light Shine as Hope for Others

A Lighthouse Shines and Gives Hope

Imagine the lighthouse beaming its steady light through stormy nights. It doesn’t judge the ships caught in the waves but offers a reliable beacon of hope, a guiding point in the darkness. We can embody that same unwavering presence, offering a safe harbor of compassion and understanding for those navigating their journeys.

As Christians, it’s essential to remember that the lighthouse tower cannot save people but can emit an intense light to guide ships. In the same way, our lives are like ships on the sea of life, and the role of the lighthouse is to shine the light that offers hope to those searching for it. As Christians, we must allow the light of Christ to shine in our lives. Our responsibility is to be a beacon while leaving the task of salvation to Jesus alone, as He is the only one who can bring about salvation.

We must remember Jesus himself spoke in parables and stories, inviting people to discover the truth for themselves rather than dictating it. We can embrace this approach, too, sharing our experiences and values in a way that resonates with hearts rather than bombards minds.

Let your light shine before men,

A Lighthouse is Trusted to Stand Alone

Imagine a lighthouse standing alone in the distance, appearing isolated. As believers in Christ, we may sometimes feel alone, but we must remember that we are never truly alone. We must remain vigilant like a lighthouse constantly scanning the horizon for distressed ships. Christians should always be watchful and attentive to those around them, ready to offer guidance and support.

Christians should remain unwavering in their beliefs, providing stability and comfort during life’s difficulties. Christians represent Christ even when those around them do not. It is essential to confidently share our faith with humility, letting our light shine through our actions and character.

We must remain steadfast in our faith, no matter our challenges. Like a lighthouse that endures the same storms as the ships it guides, the rock anchors the lighthouse and the Christian’s life. Through thick and thin, the lighthouse remains a beacon, a testament to its purpose. Similarly, Christians persevere through trials and tribulations, their faith constantly witnessing hope and stability.

Be Light

Although the lighthouse may appear alone, its foundation anchors it against the fiercest storms. A Christian’s faith serves as their unwavering foundation. Scripture, prayer, and personal conviction provide the spiritual strength to endure life’s challenges. Unlike traditional lighthouses, Jesus fuels the Christian light rather than earthly resources. Our light should reflect God’s love, an eternal flame that shines regardless of external circumstances.

A Lighthouse is Well Constructed and Built to Last

Christians whose lives are grounded in faith and whose character is above reproach are like well-constructed lighthouses. However, we must always allow Christ Jesus, the engineer of our lives, to perfect us and our light so we don’t lead someone astray. Just like a lighthouse guides future generations, so do Christians leave a lasting impact through their actions, inspiring others to carry the torch of faith and love.

We must strive to leave a positive impact on the lives of others in our families, churches, cities, towns, and workplaces. To do this, we must constantly adapt to our changing world and embrace growth through learning, reflection, and service, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us. As Christians in a changing world, we must refine our light continuously to illuminate the world more effectively.

Give Light to all of the House Bible verse

It’s not about pushing our beliefs onto others but inspiring and guiding them to find their faith journey. We must let our light shine and be a beacon of hope and love for all those who may need it. If we have opportunities to talk about our faith with others, we should only do so when they show interest, and we should use kind and respectful language.

The main thing is to focus on understanding and getting to know the other person rather than trying to persuade them to agree with us. We must listen well, ask thoughtful questions, and show that we genuinely care about them. Doing so can build bridges of love and connection with others.

As Christians, we must remember that the storms come, but they also go. Never lose hope. God has us in the palm of his hand. He has fully equipped us to stand and not fail. Although we may not feel ready for the storm, God has provided us with His strength through His Word and covers us with His mighty hand and spiritual armor.

We must faithfully stand so that we give consistent light. We should stand with our lights shining, and we should always be ready to share the love and message of the Lord with others.

We must examine our lives and honestly ask ourselves whether we let our light shine like a lighthouse. Our lives mustn’t lead others astray, even during crises or chaotic times. As a lighthouse, we should bring peace and a reminder that there is a place of safety, even when we feel like we can not find it.

A Prayer For Peace And Brotherly Love

Christians must learn to let their light shine in the darkness. The enemy wants to dim the light of Christians. We must shine our light even when surrounded by darkness. The enemy may try to discourage us by reminding us of past hurts, stigma, or negative experiences. He wants to limit our ability to spread the Word of God and the light of His love. We should not let the enemy win. We must ask God to bring peace and brotherly love, especially during these dark times in the world and our nation. Let us be the lighthouse others search for and continue to stand for what is right.

A Prayer For Peace and Brotherly Love

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does Walking With God Really Mean?

What Does Walking With God Really Mean?

The phrase “walking with God” is used in the Bible to describe a close, intimate relationship with God. It is essential to understand that walking with God is a journey, not a destination, and is not without trials and troubles. It is a lifelong process of growing closer to God and learning to live according to His will. Walking with God may not always be easy, but when we allow Him to, no matter what ups and downs we face, God will walk with us, guide, protect, and provide for us.

What Does Walking With God Really Mean?

There will be times when we experience great joy and peace as we walk with God. We will feel His presence in our lives and know He guides us. There will also be times when we experience pain and suffering. We may feel lost and alone and question why God allows these things to happen. Remembering that God is with us during the good and the bad times is essential. He loves us, and He wants what is best for us. As we continue to grow in our faith and knowledge of God, we learn that He may not always answer our prayers the way we want, but He will always work things out for our good. As we walk with God, we will better understand His will and purpose for our life, but what does walking with God really mean?

How to Walk With God

Knowing how to walk with God is crucial because it leads to peace and assurance that we are never alone. Walking with God and moving forward with Him means spending time with Him. When we spend time with God in specific ways, we learn to stride with Him. Being in stride allows our steps to follow His desires for our lives. We want to see everything from God’s perspective and standards and walk so that our lives stay hidden in God. When we walk with God, we strive to be in sync as we move in the same direction and instep with His plans. There are four critical things to do to walk with God:

  • Pray and spend time in His presence.
  • Read the Bible and learn more about Him.
  • Obey and do what He asks you to do.
  • Trust Him and obey Him.
This is the way walk in it scripture

Walk With God By Spending Time in Prayer

Although we can do several things to ensure we walk and stride with God. The most impactful thing to do is to communicate with Him through prayer. As we begin our mornings and throughout our day, we should pray to ask God to lead us and guide us. Praying invites God into our lives. When we pray, we communicate what is on our hearts, but when we take the time to sit quietly and spend time in God’s presence, praying also becomes a time for God to speak to us about what is on His heart and, more specifically, what we can do to support His plans.

God will not force us to listen. Most of the time, the Heavenly Father will not yell over the busyness of our lives. Instead, He waits for us to find time to pray with Him. God wants us to prioritize our time with Him. Only when we do will we be able to hear His still, small voice. We need to listen to the Father’s voice to seek His guidance. If we feel that we have been too busy to hear from God, it may be time to add fasting to our prayers.  

When we add fasting to our prayers, we give up food and instead draw near to God, allowing Him to satisfy us. In the Bible, God’s people often fasted immediately before a major victory, miracle, or answer to prayer. Fasting and praying are essential. Together, they prepare us for a blessing because they help us hear God better. 

Walk With God By Reading the Bible

The second most important thing we can do to walk with God is read the Bible and learn more about His character and will. We understand more about God, his Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit when we read and study God’s Word. Additionally, we learn from the examples of all the people in the Bible.

Your Word Is A Lamp To My Feet verse

We must evaluate the lives of the different characters in the Bible to learn what it means to walk with God. As we read the stories of Biblical characters, we will see that while some walked with God successfully, others did not. We can learn from these successes and failures to clearly understand what it means to walk with God.

There was a man named Enoch who walked so successfully with God that the Bible states, “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him (Genesis 5:24 ESV).” We understand this verse to mean that Enoch did not die a normal death but was taken by God because he walked with Him.

Walk With God By Obeying

Third, we must obey God. We must follow God’s commands and live according to His standards, but we must also learn to hear God’s voice so that we can listen and obey when He directs us toward His purpose. God will call us to do something, go somewhere, or do something, and we must “have ears to hear” and be willing to obey his voice. 

Walking with God is a discipline. It is not a push-and-pull relationship. It is not a matter of us trying to force God to do our will or of God trying to force us to do His will. Walking with God is not running ahead of Him and then wondering where He is, nor is it waiting until we have a clear revelation regarding how everything will work out. Instead, walking with God is a relationship of listening and obeying because we trust God

Walking with God is not running ahead of him

Countless stories exist in the Bible to remind us about the importance of obedience. A big fish swallowed Jonah (Jonah 1 ESV), King Saul lost his throne (1 Samuel 13 ESV), and Moses was forbidden to go into the Promised Land (Numbers 20 ESV) because Moses did not correctly carry out God’s directions.

Walk With God By Trusting and Surrendering

Walking with God is a journey of surrender. It requires letting go of our control and allowing God to lead us by His Spirit. When we walk with God, we trust He knows what is best for us, even when we don’t understand it, and we surrender to His will by allowing Him to lead us in the way He wants. Although we may have our own opinions or desires, we willingly put those aside and follow God’s leading, even if it is not what we would have chosen.

Walk By Faith Not By Sight Verse

Walking with God is a journey of faith. It is a journey of trusting that our Father is good, loves us, and has a plan for our lives. It is not always easy to walk with God. There will be times when we question His leading. We may feel lost, alone, or uncertain, but we must keep walking by faith. We must trust and surrender, knowing that God will always lead us correctly.

The Benefits of Walking With God

Walking with God, we feel His peace, guidance, strength, and hope. We can also experience the joy of knowing that we are fulfilling His purpose. This peace we gain when we walk with God is not the absence of trouble but the presence of God. It is a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

As we walk with God, He will guide us and help us navigate life. He will show us the right path and help us make wise decisions. God will give us the strength to face the challenges of life. He will be our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). He will also give us hope for the future because God promises He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Walking with God through the ups and downs of life is not always easy, but it is always worth it. When we walk with God, we can experience His peace, joy, and hope. We can also share the satisfaction of living according to His will. Let’s pray together now and ask God to help us walk in sync with Him.

A Prayer To Improve Our Walk With God

No matter whether you are a new Christian or a more mature one. We must constantly maintain our walk with God. Praying and asking god to help us stay in sync with his steps is essential. He loves us, and he will help with whatever we need. Let’s pray to improve our walk with God.

A Prayer To Improve Our Walk With God 1

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does The Bible Say About Judging?

What Does The Bible Say About Judging?

Often, we hear people complain about feeling judged by fellow Christians and the Christian community, but what does the Bible say about judging? As I prayed and asked God about this blog post, I asked Him to give me a proper understanding of judging and judgment. As Christians, we should want to live life in a way that pleases God and encourages others to learn more about Him and His son, Jesus, but if we are not careful, we can become a stumbling block, meaning we can stand in the way of someone’s salvation.

What Does the Bible Say About Judging?

Judging and passing judgment have become a little controversial. The issue is that some people think they are permitted to judge by the Bible scripture in John 7:24, which states, “Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment.” This scripture has led some to believe it is alright to judge if they do so correctly. 

I am concerned that too many Scriptures state “judge not” or “there is only one judge.” I believe that when we do not understand something, we must pray and ask God for Wisdom. He promises to help us understand everything from His perspective by taking us to His Word. We can learn by studying the Scriptures and examining Jesus’s life.

Some may disagree with me because now that they have experienced salvation, they feel justified in judging or passing judgment on others. Some Christians may believe they must confront others who may not be doing everything just so. These Christians want to be sure and tell others about themselves, but the Bible cautions us. We should scrutinize two things:

  1. What does the Bible say about judging and judgment?
  2. What did Christ do when faced with the opportunity to pass judgment?
Judge Not

What Does Judging Others Mean?

There is a vast difference in the Bible between judging ourselves and judging others. Whenever we see anything in the Bible about judging others, we often find the words “do not” next to them. Unfortunately, as Christians, we can unwisely and incorrectly pass judgment on others if we are not careful.

Judging others has a negative connotation and means to make a conclusion, render a verdict, or declare someone’s worth or worthiness. It implies that you, as a human, have all the information to make a correct judgment and that your opinion aligns perfectly with God’s assessment of a person or their situation. 

Judging Others Leads To Becoming Judgemental

The problem with judging is that when we judge, we place ourselves higher than others and assume that we are more morally correct than someone else. Worst still, we ultimately forget that God sent His son Jesus to save us in his mercy and loving kindness. We must never forget what God did for us. God extended a gift to us in His mercy that we did not deserve. Our thankfulness should lead us to gently and lovingly extend the opportunity to others.

Another problem with judging others is that we become judgmental and often can not see the whole picture. We do not understand the events that led to a person’s current situation, nor can we know how God plans to use the person’s life in the future as a testimony of His goodness and mercy.

Don't Be Judgmental by Judging Others

The Bible explains that we can not understand why things happen based on whether a person sins. Humans can become judgmental by incorrectly judging that a person’s condition results from sin, which can be hurtful. An example of this malicious behavior is in the story of Job, whose friends assumed that he had sinned when he fell on hard times.

A similar story exists about a blind man in John 9. In this story, as Jesus heals the blind man, the disciples ask Him who sinned to cause the man to be born blind. Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.

What Should We Do To Stop Judging

As we journey through life, we will make mistakes and get off track. Whether we make intentional or unintentional mistakes, we should pray and repent as soon as we recognize our errors. When we self-examine, we can realize our errors faster and quickly find forgiveness, love, mercy, restoration, and gentleness. Learning how much we rely on forgiveness can help us know to stop judging others.

As we recognize that we are all flawed humans, we can hopefully begin to see that everyone needs grace and forgiveness often. The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23); therefore, forgiveness, grace, and love are not just some things to obtain but also something to give to others. We may feel our sins are not as bad as someone else’s, but God does not view sin this way. The Bible says all our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). We are only made righteous based on what Jesus did on the cross, and He died for absolutely every sinner. We would be wrong to accept the gift of salvation but withhold it from others because we judge others as being “too much of a sinner.”

Titus Scripture to Remind Us To Stop Judging Others

We must always remain mindful of all God has saved and delivered us from. We were once foolish and disobedient, but Jesus saved us. If we meet someone who has not experienced salvation, we can not get so lifted in pride that we forget our past. We mustn’t speak to others in a condescending or judging way. Instead, we must allow others to see the kindness and love of God so that He can save them just as he did us.

Our job is not to be a bully, not to be mean, and not to be hateful, but to allow our light to shine and to be ready with an answer when someone asks for a reason we have hope and joy. Just as the Lord delivered and helped us find peace and joy, He wants to do that for others. God depends on us to listen to His voice to reconcile others to Christ, not run them away from His love.

Jesus Shows Us How To Offer Restoration Instead Of Judging

The Bible states that God sent His son Jesus not to condemn or judge the world but so that we could be saved through Him (John 3:17). There were times when Jesus could have sentenced someone for their wrong, but he did not do it. Instead, he showed us how to bear each other’s burdens in love. He showed us by example how to offer forgiveness and salvation.

One of the best illustrations of restoration in the Bible is when the crowd expects Jesus to condemn a woman caught in the act of adultery. She was guilty of sin, and according to the law, she deserved stoning. The crowd demanded an answer from Jesus about what to do. According to the Bible, in this story, rather than cast judgment, Jesus invited those who wanted to exact punishment first to examine their own lives.

Jesus Offers Restoration

Jesus loves every sinner the same way He loves each of us. He does not want any person to perish. While the Lord does not condone wrong, He came to Earth to save us, and He does so individually. My issues and propensity to sin may be different than yours. You may have weaknesses that differ from mine, but we all need His forgiveness.

In Galatians 6:1-2, Jesus commands that if a brother commits any transgressions, we who are spiritual (children of God, filled with the Spirit) should restore them in a spirit of gentleness. Jesus shows us this by example when he lovingly allowed the adulterous woman, you and me, the ability to be free from sin and its consequences that cause both shame and guilt. Instead of giving each of us what we rightfully deserve, He allowed us to experience love, forgiveness, and an opportunity to change our lives by faith.

Now that we are on the right road, Jesus wants us to help bring back a sinner from his wanderings (James 5:20 ESV). We must bear each other’s burdens and show one another love, mercy, forgiveness, and patience.

Jusus Is Our Judge

Judgment Will Come

The Bible states that there will come a time of judgment. We will give an account of how we lived and followed the Word of the Lord. The Bible says that each of us will one day die. After we die, there will be a judgment for each of us (Hebrews 9:27). In 2 Corinthians 5:10, the Bible explicitly states that “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil .” 

When we reach the end of our lives, we will answer Jesus regarding how we lived. I imagine we will answer questions regarding whether we accepted His gift of salvation, how we treated others, and how we spoke to others. The Bible says that on the day of judgment, people will account for every careless word they spoke (Matthew 12:16), and we are warned not to judge others.

Jesus Will Judge When He Returns

We know that Jesus will judge us because John 5:22 says, “The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son.” It also tells us that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess to God (Romans 14:10-12). As we stand before Jesus, the Spirit will bear witness that we are children of God (Romans 8:16), and Jesus will see our name written in His book of life (Revelation 20:11-15).

We will each want to stand before Jesus, claiming as Paul did when he said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day.” (2 Tim. 4:7–8.)

I pray that we all live our lives in such a way that when we get to the end of our lives or when Jesus returns, we each get to hear Him say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matt. 25:21.) 

A Prayer to Help Us With Judging And Being Judgmental

We do not want something like judging others to stop us from seeing what good things God has in store for those who love Him. Let’s pray and ask God to help us not to judge others or be judgmental. Let’s ask Him to help us treat people the way He would want us to treat them, with love and grace.

A Prayer To Help Us With Judging
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Understanding What Christ-Like Love Really Means

Understanding What Christ-Like Love Really Means

Growing up, I heard sayings such as, “You can catch more flies with honey.” I guess people may not say things like this as often these days, but I prayed and asked God to help me know what to write in today’s blog. He impressed upon me to write about love. Love is essential to the Christian walk. As believers, we must remember that our expressions of love will help lead others to God. How we love should line up with Christ’s teachings in the Bible. If we possess a sweet, genuine love from God, it will attract and not deter, but to do that, we must fully understand what it means to have a Christ-like love.

Understanding what Christ-like love really means

As we learn what the Bible says and apply it to our lives, it is easy for Christians to forget that He loved each of us first, even while we were sinners and a mess. Many well-meaning Christians who are zealous for Christ can fall into the enemy’s trap and forget that it is not our job to judge or condemn others but to love them. As divided as our world can be, we must remember that God’s Word calls us to love.

Love is mentioned so many times in the scriptures. The Bible specifically talks about loving God, mother, brother, neighbor, and enemies. Let’s carefully examine what the Bible says about who we should love and then pray to ask God to show us how to love as He would have us.

Christ-Like Love For God

Scripture states that if we love the Lord, we will love others. The Bible says that anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love (1 John 4:8). As we look at each verse that talks about love, it is clear that love is not just a feeling or a word but requires committed actions. God tells us not to love in word or talk but in deed and truth (1 John 3:18). We are instructed to love the Lord God with all our hearts and souls and with all our might (Deuteronomy 6:5). 

Understanding How To Love God With Christ-like Love

We know that the enemy will always fight us when we try to do the right thing, and I am convinced this is why the Bible tells us to love God with all of our might. The single most crucial action that reveals whether we truly love God is when we choose to keep His commandments (John 14:15), and He has commanded us to love others as He has loved us.

Christ-Like Love For Your Neighbor

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Galatians 5:14). When we read this statement, it is easy to quickly check it off the list and assume we already love our neighbors. The problem is that we may not understand God’s definition of neighbor. It is easy to love a neighbor when we define them as those who live close by or in our small neighborhood, but Jesus clarified the word neighbor when asked, “Who is my neighbor? To respond to the question, Jesus told a parable of the good Samaritan. 

The parable explains that a man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. A priest went down that same road, saw the man, and instead of helping, he passed by on the other side. A Levite also came to the place and saw him but passed by on the other side.

Next, a Samaritan came to where the man was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his animal, brought him to an inn, and cared for him. And the next day, he paid the innkeeper, saying, “Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.” After telling the parable, Jesus asked, “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” The answer was “The one who showed him mercy.”

Love Your Neighbor -Understanding What A Christ Love Really Means

From this parable, we learn that a neighbor is whomever you come in contact with throughout your day. A neighbor is someone with whom you can share God’s love. Neighbors may not be your race or gender or have the same religious beliefs, but if we love as God commands, we will not love based on prejudices and biases. As Christians who love God, we should all be like the good Samaritan and never overlook someone who needs help. We should be looking for people God may place along our path. We must never be so busy that we pass by on the other side.

Christ-Like Love For Your Mother and Brother

When we think of loving our mother and brother, we think of our family members, but Jesus helps us understand that his definition of family includes all who love God. According to Matthew 12:46-50, While Jesus was still speaking to the people, his mother and brothers stood outside, asking to talk to him. Jesus replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” and, stretching out his hand toward his disciples, said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, sister, and mother.” 

Jesus gives a whole new meaning to the family. Many times at church, we call each other brother and sister and consider each other our church family. I believe Jesus would challenge us to love the people in our household, the people in our church pews, and the Christians who attend the church down the road or across the world.

Understanding What A Christ Like Love Means for Mother and Brother

The Bible states that we cannot love God and hate our brother (1 John 4:20). It may take work to love, but this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother (1 John 4:21). In 1 Peter 4:8, we are told to keep loving each other earnestly since love covers a multitude of sins. There are times when we will be hurt by those close to us. There will be times when we must choose to show love. Those choices honor God and show that we are willing to obey His command.

Loving each other will take humility, gentleness, and patience, but we must bear with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2). No matter what, settling arguments and bad feelings is crucial. Sometimes, that is easiest to do when we remember that no one is perfect and we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We have to choose to offer forgiveness to others because God gave it to us.

Christ-Like Love For Your Enemy

We understand that we are to love others, but what does the Bible say about loving our enemies? According to the Scriptures, enemies are those who persecute us or hate us. When others try to hurt us, it is natural to want to get angry and get revenge. It is a supernatural ability that only God can give us to help us love our enemies. Jesus teaches that we are to love and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44) and those who hate us (Luke 6:27). We are to bless them and not curse them (Romans 12:14).

The Bible clearly states that the world will hate us as it hated Christ (John 15:18-19), but we are not to act like those in the world. We are to represent God’s love and pray for others. Christ showed us this by example as He prayed for us and asked for our forgiveness while dying on the cross.

Understanding Love Your Enemy to Love like Christ

A person who is not a child of God cannot live a life of love because love is from God. Those who love have been born of God and know God (1 John 4:7). We must remember that we were not always children of God either. We must be love to others so that they can see the light of God’s love, and we must remember that we love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). God wants all to come to repentance and experience salvation, and it is our job to help shine a light into a dark world.

Let’s Pray and Ask God To Help Us Have Christ-Like Love

To love how God wants us to will require patience and surrendering wholeheartedly to God’s will. We will need to learn to look at every situation through the eyes of faith and love, which will be contrary to our knee-jerk reactions. To love as God would want us to, we must pray and ask Him to help us. Let’s pray and ask God to help us love everyone with a Christ-like love today.

A Prayer to Know How to Love Like Christ
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does It Really Mean To Serve God?

What Does It Really Mean To Serve God?

As I prayed about the new year, I felt God wanted me to understand better what serving means. When we think about serving as Christians, it’s usually associated with tasks done within the church, such as preaching, singing, or cleaning. We often tend to picture people who carry out various roles within the church, like the Pastor, the musicians, the greeters/ushers, or the janitorial staff, but is that what serving God really means? What does it mean to serve God, and are we doing it?

When pondering the idea of serving God, I realized that God is trying to teach me that what He means is much more profound and extensive than I typically associate with the term. Serving God is not limited to tasks performed in church, for God, or on particular days; it encompasses every aspect of our lives.

What Does It Really Mean to Serve God

Defining serving God in a way equivalent to what He means is crucial. God loves us so much and wants us to understand Him and His ways. He longs to take each of us into a deeper relationship with him, but that requires detaching from our old ways of thinking and learning to see everything from His unique perspective.

In serving, I believe God is challenging me to get out of my comfort zone, and I think He is challenging the whole Christian body to rise out of self and into service. Let’s look closer at what this means.

To Serve God Means To Follow Jesus

As we live each day, we have new opportunities to choose whether we are willing to honor God and live like Jesus or not. The Bible is a clear guide for Christians who aspire to follow Jesus. Our responsibilities are twofold: to love God and to love others, which means we should serve God and others.

To Serve God Means To Follow Jesus who prayed and served others.

The Bible encourages us to choose whom we will serve (Joshua 24:15). If we try to imitate the lifestyle of Jesus, we will be compassionate towards others and help them in their needs. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide how we wish to live our lives. We can live a life driven by our selfish desires, such as pride, greed, and self-indulgence. On the other hand, we can choose to live as Jesus did by leading a life that glorifies God in all possible ways.

Following Jesus Leads Us To Serve Others

As we contemplate the life of Jesus, we understand that He maintained a constant connection with the Father through prayer. He led a life of purpose, serving as an example to all of us. Jesus served the Father and others by bringing salvation to all humanity through His death. During His lifetime, Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, instilled hope in the hopeless, redeemed societal outcasts, and taught anyone willing to learn.

The son of man came not to be served, but to serve scripture

Christians have specific instructions on how we should live and serve others. As we try to follow the example of Jesus, we must also learn to pray and act. Each one of us should aim to bless others with our lives. We should be a blessing to our families, coworkers, and the random strangers who cross our paths. Everything we have is considered a gift that we should willingly use to help others.

The Bible teaches us to serve God by serving others in these three specific areas. It does not limit us to serving only inside the church or on one particular day.

  • our actions
  • our resources
  • our love

Serve God with our Actions

In the Bible, Jesus washed the disciple’s feet, demonstrating that we should serve others with our actions and serve rather than be served. Philippians 2:4 states, “Let each of you look not only to his interests but also to the interest of others.” We should bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). According to the Bible, we should serve one another (Galatians 5:13) because when we help others, we serve God.

Serve God with our actions

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’‘

Matthew 25:40 ESV

We should not grow weary or tired in doing good (Galatians 6:9). Whatever we do, we work heartily as for the Lord and not for men (Colossians 3:23). We should learn to do good, seek justice, correct opposition, bring justice to the fatherless, and plead the widow’s case (Isaiah 1:17).

Serve God With Our Resources

As believers, we serve God with all the resources He has blessed us with, including our finances, talents, time, and energy. It is essential to use these resources for good, as Hebrews 13:16 states, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” The Bible also teaches us that when we serve God with our resources, He will bless us. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Therefore, we must give generously and serve God with all our hearts, knowing He commands us to do so and will reward our obedience.

Use Your Gifts To Serve Others

God is very concerned with the poor and those in need, and he commands us to open our hands wide to our brother, the needy, and the poor in our land (Deuteronomy 15:11). The book of Proverbs teaches that “whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed (Proverbs 19:17 ESV)”. God promises that “whoever brings blessing will be enriched (Proverbs 11:25).” However, the Bible warns that those who hide their eyes and do not help the poor will be cursed (Proverbs 28:27, ESV).

Serve God With Love For Others

Christians must love one another as God has loved us (John 15:12). Our love for each other is the evidence that we are true followers of Christ. Although it’s not always easy to love people, especially those who have let us down or hurt us, we must still obey this commandment. 1 John 4:12 says, “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.”

Do Everything in Love Scripture

Like Jesus did, loving others involves caring for their well-being and needs. According to the NIV version of 1 John 3:17, if someone possesses material possessions but fails to show compassion towards a brother or sister in need, then the love of God cannot dwell in that person. We love God because He loved us first (1 John 4:19). How we live and serve others is akin to shining the light of God before others. The Bible encourages us to let others witness our good deeds and give glory to the Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). In response to everything God has blessed us with as His children, we should share freely.

Serve God Even At Church

Serving God is not just something to do at church, for God, or on a specific day. It encompasses everything we do, including our actions at church. Society often emphasizes self-reliance and encourages individuals to climb the ladder of success independently. We are encouraged to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, be independent, and work our way up the ladder. God’s Kingdom teaches that we serve our way up by working and praying together. 

There is strength in numbers, and the power of collective effort is undeniable. We should always be willing to serve and lend a helping hand to those in need, even within our church community. There might be someone in the church who could benefit from our skills and resources, and we should strive to use them for the greater good.

As children of God, we should become active church members in a local church. We should be willing to serve our fellow Christians as if they were our brothers and sisters. Even though the church family, like any other extended family, is made up of imperfect people, our aim should be to serve our Heavenly Father. When we serve God, we must not focus solely on what we can receive, or we will overlook the blessings from giving to God and others.

Serve God

We all have a way to serve if we are willing. Each one of us has something to give to the church community. Perhaps God has blessed us with the ability to sing in tune, to keep the rhythm, to teach children, or to encourage others with our story or testimony. Whatever the case, we should be willing to serve. We must be ready to utilize our talents to benefit the Christian body.

The enemy suggests that we don’t need to attend a physical church, but we should look for a church community where we can serve. Although we can listen to sermons online, on TV or radio, read our Bible, and pray at home, we must ask ourselves if that counts as serving.

A Prayer To Know How To Serve God

Serving God requires us to follow Jesus, who teaches us to pray and serve others. To live according to God’s principles, we must seek his help because his ways differ from those of the world. While the world encourages us to be selfish and greedy, God teaches us to be generous and serve others. We’re all imperfect; even if we make mistakes, God can see our hearts. If we fall short, we must acknowledge our mistakes, ask for forgiveness and help, and try again. Let’s pray together and ask God to help us serve Him in His way.

A Prayer To Know How To Serve God
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

How To Have A Personal Encounter With God

How To Have A Personal Encounter With God

Do you know how to have a personal encounter with God? As we live each day, we can experience “God Encounters.” These moments are our individual and unique experiences with God that help define and solidify our relationship with Him. There are times that help us know with absolute certainty that God is real, He is truth, and He is good.

A God encounter ultimately becomes our testimony when we allow God to become our everything. For some, God will become a deliverer, rescuing them from sins. God will be a comforter or provider for others during grief or desperate need. God will be faithful as we allow Him to help us through each situation. He will deliver us from sins, protect us, and fill us with His Spirit. He can be everything to each of us because He is God and the I AM.

How To Have  A Personal Encounter With God Scripture God is I AM

What Is My Part In Having An Encounter With God?

In the Old Testament, whenever God showed himself to others in an undeniable way, the people in the Bible would build an altar, a place of worship that would also help them remember the encounter. Noah built an altar when God brought him and his family out of the ark (Genesis 8:20). Abraham built an altar when tested to give Isaac back to the Lord. Through this encounter, Abraham learned how God faithfully provides. Lastly, Jacob built altars after having undeniable experiences with God (Genesis 32-35).

The altars represent worship experiences, and God still likes worship. The Bible tells us that He inhabits the praises of His people. Although we do not sacrifice like they did in the Old Testament, we should still praise and worship God. These days, God wants us to do our part, explained using the acronym PART.

  • P- Pray
  • A- Ask
  • R- Receive
  • T- Thank
God Wants Us To Do Our Part to have a personal encounter

How to Encounter God In Prayer

Prayer is a key that grants us full access to God’s power and grace as it helps us learn more about His character (who He is), His competence (ability), and His covenant (promises). Praying initiates an encounter with God, and the Bible says God wants us to pray so that He can answer us and show us great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3). When we take the time to pray, we choose to set aside time and opportunity to have an encounter with God in our daily life.

Praying is not just a one-way conversation. Prayer changes things; something happens when we pray that would not happen if we did not pray. When we pray, we can listen and learn from God. God wants to show himself to us undeniably, and when we pray to our Heavenly Father, we acknowledge He is the one we want to help us.

God wants to be our source of hope, life, and wisdom. Praying starts with praising God for who He is, worshipping Him for what He can do, and reminding ourselves of the promises He has given us in His Word. When we encounter God in prayer, He can help us ask for what we need and bless others because when we truly open up to God in prayer, we invite the Spirit to help us pray.

How to Have a Personal Encounter With God Bible Verse

How To Encounter God When We Ask For His Help

We can encounter God when we ask Him to help us through various situations. Countless examples of answered prayers exist in the Bible, but when we ask God to help us, we gain the personal experience that God answers prayers. When we read our Bible or attend church, we learn who God is, but praying and asking God to help in our situations means we are willing to take the next step. When we ask God to answer our prayers, we move from believing what we have learned and invite God to show us who He is by giving us experiential knowledge. Having experiences with God through personal encounters allows us to grow our faith and believe in Him more profoundly.

We exercise our faith and practice what we believe about our knowledge of God when we pray. Our prayers will always align with what we think about God’s character, competence, and covenant. If we believe that God is loving, patient, forgiving, and generous, we will pray for forgiveness and ask Him for whatever we need.

When we believe that God is competent, we recognize He can meet our needs because He is all-knowing and all-powerful. Understanding what God can do should lead us to ask God for his help in every area because we learn to trust Him to be whatever we need at all times. We will learn about His faithfulness as we pray and ask God to meet our needs.

Knowing that God has granted us a covenant relationship with Him through Jesus helps us ask God for a deeper understanding of His Spirit. Learning more about God comes from the Holy Spirit, who better equipped us to do our part for the Kingdom of God. As we grow in a deeper relationship with God, we become more sensitive to His Spirit and will pray for others in our sphere of influence.

What Our Prayer Says About Our Belief in an Encounter with God

How Do We Receive An Encounter With God?

When we pray and ask God to help us, we must believe that He hears and has sent an answer to our prayer. God promises to listen to the prayers of His children. We become His children when we accept His gift of salvation. After we pray, we should wait expectantly to receive the answer to our prayer. God is sovereign, and He knows what is best for us.

Sometimes, the answer to our prayer differs from what we expect, or it takes longer to receive than we would like. When the answer to our prayer is quickly received, we receive God’s blessings gladly, but we must learn to rejoice in everything. We must surrender our prayers and allow God to respond in His timing and as He sees best.

We have to realize that God is there even in hard places. We will receive a greater faith and understanding of God’s character, competence, and covenant if we go through the process. Sometimes, God allows us to go through situations to understand Him in a way that will help us share that knowledge and bless others.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Bible Verse About Praying

How Do We Give Proper Thanks After an Encounter With God?

When we encounter God, we give proper thanks because we recognize that He allowed us to experience Him personally. Our encounter with God is individual. We will encounter God differently, starting with how we got saved. God knows how to get our attention, and He loves us enough to do so. Each of us should have a testimony of how we met God.

God’s goodness does not stop with salvation. If we are willing to do our part (pray, ask, receive, and give thanks), God will continue to respond to our prayers. We have to be sure that we are giving proper thanks to God. The Bible says He will not share His glory (Isaiah 42:8), and we can never get full of pride acting as if we blessed ourselves because that leads to destruction (Proverbs 16:18).

God wants to build our faith with each blessing and help us understand who He is. Our answered prayers become an opportunity to celebrate His goodness. If we pray, God will move mountains, break addictions, bless us with provisions, and bring us inexplicable peace and joy despite our circumstances.

My God Encounters

God met my need for a new vehicle when I couldn’t help myself by blessing me with ten crisp one-hundred-dollar bills accompanied only by a letter stating the person wanted to pay it forward. God blessed my 18 year-daughter to be healthy, although she was born a preemie at 24 weeks gestation, weighing 1 pound 2 ounces. He has blessed me with my education, delivered me from bad habits, restored my health, and reconciled my relationships.

As I share a small part of my testimony, I pray that it helps explain further that a God encounter is a unique experience that teaches us about God. I have learned that God is good. He has shown me that He can provide finances, wisdom, healing, protection, deliverance, restoration, and reconciliation. I will praise Him for the rest of my life and am determined to share this good news!

Pray For An Encounter With God

God knows how to bless us and will do so repeatedly when we learn to do our part. Because God’s answers to our prayers are life-changing, we owe it to Him to remember to give thanks. Let’s pray, ask Him for what we need, and thank Him in advance for the blessings He will provide in His timing and wisdom.

A Prayer For a Personal Encounter with God
Prayer For an Encounter With God
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Are You Running From God or Towards Him?

Are You Running From God or Towards Him?

When we are running in a natural and physical state, we understand that we can only travel in one direction at a time. We can go left or right, east or west, north or south, but we can not do both. Similarly, when we run this Christian race, we can either run toward God or away from Him. God does not want us to run from Him, but there are at least five instances where the enemy tries to convince us to run because he wants us to feel alone. Each time we feel as if we are all by ourselves, we must ask ourselves whether we are running from God or towards Him.

When we think of running from God, many of us instantly think of the story of Jonah, who ran from God’s directions to go to Nineveh. Because of Jonah’s actions, he found himself alone in the belly of a big fish. This timeless story was taught to many of us as children to remind us not to be disobedient, but the Jonah story should also remind us that God loves us so much that He relentlessly pursues us even when we run. Like Jonah, when we run from situations, we will inevitably feel alone, which is precisely what the enemy wants.

Even when we feel alone, the truth is God is always right there running towards us, waiting and hoping that we will realize how much He loves us. God longs to have a relationship with us. He is good. He is for us, and He loves us eternally. He is so committed to us that He sent His son to save us and His Spirit to guide us.

The enemy tries to push us to run away, but we mustn’t listen to him. Like a runner, we must pay attention to the direction we travel as we run. We should watch and be mindful of the enemy’s tricks. If we are not conscious of where we are going, we can be distracted and may not even realize that we are running in the wrong direction. God does not want us to run from him and the blessings He has planned for us as His children. We need to learn to see everything from God’s perspective.

God Does Not Want Us to Run Away From Him When We Feel Ashamed

There are times when we find ourselves “in our feelings.” which can happen as we think about the past but is especially true when we fall short or do something we are not proud of. It is easy to pull away from God and others in those moments because we are ashamed. The enemy knows this, so he convicts us and sends condemnation to cause us to respond with shame. His goal is to repeatedly replay what we have done, hoping that it causes us to disconnect from those who love us. The enemy wants us to run and hide from God or deal with our feelings negatively and incorrectly. God does not want us to hide in shame. God wants to cover us and help pick us back up.

The behavior of running and hiding whenever we are ashamed started in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:7-11). When Adam and Eve bit into the fruit, their instinct was to hide. Their act of disobedience caused them to feel naked and exposed. As Christians, this is still our first response, but just as God clothed Adam and Eve, He wants to cover our imperfections if we allow Him.

Commit Thy Way Unto The Lord

Another example of hiding in shame occurs when we read the woman’s story at the well in John 4. This woman had a history of five failed relationships. She purposely came to the well to draw water at noon in the day’s heat. Perhaps she wanted to go alone to avoid the feelings of ridicule, the whispers, and the gossip. Jesus met her by the well one day and invited her to ask Him what she needed. She listened to Jesus, believed, and responded, and that same day, Jesus redeemed her sin-wrecked life and her shame. She asked Jesus to give her His living water, and her encounter with Jesus was life-changing for her and many others in her Samaritan town.

God Does Not Want Us To Run Away From Him When Others Mistreat Us

As we live this life surrounded by other imperfect humans, sometimes the actions of others can have a devastating effect on us, and it is easy to find ourselves suffering from the consequences of another person’s actions. We can feel insignificant, helpless, and alone at that moment, but we must rest assured that God sees us even though the enemy tries to convince us otherwise.

Hagar demonstrates a biblical example of the enemy trying to make us run when others mistreat us. God told Abraham that he would have a son, but because his wife, Sarah, could not have children, she gave her Egyptian slave to Abraham to have a son through her, which was not God’s plan. After Hagar was pregnant, there were problems between her and Sarah. While pregnant, Hagar ran from home to avoid the mistreatment she suffered from Sarah.

Running From God Is Running In the Wrong Direction

Hagar ran from a situation that was beyond her control. She was a slave without rights and must have felt alone and scared. The Bible says that the angel of the Lord met Hagar in the wilderness when she ran and told her that He had a plan for her life and that she should return and submit to Sarah (Genesis 16:6-10). The angel told her to name her son Ishmael, which means God hears. The story of Hagar reminds us that we have to trust that God hears us when we pray, even when we feel wronged, like Hagar. God hears and sees each of us, even in hard places. It doesn’t matter if the messes we find ourselves in are our own or someone else’s; God knows, sees, hears, and will rescue us. 

God Does Not Want Us To Run From Him When We Do Not Understand

God chose Abraham, Sarah’s husband, to be the father of many nations (Genesis 17:5), and He had a miracle awaiting Sarah to be the mother of many people. Although Sarah could understand Abraham’s calling, past years of infertility caused her to devise a plan that was not God’s. Sarah’s insecurities and lack of ability to have children in the past caused her not even to consider the possibility of a miracle. She mistakenly tried to figure out everything independently and decided to create a child through Hagar, her slave.

Seek The Lord, Stop Running From Him

Like Sarah, when we do not know or understand God’s plan, the enemy encourages us to create something on our own using our wisdom rather than consulting with God. Additionally, if we wrestle with insecurity, it may be easy to see how God could bless others, but we may question whether God will perform a miracle for us. The enemy wants us to doubt and forget that our God is a miracle worker. We won’t always know how He will solve situations, but we must trust that God does and He will.

God Does Not Want Us To Run Away From Him By Running Ahead of His Timing

We must remember that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). He loves to watch us run away from our place of blessings and protection. The enemy wants us to believe we can do life just fine without God because he knows we can not defeat him in our strength. He will surely try if the enemy can convince us to go it alone.

Think about the prodigal son. In this Bible story, a father had two sons. One day, the younger son decided not to wait until his father passed away to gain his inheritance, but he wanted his portion early. He wanted his share now. The father granted his son’s request, and ultimately, the younger son wasted the inheritance and found himself destitute, impoverished, and repentant.

Running Can Be a Race, When God Joins It is called Grace

As we examine this story, we can relate to wanting things when we want them. Waiting is not something anyone enjoys doing. Even the most patient people choose to wait because they believe in and trust God’s timing. No matter what, we can not run ahead of God’s timing and try to figure everything out in our strength and mind.

God Wants Us To Run Toward His Blessings

We must be mindful of our need to connect with God. Just as God had blessings, protection, and provisions awaiting Hagar, Sarah, and the prodigal son, He will provide blessings for each of us if we are willing to run towards him and trust Him. Unfortunately, there are times when life gets busy, and we can not hear God’s whispers. Sadly, when our backs are against the wall, sometimes, we finally look toward heaven.

Are You Running From God or Towards Him 4 1 1024x538 1

During quiet prayer times with God, we can stop the busyness of life and reflect on God’s plan for our lives. If invited, He will come in and give our life a reset. If we allow Him, God will direct our path, but we must find a way to stop hiding from Him, stop running ahead of Him, and start running toward Him. Whether we have sinned or been sinned against, the best way out of loneliness is by inviting God in. We will never be alone if God is there with us.

A Prayer To Help Us Run Towards God

We can see from the scriptures that the way through alone times and feelings of loneliness is always prayer, but the enemy wants us to choose his alternate route, leading to shame and self-destruction. Let’s remember that even Jesus had to get away and pray. As we bow our heads in prayer, let’s ask God to help direct our steps, knowing that He hears and sees each of us right now. 

A Prayer To Help Us Run Towards God
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

How to Accept and Deal With Change God’s Way

How to Accept and Deal With Change God’s Way

I recently celebrated a birthday, and as the day drew close, I began to feel like my age had caught up to me, and I was not too fond of the changes that came with age. In other words, the enemy bothered me and made me feel old. They say that age is nothing but a number, but I noticed the wrong numbers when I looked in the mirror. There were more wrinkles, more weight, and less energy, speed, and strength. As I prayed out to God and asked Him to help me accept these changes more graciously, God helped me understand that change is good and not harmful.

How to Accept and Deal With Change God's Way

God lovingly helped me understand that the problem was I was looking at my changes the way the enemy wanted me to see them. The enemy always wants me to see everything as a loss. He works overtime to make me feel like I have lost my beauty, youth, strength, and anything else that sounds negative.

The enemy wants each of us to feel bad, down, and depressed, and one of his go-to weapons is to try to convince us that we have missed out on God’s goodness. If the enemy can cause us to believe that we are too late, defeated, or not enough, he thinks we will give up and stop trying, but God will not let that happen.

Understanding Change From God’s Perspective

God sees change differently than the world sees it, and He wants us to see it as He does. If we understand everything from His perspective, we will automatically start thinking of change more positively. As I pondered the idea of change as a Christian, God began to show me that there is beauty in change when we look at it His way.

Instead of change, meaning that we pine over what we have lost, we must begin to look at it in a way that causes us to examine what we have gained, or more precisely, we must evaluate whether we have evolved or become better.

For My thoughts are not your Thoughts Bible Verse

In response to my prayer, God challenged me to look at my life, acknowledging that I am changing and will continue to change, but He caused me to ask myself whether or not I am evolving. I pray that I can convey all of what God taught me in a way that is helpful to others. We must individually answer whether we are evolving, no matter how old we are. The truth is, it would be a shame to change without becoming better.

Change Means We Are Evolving and Maturing

God clarifies that He wants us to commit to lasting change where we develop from baby Christians to more mature ones. If change means maturing, this should be a lifelong process. To remain stuck in any way would mean that we are not allowing God to make us more like Jesus.

We all start as babes in Christ. When we are babies, we are fed milk to grow (1 Peter 2:2). We cannot understand some things as a baby Christian, but we can more easily understand them when we mature. Understandably, we do some things when we are children, but as adults, we should put away childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11 KJV).

How to Accept and Deal With Change Gods Way 7

Looking at change from God’s perspective, we realize that change is desirable because it is equivalent to becoming more like Jesus and growing into our predetermined purpose and calling. Therefore, rather than dwell on feeling pessimistic about our dwindling youth, we should thank and praise God for the changes in our lives, knowing that He has blessed us with good things and the future He has for us is still full of many more blessings (Jeremiah 29:11 KJV).

Change Your Thinking and What You Value

All change starts in our minds (Romans 12:2). To change for the better means that we must correct the way we see ourselves, but to do that, we need to change how we measure ourselves and what we value in life. As we live in this earthly world full of darkness, if we are not careful, we can easily fall prey to loving only what the enemy does: worldly possessions and vanity.

When I was younger, I thought that success in my life was equivalent to a big house and a fancy, expensive car. I believed that having a big home and an expensive car would prove I had arrived. If this were my measuring stick, the enemy could use that against me to cause me to feel bad because I come up short. The same thing will happen if I value youth over maturity in Christ.

Change: Do Not Be Children In Your Thinking Bible Verse

The Bible reminds us that we should store up Heavenly treasures rather than earthly ones (Matthew 6:19-20 ESV). What holds a special place in our hearts is what we value. As we mature in Christ, our relationship with Him should take center stage, and then we will find that what we want is what He wants for us.

Earthly and material things lose their shine in the light of Jesus. In the 9th chapter of Acts, we find a Biblical example of change that occurs in the life of Saul. Saul was forever changed when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. He could no longer hold on to his worldly possessions, such as his education and theological teachings, because this encounter changed him forever and caused him to understand who Jesus was. We must all be willing to change for God as Saul did.

Change to Live According to the Spirit Scripture

In another biblical example, a wealthy person was not willing to change. He was a rich young ruler who had it all together, at least from worldly standards, in that he had great wealth (Matthew 19:16–30). When the young ruler came to Jesus, he asked Jesus what he needed to do to have eternal life. When Jesus told him to keep the commandments, the rich ruler stated that he had already done that and had kept the commandments from his youth. He asked Jesus what else he needed to do, and he was not happy with Jesus’ response.

Jesus challenged the young ruler to continue changing and becoming perfect by selling his possessions and following Jesus, but the young ruler was unwilling. The wealthy man could not let go of what he held dear. God wants to know that we are willing to walk away from materialistic ideals and the comforts of what is familiar to us and that we will be ready to trust His plan. God also wants to know that we are willing to keep growing and changing.

A Prayer to Help Embrace Change

God can use someone old or young, and the Bible tells us that there is a season for everything. As we live life as Christians, we want our lives to be pleasing to God at every stage and season, which will require us to change and perfect our lives as He deems them.

It is impossible to change ourselves, and we do not have to. Jesus will help us to become more like Him, but we must respond to His leading. Jesus often calls us to let go of what we think, get up, take up our bed, and walk (John 5:8). He commands us to think differently and not stay stuck.

Ultimately, what is important is not our age but our willingness to allow God’s Spirit to lead us and help us see change correctly. Let’s pray and ask God to help us learn to embrace change more positively.

A Prayer to Help Embrace Change
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does It Mean To Move Forward With God?

What Does It Mean To Move Forward With God?

What does it mean to move forward with God when life is so full of changes? Sometimes, we change jobs, move to new cities, or walk away from something as we reach for something different. Embracing change is not always easy. It is best when the change results from something positive in our lives, such as getting a promotion or buying a new house, but sometimes change means walking away from bad situations or poor choices. How do we let go of the past and move forward with God successfully?

What Does It Mean To Move Forward With God?

We will experience change as we learn to trust God properly. To truly walk with God, we must be willing to grow. We evolve and go from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18), which means we continually change into who God created us to be. As we become closer to God, we begin to live closer to the example that Jesus showed us.

Moving Forward With God Means Letting Go Of What Is Familiar

Moving forward can mean letting go of the comforts of what feels familiar and reaching toward something unknown. We let go of our plans when we experience loss or when things do not work out as we hoped. Sometimes, we walk away without fully understanding what’s next. For example, sometimes, when we lose jobs, or a relationship ends. No matter what happens, we must remember that God never changes. Moving forward with God means we are willing to remember that God is good, loves us, and has a plan.

When we move forward with God, we cannot expect everyone to understand our choices, and we can not make decisions based on whether or not we gain their approval. For example, if we decide to go to church and receive salvation. Some friends may not understand the idea. When family and friends do not support our desire to change, it may be hard for us to accept that they do not, but we mustn’t seek to live solely for the applause of others.

Ask God for Help to do what is right

Moving forward can be challenging, and we will feel resistance from ourselves and others. Our old ways, which are familiar to us, may seem more straightforward, and at times, we may question whether going back would be easier than change.

When we know that we are striving to better ourselves and live as Jesus commands, we must look forward and learn not to look back. The temptation to look back will be great, but we must let go of the old and reach for the new. We should not want to remain stuck in any area of our lives, and we can not live life in reverse.

Moving Forward With God Means Walking Toward Our Divine Purpose

The closer we get to our breakthrough and Divine purpose, the more the enemy will try to distract us. He will attempt to send naysayers or negativity to convince us that we should turn back, but we must hold on to the fact that God has our future planned if we let go of the past. Moving forward with God means walking into our Divine purpose, which God determined even before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5 KJV). As we progress, the enemy will attempt to persuade us that change is impossible. The enemy wants to convince us that our best days are gone, but God has a track record of giving new life even when it seems too late, just as He did with Abraham.

 Move Forward with God Toward His purpose

In Genesis, the Bible tells the story of Abraham. In summary, God told Abraham to leave His country and go to a land that God would show Him. God promised to make Abraham’s name great, and Abraham obeyed and allowed God to direct his steps. God blessed Abraham abundantly, but Abraham and his wife, Sarah, did not have children. It would seem that they were too old for child-bearing, but God promised to give Abraham a son and did just that even when they were old—allowing Abraham to become the “father of many nations.” Nothing is impossible for God.

Just as Abraham fulfilled his destiny, we are each born with a purpose and must strive to do what God calls us to do. God knows how to bring people and opportunities to our lives and will move us as He sees fit. We must trust Him and allow Him to direct our path. There are things assigned to our lives and even people and territory that God created us to reach.

Our obedience to God can unlock blessings in our households, jobs, or communities. Heaven’s angels wait to back up the Word of God over our lives (Psalm 103:20), but it takes our willingness to have faith, speak God’s Word over our lives, and get moving.

We were created to walk with God

Moving Forward Means We May Stumble At Times

The best change we can make comes when we ask God to help us walk away from past sins, failures, heartaches, or disappointments. When we accept salvation and live for Christ, we must keep our eyes fixed on Christ. We must become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV) and let go of our old ways (Isaiah 43:18 ESV).

Remembering that Jesus came to give us all a second chance is helpful. Ultimately, Jesus wants to save us from missing Heaven or the disaster of perishing without salvation, and He wants to give us an abundant life, but we can not see what that looks like until we surrender and trust Him.

As Christians, we will make mistakes and suffer losses or failures. Truthfully, we may need many “second chances,” but we must keep moving forward by acknowledging any errors, repenting, and asking God to help give us strength and direction. God wants us to move forward and not look backward. He specializes in healing, making us whole, and making everything work out for our good. He wants us to trust that He will make things right in His timing and as He determines.

Move Forward toward Abundant life

Moving Forward With God Means Walking in Faith and Not Fear

To move forward, we will have to be courageous and not fearful. Holding on to the past can sabotage God’s future, and waiting until everything makes sense will make us disobedient. When God calls us to move forward or asks us to make some changes, fear will cause us to stay where we are and not move forward with God.

Sometimes, we fear what people think, or perhaps we fear whether we heard God correctly. When unsure of anything with God, the best thing to do with God is to pray and ask for wisdom and guidance. God will answer, and He will help shine a light on the path He has for us, and He will not leave us. We can not let fear win.

Fear Not God will help us move forward

The Bible says we should fear God and not man. To fear God means we revere and love Him so much that we do not want to disobey Him. In this way, we would be willing to do what God calls us to do even if we have to fight feelings of negativity like fear and do it scared. Our love and fear of God become more significant than our desire to feel comfortable, so we choose to have faith.

Faith obeys God because we believe and trust that His Word is accurate. When we begin to trust God and try to live obediently, He will be there holding our hand, and we will understand more about who God is and how much He loves us. As we take the first step in faith, it will be easier to take the next, and soon, we will choose to care more about God’s acceptance than anyone else’s.

A Prayer To Help Us Move Forward With God

No matter what life brings our way, God wants to help us move forward. He will help us live for Him. He will be with us when it feels like we are starting over, moving on, or making necessary changes. All we have to do is pray. We do not have to struggle in any area of our life. When life feels like it is crushing us or we don’t know how to go, we need to pray with faith, expecting God to hear us and answer. Let’s pray together now and ask God to help us move forward with Him.

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Exactly Is The Peace Of God And How Can We Find It?

What Exactly Is The Peace Of God And How Can We Find It?

The Bible tells us that we have peace that surpasses understanding, but what exactly is the peace of God, and how can we find it today and every day? When I think of peace, I picture a beach and lazy living. In my mind, I imagine a vacation-like atmosphere where I do nothing, but is that really what God means in the Bible (Philippians 4:7)? 


Like most people I know, I feel that the everyday busyness of life threatens my peace at times. I have family responsibilities, but I must keep up with work timelines and deadlines as a working mom. Sometimes, dealing with the hustle and bustle of work stress can feel overwhelming, and I long for more peace. Let’s take a closer look at the peace of God in the Bible and how to obtain it.

Peace Defined

The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, which means harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility. When we read the Bible, we see God described as the God of Peace

Peace surpassing understanding Scripture
Philippians 4:7 ESV

Peace and love are some of God’s many characteristics. True peace comes from Him. As we look again at the definition of peace, we could describe God by the exact words used to define peace. God is harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility. 

When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree and allowed sin into their life, they could no longer live in the peaceful place of the Garden of Eden. When they sinned, humanity no longer experienced peace with God. Because of sin, humankind no longer lived in peace and harmony with God, and we did not have access to the peace of God

Thankfully, God sent a rescue mission in his son, Jesus. Interestingly as the coming of Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament, one of the names for Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus came to earth to help us obtain peace with God, and in doing so, He gave us a chance to once again experience the peace of God in our lives.

Isaiah 55:3 chastisement of eace
Isaiah 55:3 K

Peace With God

As Christians, we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus because we understand that Jesus purchased our salvation with His life. We recognize that Jesus freely sacrificed His life to give us peace with God. He is the only reason that we have peace with God. 

All Christians who come to God by praying for forgiveness and salvation as repentant sinners confess that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins on the cross, and we trust in Him to forgive our sins and save us. We believe that Jesus took our place and absorbed the wrath of God in our stead. Jesus made peace with God by doing so, so we did not have to.

Jesus was sinless, but He paid for our sins, and now he gives us this peace when we accept all He did as a gift of salvation. Our peace with God is secure and given to us only due to Jesus’ sacrifice, as we could never have earned peace with God on our own. We know that we can find joy and peace in God because of Jesus, but sometimes, when the enemy tries to attack, we lose sight of the truth.

Justified by faith peace with God

Peace Of God

Peace is a gift from God given to His children and becomes available at salvation. Although provided, the Bible often tells us that we must pursue it, walk in it, and live in it. We must strive to live in the peace of God, peace with ourselves, and peace with other people. We have to choose to turn away from evil, seek peace, and pursue it (1 Peter 3:11)

perfect peace 1 Peter 3:11

The peace of God is like a place or a state of living where we can live in harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility with the Father. We live in the peace of God due to salvation, and although we may fall short, we seek and access forgiveness for sin by praying to ask God to forgive us. 

How Can We Find Peace?

We can live in a world where so much is happening and still live in God’s peace. God offers us peace even when it feels like life is falling apart. We can experience the peace of God all day and every day when we keep our minds fixed on God and trust Him regardless of our circumstances (Isaiah 26:3).  We must learn to seek peace.


The Bible commands Christians to live in peace with others. We can all do this when we remember all that Jesus had provided for us. As we accept Jesus as our peace, we remember who He is, what He has done for us, and who we are in Him. Knowing Jesus as our Prince of Peace gives us the right to experience calm as we rest in His love and peace. We must keep our eyes upon Him and our minds renewed in His Word. Although there may not be peace in our earthly world, we Christians can have peace on earth due to Jesus’ incredible sacrifice.  

What Exactly Is The Peace Of God And How Can I Find It 4

As we learn to live in a place of peace in God, it becomes easier to refuse to let the enemy cause us to forfeit our precious gift of peace. The enemy will try to cause us to become anxious, depressed, fearful, and regretful. When we learn to live in the peace of God, we can see that any negative words that the enemy whispers into our ears to make us feel less than or beneath our God-given rights as children of God are just noise. As we come to Jesus and find peace, we will recognize that the enemy is attacking our peace with ourselves.

Additionally, there will be times when the enemy will attempt to attack our peace regarding our relationships with others. The enemy will always try to make us angry and upset with others. The enemy wants us to lose our cool and handle situations negatively. We must consciously decide to pray and resist the devil, and He will flee. We will become better able to see those disagreements with others or relationship problems as attacks from the enemy, and we must refuse to let him win.

God’s Word, promises, and voice bring peace into our lives. As we read the Bible, believe in God’s promises, and listen for His voice in prayer, God will send His Holy Spirit to comfort us and remind us that we are not alone. The Holy Spirit helps us live the Christian life. Let’s pray and ask God to help us live in His peace today and every day. 

Lord of peace

A Prayer For Peace

Knowing that Jesus gave His life to bring us peace with God and that he left us the peace of God, Christians can no longer allow the enemy the opportunity to rob us of the joy, peace, and hope that Jesus’ blood purchased. When we realize that we have access to peace even in the middle of chaos but only need to seek and pursue it, we should find ourselves praying. Let’s pray with faith and expectancy about our God-given peace today.

Click Here to Download the printable prayer
A prayer for Peace
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson