How Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Steal Your Joy

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Do you remember the middle-school age years? I am sure I will date myself when I say that my teen years included trying to talk like a Valley Girl, flipped-up collars, guess jeans, and Izod polos. I remember countless hours spent in the mirror getting ready for school. Walking through the middle school hallway as a cool, got-it-all-together teenager took a lot of preparation. Although this walk down memory lane can cause some to chuckle, the truth is that many people still live their lives in a way that causes them to seek acceptance and approval from others, and it is stealing their joy.

How Seeking Acceptance From Others can Steal your joy

God created each of us, and it is not His will that we worry more about what others think of us than He thinks of us. We do not have to fit into anyone’s group or social circle. We have all been personally invited to be a part of the best clique ever created – God’s family. All we have to do is accept this invitation. In the Bible days, many cared more about acceptance from people and social status.

42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved human praise more than praise from God.

John 12:42-43 NIV
Stop seeking acceptance

Wanting the approval of others can lead us down some slippery slopes. If we head down the unhealthy path of seeking acceptance from others, we may find ourselves walking along roads that take our joy and peace. We may even fall into sin, which is not what God would want for us. God tells us to focus on pleasing Him and not man. Let’s look at the trouble we can get into if we are not careful.

Seeking Acceptance From Others Steals Our Joy By Causing Anxiety

Anxiety happens when we worry needlessly about the opinions of others and not the view of God. As women, we often worry about our looks. We worry about being skinny enough, pretty enough, or fashionable enough. Of course, it is okay to want to get in shape, look beautiful, or remain trendy, but these things should not consume us. We must be careful not to seek acceptance from others to the point that it causes anxiety.

We must look in the mirror, knowing God created us in His image. Even though we may be dealing with aging skin, gray hair, extra weight, or clothes that don’t fit the way they used to, we still should find our approval through God’s eyes because we know He looks at our hearts and loves us completely.

Accepted in the Beloved Ephesians 1:6

Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Lead to Feelings of Depression

Understand that it is tough to win approval and acceptance from other people. Even if you gain acceptance for a moment, it isn’t easy to maintain the approval for the long haul. Trying to feel important, accepted, respected, and approved of by others can cause us to lose our joy and lead to feelings of depression.

Often, with people, the idea of what is acceptable and what is not changes frequently. Thankfully, God does not change. Why should we wear ourselves out trying to fit into the latest idea of acceptance? If we chase acceptance from others as something to be gained, we will end up feeling like we missed it. Then, the enemy will add to that by telling us we are not good enough.

If we open the door, the enemy will feed us a whole spiel about our worthlessness. He will gladly be in our company as we are socially isolated and depressed. We must be careful about seeking acceptance from others and only seek God’s approval if we want to be children of God.

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God_ Or am I trying to please man_ If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Lead to Sin

Seeking acceptance and approval from others can lead to sin. When trying to impress others, we may find ourselves slipping into sins, such as lying or stretching the truth, just to be liked. To fit in and maintain acceptance, we may be tempted to exaggerate to make ourselves look good in other people’s eyes. We may find ourselves guilty of simple things, such as giving an insincere compliment or lying, which are sins.

If we pretend to know something that we do not because we fear looking less than others, or if we spread gossip to gain attention, we are sinning. Seeking acceptance from others can leave us jealous and covetous, which is also a sin. Finally, if we value a particular person’s opinion of us over God’s opinion, we may be slipping into idolatry.

Choose Joy

Avoid Seeking Acceptance From Others, Choose Joy Instead

Standing firm in your faith means that sometimes, your ideas will not be accepted. Sometimes, you will have to be different. Perhaps you are the only one who doesn’t drink at the company party. If you let God be first, you will be the only one with genuine joy at the party.

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.

2 Corinthians 5:9 ESV

You must make up your mind to respect your views, which should reflect your faith in God more than the opinions of others. You must know that no person can validate or take your value away. You must understand that you were “fearfully and wonderfully made,” God accepts you now and always as a member of his family as long as you have accepted His invitation of salvation.

A Prayer to Stop Seeking Acceptance From Others

Only God’s approval matters. We need to know that He loves us, and we never have to let seeking acceptance from others steal our joy. This prayer was written to help us ask God to help us in this area. I pray that it is a blessing.

A Prayer to Stop Seeking Acceptance from others

Need more scriptures to help you in this area? I found a complete list of scriptures related to seeking acceptance and approval. I have listed the site and its author below. Be blessed.

The author who compiled the list is Editor Stephen Smith. Publication date: Oct 19, 2019. Publisher:

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

About Krystal Simpson

Krystal R. Simpson encourages women to live joyfully and victoriously. Krystal challenges women to follow God in total surrender, to learn from the Bible, and to pray about everything. Click here to get the FREE 7 Simple Ways to Live Joyfully Every Single Day, Starting Today!

6 comments on “How Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Steal Your Joy

  1. Pingback: Has God Changed Your Name?

  2. Wow Krystal. This was just what I needed for the past several months. I just started going back to church. But this is definitely where I have been struggling. Thank you friend!!!

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