The Bible tells us that we have peace that surpasses understanding, but what exactly is the peace of God, and how can we find it today and every day? When I think of peace, I picture a beach and lazy living. In my mind, I imagine a vacation-like atmosphere where I do nothing, but is […]
Category Archives: Christian Living
Krystal R Simple explores simple ways to live joyfully as we embrace everyday Christian living.
Consistent Ways To Show Love To God
When we value someone or appreciate them, we can’t help but want to express our love. Our love should cause us to want to make the other person happy. As Christians, we want to show our love to our Heavenly Father, but how can we? What are some simple and consistent ways to show love […]
Avoid Being Distracted By The Enemy And Win
As Christians, God wants to make each of us “winners” in our Christian race. The enemy works hard to distract us and get us off-track. Discover powerful strategies to avoid being distracted by the enemy and become a winner in your Christian journey. When we think of winners in sports, like runners, quarterbacks, or bodybuilders, […]
Five Decisions True Christians Decide Daily
Living the Christian life is a journey. More importantly, it can be considered an individual journey, and along the way, there are many decisions to make. As we travel along life’s path toward living out our God-anointed purposes, we must decide to live as Christ commands. Although our journeys, callings, talents, and struggles may differ, […]
An Easy Way to Understand God’s Calling For Our Lives
Have you ever wondered what God’s calling you to do in life? Do you hear people talk about being “called” and want to know your God-given purpose? Maybe you wonder whether you are working in the right job, living in the proper city, or pursuing the right path. God does not want us to be […]
7 Steps To Lasting Change As A Christian
No one likes to change. When we think about change, certain sayings come to mind: “Rome wasn’t built in a day” or “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” These sayings are not very encouraging. Remember, lasting change is a process, not an event. It takes time, effort, and perseverance. But if you are […]
Don’t Let Regret Steal Your Joy
No one lives this life without making at least one regrettable decision. For most of us, we may feel as though we have made a few of them. God does not want us to look at the past and wonder what could have or should have been. He wants us to trust He will intervene […]
Four Principles of Effective Christian Communication
Situations can cause us to become hurt, angry, or upset. When we least expect it, tempers flare or disappointments occur because the enemy is always busy. Many people believe it is perfectly reasonable to “unleash” and let others know exactly how you feel, but what does God consider effective communication for Christians? Whether at work, […]
Four Lies From The Enemy About Loneliness
I am now happily married with children at home, but there have been times when I felt lonely as a single and married woman. Loneliness doesn’t care if you are married or single. It is also not defined by whether or not you have children. Loneliness is a condition of the heart and mind, and […]
Give Thanks To God in Everything
Despite life’s many ups and downs, we must thank God. The Bible tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This can be a difficult task, especially during tough times. But when we thank God, even amid our struggles, we acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness. We are also choosing to focus on […]