Do you know how to pray for forgiveness and salvation? For many people, receiving forgiveness and salvation as a Christian can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. There are simple steps that the enemy wants us to think are too complex or too complicated to understand. This post will explain how to receive the forgiveness and salvation that Jesus died to give you.
Table of Contents

Sometimes, we can find ourselves stuck in a cycle of guilt and shame, feeling unworthy of God’s grace. The enemy wants us to remain confused, and he does not want us to understand how to use prayer to gain the forgiveness and salvation we seek. In this post, let’s learn the importance and power of expressing repentance in prayer to find proper redemption. You don’t have to feel alone or powerless in this journey anymore. You can use prayer as your weapon to gain true solace and peace with God.
The Importance of Forgiveness and Salvation
As Christians, our ability to be called a child of God starts with requesting and receiving His forgiveness and salvation. Salvation is available to all who ask for it. Salvation refers to being saved or rescued from harm, danger, or spiritual death. In Christianity, it refers to the deliverance of a person’s soul from sin and its consequences. Unfortunately, sometimes, we put off getting the right relationship with God until tragedy strikes.
When something like this happens, it shakes us and makes us look seriously at our lives and our beliefs about eternity. Recently, a young adult passed away unexpectedly, and the community as a whole was affected. In the face of such tragedy, we recognize our need for forgiveness and salvation, guaranteeing our eternity with God.

God’s promises, including eternal life, apply to those who have been forgiven and have accepted the gift of salvation. There are no guarantees that we will all get to live until we are 100. We do not know when the Lord will call us home, but being “saved” makes us a child of God and ensures we can spend eternity with Him after taking our last breath on Earth.
The enemy will try to convince us that we are not worthy or that the process is too complex. We cannot listen to him. Becoming a child of God starts by asking for forgiveness and salvation. After that, we can freely receive God’s joy and peace.
The Importance of Faith in Forgiveness and Salvation
Being forgiven begins with recognizing our need to apologize, which in the Bible is called “repenting.” Apologizing to God happens when we pray a prayer of salvation or a “sinner’s prayer.” This prayer expresses to God that we understand our need for Him. The sinner’s prayer also reinforces that we believe Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection are why we have the offer of salvation.

The truth is the only way to know that we are right with God is to ask for forgiveness. In God’s eyes, no sin is considered worse than the other. Thankfully, He will forgive every sin when we repent. We can not be afraid to apologize for everything.
It is not always easy to apologize. Admitting that we did something wrong can be uncomfortable. It is much easier to excuse ourselves by saying things like, “Everyone else is doing it” or “It’s not that bad.” We cannot make excuses for sin, and no one has to tell us whether we have sinned, broken a commandment, or made a wrong choice; our conscience tells us.
After Receiving Forgiveness and Salvation
What needs to be adequately understood is that salvation is not just a one-time event but an ongoing journey. Salvation is a process that begins when we repent and accept Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. As we pray a prayer and ask Jesus to become our Lord and Savior, we begin a life of change and growth that leads us to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.

After apologizing, we want God to lead and show us how to live His way. When we judge ourselves, we will feel sorry for our actions, and we should have the desire to change. God wants us to recognize that we need His help. We cannot fix ourselves; we need a Saviour to help get our lives right. All God wants is that we first demonstrate a desire to change.
We will never be perfect and must constantly ask God for forgiveness when we falter. God loves us and wants us to feel the love and joy of knowing we are His. By faithfully understanding God’s plan, it is possible to find the peace and understanding of God’s love that our spirit so deeply desires. It is possible to know where we will spend eternity.
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
Romans 10:8-10 ESV
Ways the Enemy Tries To Stop Prayers of Forgiveness and Salvation
The enemy tries to stop prayers of forgiveness and salvation because until you become a child of God, you aren’t one. One trick the enemy uses is to convince us that we can wait until later to choose Jesus. He also tries to convince us that we can be good and do right without being saved.
Some friends and family members believe they have time to clean up their act before coming to God. Perhaps they struggle with addictions or sins, and that causes them to feel guilty. They want to try to quit the habit or fix their issues first. The enemy wants to keep them from God’s saving grace, and he convincingly tells them to wait. Waiting is what the enemy wants.
God wants us to come as we are and give Him all the broken pieces. He will help us get on the right road. The Bible says we can experience forgiveness and salvation if we confess and believe. We are not all promised a long life on this Earth, and we do not know when our time will end, but eternity with God awaits if we start with this step now.
A Simple Prayer for Forgiveness and Salvation
Let’s pray a simple prayer for forgiveness and salvation. First, we will recognize our need for salvation, and then, the Bible says we must confess and believe that Jesus rose from the grave as our Savior, and we will be saved. Salvation is a gift that we must want to receive. This prayer for forgiveness and salvation proclaims by faith that Jesus is Lord and was raised from the dead. Let’s pray today!

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The Holy Spirit has been churning forgiveness in my heart for several weeks now. What I discovered first was that I had to forgive myself for the things I’ve done and the sharp words that have come out of my mouth that have hurt people. My next step is forgiving those who have hurt me. I realize hurt people hurt people and I want this cycle to stop. Please keep me in prayer. May God be with you always. ~ Mindi P.
This is where the difficulty lies. How do you know when your spiritual slate has been wiped clean? What if you haven’t said the right words? What if you’re not truly convinced you needed to ask for forgiveness in the first place? And how do you even know if forgiveness works? It’s not like God stands in front of you and waves His hand and suggests three “Hail Marys” to purify your soul. Who can say when you’ve been forgiven before a righteous God?
I am asked this question a lot. Remember that a relationship with God requires faith. You must have the faith to believe that if you ask God for forgiveness, that He forgives you just like He said He would in the Bible. If you think you do not need to ask forgiveness for something but asked anyway, you would not have lost anything. I actually like to ask God to forgive me for anything that I said, did, or thought that wasn’t right in His eyes. I recognize that I am so imperfect. We are only righteous because of Jesus thus I believe you ask and pray in Jesus’ name. I do not say Hail Mary’s. I hope this answer helped. God bless!