How Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Steal Your Joy

How Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Steal Your Joy

In our quest for connection and belonging, many of us find ourselves seeking the approval and acceptance of others. Especially in today’s world of social media, striving to be liked, admired, or validated can consume us. Constantly chasing approval can come at a cost—it can rob us of the joy, peace, and contentment that comes from living authentically and focusing solely on God’s acceptance.

Wanting the approval of others can lead us down some slippery slopes. If we head down the unhealthy path of seeking acceptance from others, we may find ourselves walking along roads that take our joy and peace. We may even fall into sin, which is not what God would want for us. God tells us to focus on pleasing Him and not man. Let’s look at the trouble we can get into if we are not careful.

How Seeking Acceptance Can Steal Your Joy

Seeking Acceptance From Others Steals Our Joy By Causing Anxiety

Anxiety occurs when we excessively worry about the opinions of others rather than focusing on God’s perspective. For example, women often worry about their appearance, striving to be thin, attractive, or fashionable. It’s natural to want to stay in shape, look beautiful, and keep up with trends, but these desires shouldn’t overwhelm us. We need to be cautious not to seek approval from others to the extent that it leads to anxiety.

We must look in the mirror, knowing God created us in His image. Even though we may be dealing with aging skin, gray hair, extra weight, or clothes that don’t fit the way they used to, we should still find our approval through God’s eyes because we know He looks at our hearts and loves us completely.

True peace and joy come not from the opinions of others but from trusting in God's unwavering approval

When we base our worth on what others think, we inevitably open the door to anxiety. Trying to meet the expectations of others can feel like walking on eggshells, constantly worrying about how we’re perceived. This anxiety stems from the fear of rejection or not measuring up, and it can leave us feeling restless and insecure. Instead of resting in God’s unconditional love, we become trapped in a cycle of trying to please people, a pursuit that can never fully satisfy.

The Bible reminds us in Philippians 4:6-7 to let go of anxiety by focusing on God’s acceptance: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” True peace and joy come not from the opinions of others but from trusting in God’s unwavering approval.

Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Lead to Feelings of Depression

It’s important to understand that winning approval and acceptance from others is complex, and even when we do gain it, it’s often fleeting. What people consider acceptable can change frequently, leaving us to chase an ever-shifting standard. But thankfully, God never changes. His love and approval are constant, providing us with a firm foundation in a world that often demands we adjust to fit in.

Relying on external validation such as social media likes, compliments, or affirmations from others for our sense of self-worth can lead to feelings of emptiness and inadequacy when that approval doesn’t come. Constantly seeking validation from others can lead to emotional pain, rejection, and even depression. The more we depend on people to define our worth, the more vulnerable we become to feelings of unworthiness when they withhold their approval.

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God_ Or am I trying to please man_ If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

If we’re not careful, we can open the door for the enemy to attack our sense of self-worth. The enemy will gladly reinforce feelings of isolation, feeding us lies about our worthlessness. That’s why it’s crucial to be cautious about seeking acceptance from people and instead focus on finding our worth in God.

When we shift our focus away from external approval and seek only God’s validation, we protect ourselves from the emotional pain of rejection and the never-ending cycle of trying to please others. God’s love for us is unwavering; in Him, we find true joy and worth that isn’t dependent on people’s ever-changing opinions.

Depression often sets in when we believe we’ve failed to live up to the standards we think others have set for us. But God never intended for us to find our identity in the acceptance of others. Psalm 139:14 reminds us, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Our worth comes from God, not from people. Focusing on His love frees us from the emotional rollercoaster of seeking approval and allows us to experience joy in who He created us to be.

Our Worth Comes From God, Not from People

Seeking Acceptance From Others Can Lead to Sin

Seeking acceptance and approval from others can easily lead us into sin. In our efforts to impress others, we may often compromise our values without realizing it. For example, we might exaggerate, stretch the truth, or tell small lies to gain favor in someone’s eyes. Giving insincere compliments or pretending to know something we don’t so that we seem more knowledgeable may seem harmless, but it can quickly become a chronic form of dishonesty, a sin.

The desire for approval can also lead to other subtle sins, like gossiping to gain attention or speaking negatively about others to fit in. When we seek validation from people, jealousy and covetousness can creep in as we compare ourselves to those whose approval we crave. These feelings can drive us to envy what others have, which Scripture also warns against.

Perhaps most dangerously, when we place the opinions of others above God’s, we risk slipping into idolatry. Valuing human approval more than God’s acceptance leads us to prioritize people’s thoughts and judgments over His will and truth. In doing so, we compromise our faith, betray our beliefs, and act against our conscience to avoid rejection or criticism.

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. 2 Corinthians 5:9 ESV

Romans 12:2 reminds us not to conform to the standards of this world: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Instead of seeking approval from others, we should renew our minds and focus on what God thinks of us. Doing so empowers us to resist peer pressure, temptation, and the urge to sin.

Seeking God’s approval brings freedom while seeking human approval entangles us in sin. When we anchor ourselves in God’s acceptance, we can live with integrity, remain true to our faith, and experience the joy of walking in righteousness—free from the fear of others’ opinions.

Avoid Seeking Acceptance From Others, Choose Joy Instead

Once we stop seeking approval from others, we can embrace our true selves. Living authentically brings a deep sense of peace and joy because we are no longer living for the fleeting applause of others but for the steady love of God. This shift allows us to live with integrity, confidence, and purpose. We become more resilient to rejection and criticism because we understand that others’ perceptions of us do not determine our worth. Instead, we are grounded in the knowledge that God sees, loves, and accepts us just as we are. This freedom leads to a fulfilling life filled with joy, purpose, and peace.

Choose Joy

A Prayer to Stop Seeking Acceptance From Others

Seeking acceptance from others can be a joy-stealer, causing anxiety and depression and even leading us down paths that pull us away from God. The key to lasting joy is to seek acceptance from God, who loves us unconditionally without needing performance. When we rest in that truth, we experience freedom, peace, and joy that no human approval can match. Understanding that only God’s approval matters, let’s take a moment to pray and ask God to help us stop seeking others’ approval.

A Prayer to Stop Seeking Acceptance from others
A Prayer To Stop Seeking Acceptance From Others
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

The Amazing Power of Surrendering to God: Finding Peace and Purpose

The Amazing Power of Surrendering to God: Finding Peace and Purpose

Surrendering to God is an ongoing, empowering journey we undertake as beloved children of God. It is a deliberate and active process that involves embracing God’s goodness, acknowledging His superiority, and trusting in His ability to guide us lovingly. This intentional act requires us to align our lives with God’s purpose and wisdom willingly.

Surrendering involves releasing our need for control and joyfully submitting to God’s leadership in every aspect of our lives. Our humble submission is a powerful affirmation of our belief that God knows what is best for us. As we wholeheartedly surrender, we open ourselves to receive the abundant blessings that flow from His gracious hand.

The Amazing Power of Surrendering To God

As we navigate life, we will undoubtedly encounter unexpected twists and turns, and life may not always go according to our plans. However, we can find peace by trusting God and embracing His plan. Surrendering to God involves accepting whatever comes our way. Even when we struggle to comprehend the reasons behind certain events, we trust and have faith that we are never alone and God Almighty is always looking out for us. This trust can bring peace, enabling us to navigate life’s trials gracefully and effortlessly.

When we surrender, we can alleviate worry by prioritizing and following God’s rule. It’s common for us to worry and try to predict how things will unfold. However, God advises us to trust Him completely and not rely on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Even though it may not be our natural response, placing our trust in God is the best decision we can make each day. As we learn to depend on Him and follow His lead, He promises to guide us in the right direction, ensuring our paths are straight (Proverbs 3:6).

When Surrendering to God Trust in the Lord with all your heart

The Benefits of Surrendering To God

Surrendering to God has benefits. Surrender can bring peace as God invites us to “be still and know He is God (Psalm 46:10). Our Father encourages us to give Him our burdens and move forward with a lighter heart. By letting go of worries about the future and regrets of the past, we can be more present and find peace in appreciating the good things in the current moment. Accepting what we can’t change and giving it to God instead reduces struggle and allows us to focus on what we can control – our thoughts, actions, and reactions.

Surrendering To God by being Still

Surrendering to God not only brings peace but also empowers us. When we commit to living our lives in alignment with God’s will, we may still encounter difficulties, but when we confront them with faith and the assurance of God’s assistance, we know that we can overcome everything with God’s help. Knowing that the Almighty is directing our path instills a profound inner strength, reminding us that we can do all things through His strength (Philippians 4:13).

By surrendering our lives to God’s will, we gain a renewed sense of purpose and direction that emphasizes the importance of community and a deeper connection to others. Instead of feeling disconnected and as if we must deal with everything alone, surrendering to God leads us to celebrate and share our beliefs with others, which can be a great source of strength and comfort as we find others who share our love for God and are trying to walk with Him.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

Surrender To God in Prayer

Surrendering to God requires consistently aligning our lives with God’s will. It is not a one-time experience. This ongoing process of prayer will strengthen our faith and is essential to serving God. Prayer is a powerful tool for both communication and active listening. It lets us confidently express our needs and desires while remaining receptive to God’s guidance.

When we pray and listen for direction from God, He promises to illuminate our path. God will never direct us to go against what is in the Bible, but rather, during prayer time and when we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit highlights the Word in our hearts so that we have “a lamp for our feet (Psalm 119:105).” This lamp will remind us of God’s plan for our lives. The Holy Spirit can illuminate specific passages relevant to our situation. These passages can provide direction and comfort.

Your Word is a Lamp To My Feet When I Surrender To God

During prayer, we communicate our surrender and willingness to yield to God’s way. Praying enables us to express ourselves to God and offers a safe and open environment to share our requests while submitting our desires to His wisdom. Expressing our feelings, worries, and hopes to God strengthens our relationship, as we trust that He hears us and cares.

Prayer also helps us express our gratitude for the blessings we have received. Remembering and focusing our appreciation on God’s goodness and faithfulness enables our hearts to be more receptive to God’s abundant grace. Prayer is one way we praise and worship God. When we recall how God has answered our prayers in the past, we approach Him with thanksgiving instead of anxiety, and we are better able to hear and receive more blessings and guidance.

A Prayer To Surrender to God

Our Heavenly Father loves us and promises to hear us when we pray. Rather than carrying our burdens alone, let’s invite Him in with this prayer to surrender to God. Let’s ask Him to show us His Divine plan and guide us on the path He knows is best for us. Let’s bow our heads together today, confident that He will answer.

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What is Temptation, And How Do We Overcome It?

What is Temptation, And How Do We Overcome It?

Temptation is a complex term that we often take lightly. We usually use it to describe our lack of willpower as we indulge in something we shouldn’t, like eating chocolate cake on a diet. However, it’s essential to understand that giving in to temptation can profoundly impact our lives. For instance, Adam and Eve changed the world by not resisting temptation.

In this post, I will explain how temptation relates to Biblical principles to help us understand why the enemy sends temptation. We will also explore the three types of temptations the enemy uses. Lastly, we will gain clarity about what is at stake and the weapons in our arsenal to overcome temptation. We must understand that falling prey to temptation isn’t just a trivial matter of breaking a rule or two; the enemy tempts us to challenge our decision to put God in charge of our lives.

While half awake this morning, I heard a distinct and profound question in my heart and mind. The question was, “Who is your ruler?” As I pondered this, I realized how complex and critical the question is. I believe God was inviting me to a deeper understanding that every decision in this life reveals who we serve, who has Lordship over our lives, and whose truths we choose to accept.

To Overcome Temptation, We Must Decide Who Rules and Reigns

At some point in our lives, we must decide who we will allow to rule and reign in our hearts. Our ultimate purpose should be to please God by living obediently and faithfully. We should consider God our only ruler and strive to lead a life that aligns with His teachings.

The adversary works tirelessly to prevent us from seeking and serving God properly. He urges us to serve him instead, but how does the enemy tempt us? He does not say, “Hey, follow me; I am your enemy.” Instead, he allures us away from God by drawing us with things we think we want. Essentially, as we go after and follow our selfish desires, we effortlessly move away from what God wants for us.

The adversary wants us to fail in our faith, and he desires to see us make decisions in life without listening to or consulting God. The enemy’s goal is to cause us to turn away from God and serve him or our desires rather than follow God’s instructions. As followers of Christ, we must make every effort to live according to God’s Biblical principles, declaring our allegiance to the only true God.

We must willingly embrace Biblical views that are vastly different from our old ways of thinking and the enemy’s instant gratification lifestyle. We cannot serve God and the enemy, and we cannot serve God and ourselves simultaneously. We must choose wisely.

The Battle Between God’s Plan And Temptation

God desires to bless us with good things. He takes pleasure in blessing His children. However, God instructs us to seek Him first, according to Matthew 6:33, which says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

But See Ye first the Kingdom of God  Bible verse

Every individual has a divine plan from God, and he longs to lead us towards a purposeful life. Our role is to faithfully serve, listen, and follow his plan by faith, recognizing that our obedience or lack of it determines who has rulership over our lives.

If we fall for the enemy’s temptation, he will tempt us to yield or excessively indulge in what we perceive as good for ourselves, with no regard for God’s commands. Succumbing to temptation can eventually trap us in the repercussions of our decisions. If we give in to temptation, we can end up in bondage and be unable to break free from the consequences of our choices.

To live a fulfilled life and surrender to God’s authority, we must learn to listen to His voice and avoid being self-centered. While some actions mentioned in the Bible are obviously wrong, we should be aware that we sin when we give in to temptation and fail to follow God’s guidance or ignore His directions.

Three Temptation Categories

In John, the Bible warns us that all temptation falls into three categories, which coincide with the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. We must identify temptations and learn to sidestep them.

  • The lust of the flesh (physical body cravings).
  • The lust of the eyes (things that look good to our eyes).
  • The pride of life (things that cause us to brag, boast, or be full of pride).

What Is The Temptation Called Lust of the Flesh?

The enemy aims to lure people into disobeying God or desiring things outside His will. He tempts us with earthly pleasures to distract us from God’s plan. When we think of this term, we usually only think of sexual immorality, but this term is all-encompassing and can even include eating food if eating it is against God’s instructions or the vows we have made, like fasting. One of the reasons why Eve ate the fruit was because the tree and the fruit were pleasing to the eye, and the fruit looked good for food (Genesis 3:6).

As humans, we may find the temptations the enemy offers alluring, but it is essential to question whether they align with God’s will. Disobeying God is a sin, and the enemy commonly uses sexual immorality and overindulgence in physical pleasure because it is an effective strategy. As Christians, we must never allow anything to distract us from obeying God, to be idolized in our lives as more important than God, or to be considered equally important to God.

Trusting God can be incredibly challenging when selecting our life partners or significant relationships. God understands our needs and desires, and we must trust Him to give us His best at the right time. Although we crave companionship and connections with others, we must not allow our pursuit of feel-good moments to control our decisions and daily lives.

Any temptation that leads us to sin is a snare set by the enemy. We must never forget that God has engraved His commandments and laws onto our hearts, allowing us to distinguish between right and wrong (Hebrews 10:16). He has also promised to provide a way to escape temptation so we can bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). 

God Writes His Laws On Our Hearts To Helps Us with temptation

What Is The Temptation Lust of The Eyes?

In the Garden of Eden, Eve’s desire for the forbidden fruit made her prioritize it over God’s instructions. Similarly, Satan also tempted Jesus with material possessions when he was fasting, but Jesus did not fall for the trap.

God wants us to prioritize righteousness, and He promises to fulfill our needs (Matthew 5:6). While we need material possessions like food, clothing, and shelter, we should not pursue them in a way that disobeys God or leads us to sin. Instead, we should trust that God will provide for our needs.

It is essential to exercise caution in this area because the enemy tends to distract us with shiny objects. The adversary may even try to entice us into obtaining material possessions through means that violate God’s laws. Stealing, lying, or any other form of ill-gotten gain is a sin, and the reasons behind our attempts to outshine others or obtain things that do not belong to us will ultimately rob us of our peace, joy, and perhaps even our freedom. Although the enemy may try to make us envious of others or covet their possessions, it is crucial to remain content and patient and submit ourselves to God’s will.

Scripture To Overcome Temptation

What Is The Temptation Called The Pride Of Life?

Being tempted in the area of the pride of life happens when we have conceited desires that stem from pride. Wanting to know as much as God or wanting to show off and bring attention to ourselves for bragging purposes fall into this category.

In Genesis 3, the Bible explains that the serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The enemy preyed on her desire for more wisdom as he promised that it would make her wise and able to discern good from evil. Eve ate the fruit, wanting to know what God knew, but it was a trap. 

In modern times, the enemy uses astrology, the Zodiac, and horoscopes to entice people away from God by offering them wisdom beyond their own. Astrologers claim to explain our behaviors and predict our futures by studying the positions of celestial objects such as the sun, planets, and moon. However, seeking knowledge and understanding through these means can lead people astray, just as it did with Eve.

Unaware of the enemy’s trap, many people seek wisdom in various ways, but some of these methods can be harmful. For example, practices such as Ouija boards, mediums, fortune tellers, and tarot card readers are considered dangerous and potentially harmful. Instead, turning to God for guidance through prayer and reflection on His teachings is recommended. Seeking guidance from anyone or anything else is not in line with God’s will for our lives.

Jesus called boastful pride a sin (Mark 7:22). When the enemy tried to get Jesus to throw himself down and let the angels catch him (Matthew 4:1–11), the adversary tempted Jesus to give in to pride and show off that he was the son of God rather than obey God and submit to the Father. 

Comparison of the Enemy's Temptation with Adam and Eve and Jesus

My Testimony

I have learned and am still learning that if I listen to God, He will bless me at the perfect time. If I get outside of His will, I make a mess. My career goals and materialistic desires drove my decisions as a young and new college graduate. Making money excited me, and I wanted things like a brand-new car. However, a few months later, I realized that the brand-new Mustang I had bought was unsuitable for winter driving, and the payments, coupled with my student loan debt, made me feel less joy and peace as I struggled needlessly. 

The problem was that I did not seek God first but gave in to what I thought I wanted, which was only a shiny object and a lot of debt. The reason I even liked that particular car was prideful. I wanted a new car off the showroom floor to announce, ” I have arrived.”

Rather than living motivated by the illusion of material things or pride, we must strive to build our relationship with God. We have to trust that He knows best. He will give us the desires of our hearts, and what he gives, there will be no sorrow attached and no buyer’s remorse.

The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it Bible Verse

How Can We Overcome Temptation?

Our Heavenly Father loves us and understands human nature. While He is patient with us, He wants us to be obedient and serve him only. Recognizing that our defiance benefits the enemy, we must scrutinize our lives and identify the temptations the enemy dangles. If needed, we should take the following steps:

  1. Renew your thinking about temptation by aligning it with God’s principles.
  2. Pray and ask God for forgiveness and help with overcoming temptation.
  3. Learn Scriptures to use against the enemy as Jesus did.
  4. Surround yourself with believers who can encourage your faith.
  5. Spend time in God’s presence with worship and activities such as serving others.

The enemy’s job is to tempt us persistently. He will find new ways to allure us daily, but his tactics will fall into three main categories. As we fight the enemy, we must continue to complete the previous steps, knowing that if we fail, God’s grace and love enable us to seek forgiveness and begin anew.

A Prayer To Overcome Temptation

If we view life from God’s perspective and strive to live obedient lives, we will discover how to experience fulfillment and joy through Him. The enemy seeks to keep us from living the abundant life that Jesus died to give us, so he tries to tempt us to stray away from God. When we consciously obey God, He guides us and shows us the way forward.

As we continue to serve God, we will better understand His priorities, our motivations will change, and we will be able to say, as Jesus did, that we desire to carry out the will of our Father. Let’s pray to ask God for help overcoming temptation today.

A Prayer To Overcome Temptation
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Let Your Light Shine in the Darkness

Let Your Light Shine In The Darkness

Christians must be a guiding light for others, but how can we effectively let our light shine in the darkness without appearing overly assertive in our faith? As disciples of Christ, it is our responsibility to lead by example and inspire others so that we show them the way. However, expressing our faith without appearing forceful or pushy can be challenging. How do we remain true to our convictions while also respecting the opinions and beliefs of others? One way to approach this challenge is to compare our role to that of a lighthouse. By doing so, we can better understand our duty to let our light shine without imposing our beliefs on others.

Let Your Light Shine Like a Lighthouse

When we wholeheartedly devote ourselves to walking with God and following Jesus, we may be excited and desire to share the happiness and tranquility we have discovered. However, we should exercise caution and avoid being too forceful, as this may have the opposite effect and repel others instead of drawing them in.

Be The Light

Sometimes, people distance themselves from God, the church, or Christians because they may perceive our enthusiasm as overwhelming or pushy. Therefore, we should be cautious and not drive others away from the love of God instead of leading them to Jesus. We must strike a balance between being a source of guidance and respecting the diverse paths of others.

Many people avoid God or church because they perceive them as unforgiving and judgmental. Sometimes, we unintentionally come across as overly critical in our enthusiasm to explain Christian values or beliefs, which can result in people thinking that God is angry with them, their situations are hopeless, or worse, that God is punishing them for the mistakes they have made.

As Christians, it doesn’t mean we should keep our faith to ourselves. We should strive to be like a lighthouse by shining the light of Jesus to others. Our light should be bright enough to brighten up our homes and our city. It should also serve as a guide to point others towards our heavenly Father. Like a lighthouse, we must stand firm and tall, providing a steady beam of light to lead those lost in the turbulent sea of life. Our approach should be gentle and illuminating rather than forceful or demanding. There are three similarities between being a Christian and a lighthouse.

  • A lighthouse shines and gives hope.
  •  A lighthouse is trusted to stand alone.
  •  A lighthouse is well-constructed and built to last.
Let Your Light Shine as Hope for Others

A Lighthouse Shines and Gives Hope

Imagine the lighthouse beaming its steady light through stormy nights. It doesn’t judge the ships caught in the waves but offers a reliable beacon of hope, a guiding point in the darkness. We can embody that same unwavering presence, offering a safe harbor of compassion and understanding for those navigating their journeys.

As Christians, it’s essential to remember that the lighthouse tower cannot save people but can emit an intense light to guide ships. In the same way, our lives are like ships on the sea of life, and the role of the lighthouse is to shine the light that offers hope to those searching for it. As Christians, we must allow the light of Christ to shine in our lives. Our responsibility is to be a beacon while leaving the task of salvation to Jesus alone, as He is the only one who can bring about salvation.

We must remember Jesus himself spoke in parables and stories, inviting people to discover the truth for themselves rather than dictating it. We can embrace this approach, too, sharing our experiences and values in a way that resonates with hearts rather than bombards minds.

Let your light shine before men,

A Lighthouse is Trusted to Stand Alone

Imagine a lighthouse standing alone in the distance, appearing isolated. As believers in Christ, we may sometimes feel alone, but we must remember that we are never truly alone. We must remain vigilant like a lighthouse constantly scanning the horizon for distressed ships. Christians should always be watchful and attentive to those around them, ready to offer guidance and support.

Christians should remain unwavering in their beliefs, providing stability and comfort during life’s difficulties. Christians represent Christ even when those around them do not. It is essential to confidently share our faith with humility, letting our light shine through our actions and character.

We must remain steadfast in our faith, no matter our challenges. Like a lighthouse that endures the same storms as the ships it guides, the rock anchors the lighthouse and the Christian’s life. Through thick and thin, the lighthouse remains a beacon, a testament to its purpose. Similarly, Christians persevere through trials and tribulations, their faith constantly witnessing hope and stability.

Be Light

Although the lighthouse may appear alone, its foundation anchors it against the fiercest storms. A Christian’s faith serves as their unwavering foundation. Scripture, prayer, and personal conviction provide the spiritual strength to endure life’s challenges. Unlike traditional lighthouses, Jesus fuels the Christian light rather than earthly resources. Our light should reflect God’s love, an eternal flame that shines regardless of external circumstances.

A Lighthouse is Well Constructed and Built to Last

Christians whose lives are grounded in faith and whose character is above reproach are like well-constructed lighthouses. However, we must always allow Christ Jesus, the engineer of our lives, to perfect us and our light so we don’t lead someone astray. Just like a lighthouse guides future generations, so do Christians leave a lasting impact through their actions, inspiring others to carry the torch of faith and love.

We must strive to leave a positive impact on the lives of others in our families, churches, cities, towns, and workplaces. To do this, we must constantly adapt to our changing world and embrace growth through learning, reflection, and service, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us. As Christians in a changing world, we must refine our light continuously to illuminate the world more effectively.

Give Light to all of the House Bible verse

It’s not about pushing our beliefs onto others but inspiring and guiding them to find their faith journey. We must let our light shine and be a beacon of hope and love for all those who may need it. If we have opportunities to talk about our faith with others, we should only do so when they show interest, and we should use kind and respectful language.

The main thing is to focus on understanding and getting to know the other person rather than trying to persuade them to agree with us. We must listen well, ask thoughtful questions, and show that we genuinely care about them. Doing so can build bridges of love and connection with others.

As Christians, we must remember that the storms come, but they also go. Never lose hope. God has us in the palm of his hand. He has fully equipped us to stand and not fail. Although we may not feel ready for the storm, God has provided us with His strength through His Word and covers us with His mighty hand and spiritual armor.

We must faithfully stand so that we give consistent light. We should stand with our lights shining, and we should always be ready to share the love and message of the Lord with others.

We must examine our lives and honestly ask ourselves whether we let our light shine like a lighthouse. Our lives mustn’t lead others astray, even during crises or chaotic times. As a lighthouse, we should bring peace and a reminder that there is a place of safety, even when we feel like we can not find it.

A Prayer For Peace And Brotherly Love

Christians must learn to let their light shine in the darkness. The enemy wants to dim the light of Christians. We must shine our light even when surrounded by darkness. The enemy may try to discourage us by reminding us of past hurts, stigma, or negative experiences. He wants to limit our ability to spread the Word of God and the light of His love. We should not let the enemy win. We must ask God to bring peace and brotherly love, especially during these dark times in the world and our nation. Let us be the lighthouse others search for and continue to stand for what is right.

A Prayer For Peace and Brotherly Love

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

6 Steps To Breaking Habits God’s Way

6 Steps To Breaking Habits God’s Way

Breaking habits and creating new ones is hard, but it should not be overwhelming with God on your side. This post will give readers straightforward steps for breaking habits as we strive to create new, healthier habits that bring us closer to God. No one is perfect, and even Christians must self-reflect. Whether we have a habit to break or want to develop healthy habits like exercising or budgeting, we need a strategy to accomplish our goals.

6 Steps To Breaking Habits God's Way

Especially when the New Year comes, we often consider what we want to change for the upcoming year. We all know how hard it is to break a bad habit. Stopping a habit takes great effort and dedication. As Christians, we can take solace in our faith and let God give us guidance, strength, and perseverance to change our habits. 

Identify and Acknowledge Habits To Change In Prayer

The initial step towards breaking a habit is to identify and acknowledge it through prayer. It is essential to regularly communicate with God about our desire to change, confess our struggles, and request His strength, wisdom, and forgiveness. By dedicating specific times for prayer and reflection, such as before bed or in the morning, we can gain the strength and faith required to succeed.

Depending on the magnitude of the change we seek to make, adding fasting to our prayer time may be beneficial. For example, when I was breaking the habit of smoking, I prayed and asked God to help me. As I prayed, I heard the Scripture from Matthew 17:21, where Jesus, speaking of the disciples’ inability to cast out a demon from a boy, said, “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” At that moment, I believed that because smoking was a deeply ingrained behavior from my youth, I needed to strengthen my faith with prayer and fasting. 

Scripture about adding Fasting To  Prayers when Breaking Bad Habits

I fasted for three days and promised God that I would only drink liquids; during that time, I prayed, and God was true to his promise. He helped me gain control of my mind to know that he would give me the strength and self-control to overcome the smoking habit. Just as I was able to go three days without food, God helped me understand that others had successfully gone without cigarettes. By fasting and praying, with God’s help, I was convinced that I could go a lifetime without another smoke. 

Be Ready To Fight the Enemy’s Lies When Breaking Habits

The fight with habits starts in our minds. We must sift through the enemy’s lies and God’s truths. We have to allow the truth of God to win over the enemy’s lies, and that happens when we finally reach a breaking point where we want to change because we desire to follow after God and live lives that bring Him honor. We must be sick of excuses and ready for change because the enemy will give us plenty of reasons to stay stuck. 

We must ready ourselves in prayer for the battle in our mind about the habit. To do this, we arm ourselves with God’s truth and make conscious decisions to stop believing the enemy’s lies. The enemy does not want us to change for the better, nor does he want us to pray. The enemy will try to convince us that change is impossible or too difficult. He may even tell us that the habit is not so bad and that we should deal with it. We must be willing to fight his negative thoughts and adopt the thoughts of faith, which promise that we can do all things through Christ, which strengthens us.  

When Breaking Habits remember that we can do all things through Christ

Sometimes, we may feel ashamed or afraid to ask for help because the enemy attacks our faith, makes us feel condemned, and makes us believe that we are not worthy of God’s love. However, we must avoid allowing enemy tactics to defeat us. We need to remind ourselves that our Heavenly Father is always there to help us when we ask for it. Instead of hiding our difficulties, we should run to God with every problem. Remember that the enemy wants us to struggle, but our Heavenly Father wants us to overcome and succeed.

Seek Guidance in Scripture Regarding Breaking Habits

Once you have fasted, prayed, and mentally prepared yourself for the battle ahead, it is time to equip yourself with powerful scriptures to stand on. The Bible is an excellent source of guidance and encouragement for those working toward breaking habits. Just like my prayer time helped me discover a scripture, I believe that whenever you face any difficult situation, God will help you stand by His Word through the Holy Spirit. He will guide you towards a powerful scripture you will recognize as a message from above.

As you look for verses that strengthen your resolve to change, find scriptures that offer encouragement, guidance, and reminders of God’s presence and love. Locating Bible verses is a crucial step because finding and standing on the Word of God strengthens your faith, but it also aligns your heart and mind with what God says about you rather than the enemy’s lies. 

One passage that may be helpful as a reminder of why it is essential to break habits that do not glorify God is found in Ephesians 4:22-24 “to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,  and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” As Christians, we must strive to be the new creation and live the abundant life that Jesus died to give us. He wants us to be free from sin and bad habits.

When the enemy whispers that we can not succeed, we can hold on to the promise of 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 

God helps Us Escape Temptation Bible verse

If you struggle with temptation, pray and remind yourself of the helpful verse in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” This verse reminds us that with God’s help, we can overcome any obstacle, including our bad habits. 

Additionally, Psalm 119:9-11 guides how to break bad habits by focusing on God’s word: “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” 

Lastly, my favorite Scripture in 1 John 4:4 states, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” 

Overall, seeking guidance in Scripture can provide comfort and strength for those looking to break habits, as the Bible reminds us that there is nothing or nobody more significant than the one who lives inside our hearts.

Devise a Strategy For Breaking Habits

Identifying triggers and avoiding the situations, emotions, or thoughts that typically lead you to indulge in your bad habits will be necessary. Once you understand your triggers, you can develop strategies to avoid them or manage your response. For example, if stress makes you overeat, identify healthy coping mechanisms like exercise or talking to a friend. 

Don’t shy away from recognizing your temptations. Acknowledge the urge and remind yourself of your commitment to change and why you want to break the habit. This conscious awareness is crucial for making positive choices. 

The Bible is clear that if we want the enemy to flee, we must resist him. As the enemy learns that the more he tempts you, the more you will pray to God, eventually, he will lose his hold over you and give up. You have to fight the urge to return to the old nature. Just as Jesus resisted the enemy in the wilderness, you must tell the enemy no using the Word of God. Know that he can not win if you ask God to help you.  

Resist the Devil When Breaking Habits Scripture

After we pray, begin to stand on the Word of God, and identify our triggers, we must find a realistic strategy. There are tools to help us let go of unhealthy habits and reach for healthy ones, but we must be willing to do our part. God will not take anything that we are not willing to give. As much as we want to blink and the habit is gone, it may not work that way. Instead, tools and resources are available to help change our habits, and it is best to use these proven supports. 

God doesn’t expect us to be superheroes; it’s okay if we can’t quit a habit cold turkey. Sometimes, it takes time and tools to achieve our goal. In my case, I used a patch to quit smoking, and it took me ten weeks to succeed. I followed the steps, prayed for strength, and thanked God for every successful day until I was finally free and no longer needed the patch.

Seek Support For Changing Habits

Stopping a bad habit can be challenging, and seeking support and encouragement from others can make a big difference. Having someone to talk to is always helpful when you’re feeling tempted, frustrated, or overwhelmed. You could reach out to a friend or family member who has successfully quit a similar habit or consider joining a support group or seeking help from a professional. Just be sure to reach for someone who supports your changes rather than someone who benefits from you remaining stuck in old ways.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Be careful of bad company when breaking habits

Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone; there’s no shame in asking for help. It may be beneficial to surround yourself with supportive Christian communities. Share your struggles and celebrate your successes with a trusted friend, church family, small group, or a mentorship program. When you are in a group, they may teach you new skills or coping mechanisms via counseling or group therapies. Knowing you’re not alone in your journey can be a powerful source of strength and motivation. 

 A trusted friend or mentor can also hold you accountable for your goals when you share your progress, setbacks, and prayer requests with them. Their support and encouragement can help you stay on track and overcome challenges.

Pray Through Challenges and Praise Through Success When Breaking Habits

The last step in changing our habits brings us back to the first step: praying. We pray through every challenge, and when we have overcome it, we praise God for His faithfulness. As we long to get closer to God, His Holy Spirit will continue challenging us to live in a manner that is more aligned with God’s will and standards. Each time the Holy Spirit reveals an area we must change, we must repeat these steps.

We must be willing to give up the old for the new, and we must be willing to let go of anything that does not honor God. He will help us, but we must willingly let it go as we seek to continue to move forward in our walk with God. 

Let’s Pray To Change Our Habits

Breaking habits is a difficult task, but it is possible. We all have the power to overcome bad habits and replace them with new ones that will bring us closer to God. Identifying and acknowledging your bad habits is the first step, followed by prayer. Let’s pray together and start aligning our lives with God’s Word.

A Prayer For Changing Habits

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New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

The Best Way To Be Happy

Are you feeling depleted and exhausted in life? You’re not alone. Many of us feel overwhelmed and struggle to find happiness. Sadly, many search for ways to fill the void within. We chase temporary pleasures, material possessions, and external validation, and these fall short of their ability to bring genuine, lasting fulfillment. What is the best way to be happy?

The Bible offers guidance on how to achieve happiness from God’s perspective. In a world where happiness can seem elusive, the Bible can be an excellent starting point for those seeking long-lasting happiness.

Prioritize Choosing Joy Over Pursuing Happiness  

The Bible highlights the importance of prioritizing joy over happiness because happiness depends on circumstances. While happiness can be fleeting and subject to change based on our situations, joy transcends them. Based on our circumstances, we can be happy one minute and unhappy the next. However, it is possible to experience joy regardless of our conditions. God wants us to have more than temporary happiness. He desires that we possess everlasting joy.

While happiness can be lost when circumstances change or desires remain unfulfilled, joy is not a transient emotion tied to situations. Instead, it is a deep peace and contentment that transcends life’s ups and downs. Joy gives us a sense of wholeness and completeness even amidst challenges, and it goes beyond momentary pleasure.

Dont tell god how Big Your problems are Tell your problems how Big your God is.

Acknowledge That Life Is Not Always Happy 

As we go through life, we must understand that it won’t always be full of happiness. Instead, we might face tough times, disappointments, and moments of sadness. However, we should not let them rob us of our joy. Instead, we can view them as an opportunity to grow and put our faith in God’s plan.

We must trust that God is with us through every storm, and His strength will help us overcome. We should let the joy of the Lord be our foundation, reminding us that He is always with us, even in our darkest moments.

The Bible teaches us that sometimes joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5) or on the other side of trials. We can learn from Jesus, who endured the cross for us, knowing that it would bring us joy on the morning He rose from the dead. Jesus did this out of love to reconcile us with the Father. Because of His sacrifice, we can now find the joy of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).

Bible Scripture about Joy and Salvation

To Be Happy, We Must Choose Joy

When it comes to happiness, nothing compares to the joy of the Lord. But what is joy, exactly? Joy is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, a divine gift that God bestows on us. It’s an internal state of being that arises from our connection to something greater than ourselves, our Maker. When we allow God to lead our steps, we experience joy no matter our circumstances.

Be Happy Choose Joy

Joy is more than just a feeling – it’s a powerful force that brings hope, strength, and perseverance. It reminds us that even when things are tough, there is always hope for the future because our hope is grounded in God, who created Heaven and Earth. Scripture tells us that the “joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Although joy is a gift, we must cultivate it by following God and His plan.

When we focus on the goodness and characteristics of God, we experience an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives, both great and small—shifting our focus from what we lack to the abundance we already possess fosters contentment and joy. And when we praise and worship despite our circumstances, we remind ourselves that God controls everything.

May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy Bible  Verse

We trust that God loves us and will supply our needs. He is our hope no matter what we face. No matter what we go through, we must always strive to hold on to the Bible’s words. Sometimes, life throws lemons at us, but God gives us joy, hope, and peace. Sometimes, things are not going well, but we must trust the God of hope to be happy.

We have to surrender everything to Him; in return, he fills us with joy and peace through the power of His Holy Spirit. He leaves us with hope when we remember that no matter what, God is good and big enough to handle everything that comes our way.

The Bible tells us that the “joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). We gain the strength to hold on when we remember who is in control. We trust that God loves us and will supply our needs. He is our hope no matter what we face. No matter what we go through, we must always strive to hold on to the Bible’s words.


I have compiled a PDF list to remind us of God’s attributes. If you struggle to find joy or if you could use a little extra happiness in your life, perhaps remembering how big and mighty our God is will help. This list enables me to remember God is God. He is not a man. He is God; I can rest easy knowing I am in his hands! Download your list here and refer to it often to build your faith in the one true God! Our God of hope promises to fill you with peace, joy, and abundant hope.

The best way to be Happy Download

Let’s Pray A Prayer For Joy

In summary, we must aim to be more than happy but to have joy, the powerful force that arises from our relationship with God. Joy brings hope, strength, and perseverance in challenging times, fosters gratitude and contentment, and reminds us of God’s sovereignty.

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

God’s Provision: Release Worry and Anxiety

God’s Provision: Release Worry and Anxiety

Uncertainty and a sense of lack can cause us to worry and feel anxious, but as children of God, we are not supposed to feel chained to stress and anxiety. God’s provisions allow us to release worry and anxiety as He desires us to lead a life of assurance despite uncertainties. We can break free from fear and anxiety by embracing God’s unwavering commitment to provide peace, provision, and purpose for every aspect of life. This article explores the unshakable promise of God’s divine provision. 

Worries tend to take root in our minds, robbing us of joy and peace. We worry about money, sickness, family, and countless other things. With the power of God’s promise, we can embrace His unwavering commitment to provide for every aspect of our lives. We need to know how. Our journey begins by understanding the depth and scope of God’s promise of provision, which extends far beyond mere material needs. 

God's Provision release worry

Imagine waking up every morning with a lightness in your heart, knowing that no matter the challenges, you have a divine safety net of provision waiting to catch you. This safety net is not just wishful thinking or an empty promise but a reality that can transform your outlook on life. God has promised to care for his children, and we must graciously accept His loving kindness. 

Let Go Of Worry And Anxiety By Understanding God’s Promise Of Provision.

To understand God’s promise of provision, we must first let go of worry and anxiety. By doing so, we open our hearts and minds to the abundance God has in store. One of the scriptures that comes to mind is Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” 

God's Provision- Promise to supply all your needs

We must learn to embrace this scripture, which means we fully understand who supplies our needs and what He promises to supply. God promises to provide all of our needs, not some, everything. That is good news. If having our needs met relied on our strength, then there may be cause to worry because we are limited. But if we genuinely believe that God will supply our needs, then we need to determine what those needs are. After we define our needs, we can let go of our worry and anxiety because we know God’s got it, and He is limitless. 

We only need a relationship with God to communicate our needs in prayer, and we need faith. It should be comforting to know that God’s provision is not contingent upon our efforts or abilities but on His unwavering love and care.

Letting go of worry and anxiety is not a passive act but an intentional choice to trust in God’s faithfulness and ability rather than our own. In doing so, we acknowledge that we surrender by recognizing that we are not in control but that God is and will provide for our every need. This act of surrender takes work. It goes against our nature to relinquish control and trust in someone else’s plan. But only when we embrace this mindset can we find true freedom from the burden of worry and anxiety. We must do four things:

  • Replace Worry and Anxiety With Contentment and Gratitude
  • Embrace God’s Divine Plan
  • Embrace God’s Perfect Timing
  • Pursue God’s Will and Guidance.

Replace Worry and Anxiety With Contentment and Gratitude

We all experience both highs and lows in life. At times, everything may seem to go smoothly, but there will also be moments when it’s tempting to worry. Paul, who wrote from prison, reminds us in Philippians 4:11 that we should learn to be content regardless of our situation. 

God's Provision Be Content

When we worry or become anxious, we must challenge those negative thoughts by remembering to be content and grateful. We cannot allow the enemy to dominate our thought life. Instead, we must take our thoughts captive and remember that we serve a mighty God who can send breakthroughs (2 Corinthians 10:5). The enemy may try to convince us of every worst-case scenario. Still, God has instructed us to resist the enemy and cause him to flee (James 4:7). We must take our thoughts captive and remember that we serve a mighty God who can send breakthroughs and miracles.

Amid our storms, we must take the time to remember who our God is. The God we serve sent food, called manna, from Heaven to feed the Israelites in the desert, caused water to flow from a rock, and gave land to His people (Nehemiah 9:15). He commanded a Raven to feed the prophet during a drought (1 Kings 17:4). He gave Solomon wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-30). He sent His Son to rescue us (John 3:16).


When we shift our focus away from what we lack, we can pay more attention and become thankful for what God has provided in the past, as written in the Bible, but also in our lives. Taking the time to exchange worries and fears with contentment and gratitude helps us become attuned to the many blessings surrounding us. Developing an attitude of gratitude opens our hearts to receive more of God’s blessings and enables us to live in a relaxed state of contentment and joy. 

Embrace God’s Divine Plan

Although we would never wish for difficult times, we will inevitably encounter them and must learn to relinquish our fears and worries and trust God’s Divine plans. Surrendering to God and wholeheartedly trusting in His plan is not a one-time event but a daily practice of unwavering faith.

Trusting in God’s plan is not always easy. We tend to want things to happen on our schedule and according to our desires. However, when we trust God, we acknowledge He sees the bigger picture and knows what is best for us and when it is best for us.

By letting go of worry and anxiety, we can live in the liberating embrace of God’s provision. When we stop worrying, we free ourselves from unnecessary concerns and fears, allowing us to fully experience the peace and joy that comes from relying on His faithfulness. Although it may require conscious effort and intentional reminders, the practice of surrender and trust can become ingrained in our lives.

Living a life of faith means having unwavering trust in God, even when circumstances seem uncertain or challenging. Like when Sarah was too old to have children, we have to place our confidence in God’s promises, knowing He is always faithful to deliver (Hebrews 11:11).

God's Promise God is Faithful

Embrace God’s Perfect Timing

There may be times when we feel impatient or uncertain. We might wonder why things aren’t happening as fast as we’d like or why particular doors remain closed. But in those moments, we need to remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness and how He has provided for us in the past. In doing so, we embrace patience and surrender control, trusting that God’s timing always aligns with our highest good.

Trusting in God’s timing doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting for things to happen. It means taking action and doing our part while surrendering to His guidance. We must proactively pursue our goals and dreams while believing He will open doors and orchestrate circumstances in His perfect timing.

God's Provision Do Not be Anxious

When we trust God’s timing, we no longer need to rush or force things to happen. We can let go of our anxiety and embrace the peace that comes with knowing He is in control. Finding contentment in the present moment helps us to relax, knowing that each step we take leads us closer to His purpose for our lives.

Pursue God’s Will and Guidance

Rather than worry and live a life of anxiety, we must develop a deeper intimacy with God to become attuned to His voice and gentle nudges, leading us closer to the path He has set before us. As we surrender our worries and anxieties, we allow His peace and grace to fill our hearts. Through this connection with Him, we find strength and confidence in knowing that we are not alone, for He is always with us.

My Sheep Hear My voice

In seeking His will and guidance, we also find clarity and direction in uncertainty. Rather than relying on our limited understanding, we trust God’s infinite wisdom to lead us down the right path, allowing us to confidently make decisions, knowing that we are following His divine plan for our lives. Through this active pursuit of God’s direction, we deepen our connection and align ourselves with His purpose. We can encounter God when we pursue His will.

As we follow God’s will and guidance, we position ourselves for a life of faith and gratitude, which helps us find peace and contentment within ourselves and become a source of His love and provision in a world that desperately needs it. We free ourselves from trying to figure everything out independently and find fulfillment in His divine plan.

As we learn to live a life free of worry and anxiety and embrace God’s promise of provision, we become agents of positivity and hope. Our faith and gratitude become contagious, inspiring others to seek the same peace and reassurance we have found in God. As we embrace this way of life, we experience a deepened relationship with our Creator and become beacons of light, leading others toward His provision and promises.

A Prayer To Let Go Of Worry and Anxiety

By comprehending God’s steadfast commitment to providing for us, we can liberate ourselves from the hold of anxiety and fear that usually hinder our lives. Let us pray to release all worries and anxious thoughts so that we can have complete faith in God’s impeccable plan and timing as we rest assured that He is orchestrating everything for our greater good.

Prayer To Let Go Of Worry and Anxiety

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New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Overcoming Expectations: Put Faith in God

Overcoming Expectations: Put Faith in God

There is a subtle yet significant difference between having expectations and having faith. As I went through my week, God reminded me how often our expectations can set us up for disappointment and needless negative feelings that He does not want us to have. I believe God wants to show us the importance of faith as we learn to let go of our limiting expectations.

Overcoming Expectations Put Faith in God

Faith is believing even when we can’t see. It’s trusting that God has a plan for our lives, even when we don’t understand it. We can relinquish our expectations and embrace God’s will when we have faith. Letting go of our expectations doesn’t mean we don’t have goals or dreams. It means we’re open to the possibility that things might go differently than our plan.

I have met men and women who expected to be married or have children by a certain age. I have also met men and women who just expected to be further along in some aspect of life, like buying a house, having a stable career, or being financially stable. Releasing expectations and holding on to faith means we trust that God is in control and always has our best interests in mind. In this post, I’d like to share my testimony of exchanging expectations for faith and use Biblical examples to illustrate this idea.

Overcoming Expectations Exceeding Expectation scripture

My Testimony About Letting Go of Expectations

After I finished four years of studying to get my educational doctorate, I expected to land a different job. I envisioned working in a university. I applied to several colleges and universities but did not hear anything. I did not even receive a phone interview. My expectations had led to disappointment, and I wondered whether or not I had wasted my time and money. 

After placing several job applications and hearing nothing, I started the school year as usual in my elementary school buildings. COVID-19 came that year, and looking back now, I know that God was saving me from real frustration by allowing me to stay in a familiar place at this time. When everyone began to work from home, I could quickly do the job I already knew how to do, and it was during our time at home that God led me to begin this blog. If I had had a new job, working from home would’ve been much more challenging. I’m thankful God gave me more than I expected.

After COVID-19 was no longer causing us to stay home from school, I realized that I wanted to work with graduate students who are learning to become speech-language pathologists, and I could do that in my current job by taking on externs. I now know that what I expected to do with my educational doctorate is not all God had in mind. He has equipped me to be a teacher in every aspect, and I must trust him to use the education He gave me for his glory as I surrender it to him.

Have Faith In God and Not our expectations

Trading Our Expectations For Hope and Faith

As we look at the Word of God, we find that God often challenges our thinking. He frequently exceeds our expectations and rarely does things the way we think He will. Therefore, it is best to relinquish our expectations in every situation because they can be limiting. Expectations derive from our beliefs about what will happen in the future based on past experiences. Synonyms for expectations indicate assumptions or predictions.

Sometimes, our expectations are correct, and everything goes according to plan, but sadly, there are too many times when it seems our expectations do not come to fruition. When situations do not turn out how we imagined, we can feel troubled, angry, and confused. Being let down in this way can prevent us from seeing the possibilities that exist in the present moment.

God wants us to have hope and faith. He wants us to rely on Him, be strong in faith, and trust His ways. Faith is about trusting in God amid the unknown and believing He will work things out for the best. Faith is also about relinquishing control over how God will work something out based on our expectations. Instead, we must let God have His way in every circumstance. Lastly, faith is about making room for things to be different than the past, other than we thought, and better than expected.

Trust in the Lord Bible verse

Biblical Examples of Letting Go Of Expectations

In the Bible, many examples exist of someone relinquishing expectations to receive God’s best. Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Syria. He was a great and mighty man of valor, but he was a leper. Naaman went to the prophet and took gold, silver, clothing, and even a letter from the king.

When Naaman reached the door of Elisha, the prophet’s house, Elisha sent a messenger to tell him to “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” Naaman was angry and went away, saying that he thought the prophet would come out of the house, stand, call upon the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place and cure him. He almost gave up and went away, but his servants convinced him to obey and wash in the river. Naaman had to let go of his expectations and do as the prophet said, and he was clean.


Abraham and Sarah heard and believed that God would give them a child, but based on their understanding, they thought they needed to have a slave girl be a surrogate because Sarah was too old. They did not expect God to do something different and give her a child in her old age (Genesis 21:1-7).

The people in Noah’s day may have heard Noah tell them day after day that it would rain, but this had never happened before, and they wrongly assumed that it never would. Wisely, Noah placed his trust in God and exercised his faith. He followed instructions, began building, and believed God would do as promised and save Him and his family. Noah had never seen rain or a boat either, but he chose to trust the voice of God over his own experiences and expectations (Genesis 7).

Have Faith in the Creator Who Exceeds Our Expectations

We must trust that God, our Creator, is all-knowing and full of love. He has good things in store for us, but His plans may be different than we think. We can not understand everything or adequately predict the future, so it is better to rely on the one who knows all. God’s thoughts are above our thoughts, and we must trust Him by faith. Our faith grows as we watch him meet our needs and exceed our expectations daily. We learn to remain open-minded based on our faith journey, personal encounters, and teachings from the Bible.


We should never reach a point where we believe God always does something a certain way. No matter what we believe based on experience, we must be open enough to remember that God is the Creator and a miracle worker specializing in exceeding expectations. As we navigate challenging or mundane situations, we need to have hope that everything will work out, but faith is more profound than just a feeling of optimism. Faith acknowledges that we have an all-powerful Heavenly Father.

We must learn to let our faith in God provide us with hope, comfort, and strength because we know someone greater than us controls everything. Our Heavenly Father is a God who can shatter all limiting expectations if we have faith and allow Him the opportunity to demonstrate His goodness. Faith means following instructions, doing our part, and walking with God. We don’t just pray and wait until it all works out. We pray and do what God tells us to do while we believe God for a miracle.

Now Faith verse

Hope and faith are powerful forces that are much better when we let go of expectations. Hope allows us to see the potential for positive outcomes, even when things seem bleak. It can give us the motivation to persevere in the face of challenges. The feeling of genuine optimism comes from within when we embrace that we are children of the Almighty and learn to put our faith and trust in His wisdom, ability, timing, and goodness.

Let’s Pray to Let Go Of Our Expectations

Let’s pray with faith, letting go of expectations as we trust that even if things don’t seem to turn out the way we expect, everything will turn out the way God wishes and, therefore, exceed our expectations.

Faith Prayer to Let Go Of Expectations

Additional Inspirational Resources

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

How To Receive Divine Healing From God

How To Receive Divine Healing From God

The best way to receive Divine Healing is by seeking God. He alone is all-powerful and all-knowing. He created our bodies and should be the first person we consult when there is a problem. The Bible answers all of our questions about how to be healed. Gaining a deeper understanding of what the Bible says about healing can strengthen your faith and prevent you from being led astray from the truth.

How To Receive Divine Healing From God

It can be challenging to know what to do when you are sick or know someone who is. The problem is that, as humans, we tend to look for a specific formula. We want someone to tell us exactly how to experience healing. Sadly, for some, we can be taken advantage of by empty promises or lured away from our faith in God as the enemy convinces us to try other things that are not in the Scriptures.

We place ourselves at risk when we do not know what the Word of God says about healing. We cannot go astray when we better understand what the Bible says about healing. This post will look closely at the Old and New Testaments.

With God, praying is the first and last step to receive Divine healing. The Bible commands us to pray about everything. Of course, we should listen to those God has gifted with the knowledge to understand medicine, but it is crucial that we still pray about the information and medical advice they give. When we pray and listen to God’s voice, sometimes, God will lead us to obtain a second opinion, or He may instruct us to another physician who can best help.

After we know the situation, we must seek God for healing, but what does that mean? How can we be healed? Let’s search the Scriptures to understand.

Understanding Healing In the Bible

As we search the scriptures to understand better what God says about healing, we see that sickness existed throughout the Old and New Bible Testaments. When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, disease, pain, illness, and death entered our world. Now, we no longer live in Eden, but we live in a sinful and fallen world where there are times when people get sick, and everyone will eventually die once.

Remembering that this was not God’s original plan for humanity is essential. Sickness and death are consequences of Adam and Eve’s original sin, but thankfully, God has provided our healing and wholeness when we pray with faith.

Remembering that this was not God's original plan for humanity is essential. Sickness and death are consequences of Adam and Eve's original sin quote

Faith and trust are essential ingredients for healing. We must believe and become thoroughly convinced that God can heal when we need healing. We must also trust that God does what is best, even if it means not allowing complete recovery on Earth as we want.

Understanding Healing In The Old Testament

The Old Testament points to three specific things that people did for healing: 

  • They prayed to God with faith.
  • They sought the help of a Prophet or Priest. 
  • They followed all instructions of God. 

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God and ask for His help. When people pray to God for healing, they should confess their sins and ask for forgiveness. They should also express their faith and trust in God’s healing power.

In the Old Testament, people came to the Prophet or Priest to ask God for what was needed. So, if anyone needed healing, they would ask the Prophet. In the Bible, the Prophet or Priest released God’s healing to people by laying their hands on them, speaking a word, or giving a direction to follow. 

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King Hezekiah’s Divine Healing

According to Scripture, Hezekiah was a faithful king who became sick unto death. The Prophet Isaiah told him to get his house in order because he would die from the sickness and not recover. As the Prophet left, Hezekiah prayed and wept bitterly. He said, “Now, O Lord, please remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight( 2 Kings 20:3)”. The Bible says that God heard his prayer and he turned the Prophet around and told him to go back. 

Turn back and say to Hezekiah, the leader of my people, Thus says the Lord, the God of David your Father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you. On the third day, you shall go up to the house of the Lord, and I will add fifteen years to your life. I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city for my own sake or my servant David’s sake. “And Isaiah said, “Bring a cake of figs. And let them take and lay it on the boil, that he may recover.” (2 Kings 20:5-6).

When Hezekiah prayed, he was given instructions from God. The instructions came from God as delivered through the Prophet. The instructions were two-fold. He was to place a cake of figs on his boil and go up to the House of the Lord (tabernacle) on the third day.

Hannah’s Divine Healing

The story of Hannah gives another Old Testament example of praying to God for healing. Hannah was barren and went to the temple to pray and ask God to heal her. She even made a vow to God.

And she vowed a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall touch his head.”

As she prayed, the Prophet Eli thought she was drunk, but when Hannah explained she was not, he blessed her and gave her Godly instructions. The Bible says that he told her, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him.” 

Divine Healing For Hannah

In due time, Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, for she said, “I have asked for him from the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:20).

She was healed of her barrenness, had a son named Samuel, and kept her promise to dedicate the child to the Lord. The Bible says that Eli’s sons were not God-fearing, and they did not know God. Having Samuel grow up with Eli allowed someone besides Eli’s sons to learn the priestly duties. God did not leave Hannah without children when she gave Samuel to grow up with Eli. The Bible says Hannah visited Samuel during the yearly sacrifice and always made him a robe each year. Eli spoke a blessing over her and her husband again, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters (1 Samuel 2:18-21). 

Understanding Healing In the New Testament

In the New Testament, people received healing by following the same three steps. They prayed with faith. They sought Jesus, and they followed instructions. When Jesus was alive, anyone seeking healing sought Jesus as the priest. The Bible says Jesus was our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14). 

Jesus is the High Priest Scripture

There are numerous accounts of Jesus’ healing in the New Testament, and each time was different. One example of a New Testament healing was the ten lepers who sought to be healed by Jesus. They called out to Jesus for help, and He directed them to go to the priest and show themselves to him. The healing occurred as they followed directions and went to the priest (Luke 17:11-19). Another time, He placed mud on the blind man’s eyes and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:6-7). Yet other times, Jesus spoke a word and declared a person’s healing.

Divine Healing of Loved Ones In the New Testament

There are at least three examples where someone came to Jesus on behalf of a sick friend or relative, and Jesus healed the ill person simply by speaking. One example is in Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-28, where a non-Jewish woman came to Jesus pleading that he heal her demon-oppressed daughter. Jesus granted that healing and commented on the woman’s great faith.

In Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10, the Bible teaches about a Centurian who came to Jesus because his servant was near death. The Centurian told Jesus that he was not worthy to have Jesus come into his home but understood the authority of Jesus. He believed the servant could recover if Jesus spoke the word. According to the scripture, Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that moment (Matthew 8:13 ESV).

Finally, in John 4:46-54, an official came to see Jesus because his son was sick unto death. He asked Jesus to come before his son died. This man did not have great faith but believed enough to ask Jesus to help. Instead of coming with the man to heal the son, the Bible states that Jesus told him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the words Jesus spoke and went on his way. As the man headed home, he met his servants, who said the boy was recovering.

The Paralyzed Man Receives Divine Healing

One story in the New Testament exemplifies what we should do now. In this story, the friends of a paralyzed man believed that Jesus could heal their friend, so they lowered the paralyzed man down through the roof while Jesus was speaking. The story is in Matthew 9:1–8, Mark 2:1–12, and Luke 5:17–26. Interestingly, in all three accounts, Jesus forgave the paralyzed man’s sins before healing him.

The friends brought the man to Jesus because they understood that Jesus was the only one who could help. Jesus forgave the paralyzed man’s sins because that was a vital part of the paralyzed man’s needs. Forgiveness from sin is what we all need, and it is what He came to give us.

Jesus knows that sin takes its toll on us. So he forgave the man of his sins and then healed him. In Romans 6:23, The Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death. Our sins are leading us to an end that separates us from God. Remember, sickness and death are not the will of our Heavenly Father, which is why He sent His Son Jesus. Our Father wants us to have health and Eternal life.

The wages of Sin is death scripture

Understanding Divine Healing Today

After Jesus ascended to Heaven, the Bible gives clear instructions on how to deal with sickness. James 5:14-16 clearly states that we should call for the church’s elders, and they should anoint us with oil in the name of the Lord and pray in faith. The Lord promises to raise the sick person and to forgive their sins. 

God decides whether to heal us on Earth or take us home to Heaven, where there will be no more sickness and pain. Although we may want longer life on Earth, sometimes our healing does not happen on Earth. As hard as it may be to accept, we must trust God’s plan. He still has forever planned for us. We must have faith that He will heal us in whatever way is best, and we must take comfort in the fact that He promises to help.

Eternal life is a precious gift from God given to all who will receive it. Jesus died to save and heal us. The truth is, we can not go to Heaven with unforgiven sins. There is simply no sin in Heaven. Although we can never be perfect, since no person is perfect, to make it into Heaven, we must be forgiven and redeemed through the saving grace of Jesus.

Healing Bible Verse

God wants us healed, living well on Earth, and on our way to experiencing eternal life with Him. We should desire the same. To be healthy but not on our way to Heaven would not be sufficient, but if we have unforgiven sins, we will not experience all of God’s goodness. We must deal with them as a priority so that we are healthy and convinced that Heaven will be our home one day. God wants us to be in good health and for our souls to be prosperous.

A Prayer For Divine Healing

We must rely on God and believe in His Word regarding Divine healing. Our priority should be forgiveness, which is essential for achieving overall wholeness, well-being, and eternal life. Divine Healing comes from Jesus, and prayer is the key that opens that door. Whether we need healing or know someone who does, let us come to Jesus with our requests. He is the only one who can provide the help we need. Let’s pray together now.

A Prayer for Divine Healing

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What is Praise and Worship?

What is Praise and Worship?

Praise and worship are two critical aspects of Christianity. Many believers interchange these words because praise and worship are both ways that we express our love and appreciation for God. While there are many similarities between praise and worship, there are also fundamental differences. We must understand that praise and worship are different expressions of our adoration towards God and have specific purposes.

What is Praise and Worship?

What is Praise?

Praise to God is an expression of thanks. We can easily understand this because we praise others for jobs well done in our everyday lives. Giving praise to God means joyfully recounting and thanking God for all he has done for us. Praise is an integral part of the Christian faith. Praise is an acknowledgment and thankful appreciation of what God has done for us.

We praise God in many ways, including using our lips to sing, shout, pray, read scriptures, and speak words of appreciation. Praising God is an expression of gratitude that can include using our talents to play various instruments. Lastly, praise to God can involve using our bodies as we clap, jump, run, dance, or raise and wave our hands with thankfulness in our hearts. 

In the Bible, there is a beautiful story about a man who was lame from birth and encountered Peter as he sat asking for alms. As he looked at Peter expecting to receive something, the Bible says that he was healed in the name of Jesus and began to praise God.

“Then Peter said, silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God

Acts 3:6-8 KJV

We praise God for His goodness and works. We also praise His name. There is always a reason to praise God. We can praise Him for life, His creation, and provisions. The Bible teaches that everything should praise God (Psalm 150:6). When we praise God, we acknowledge His greatness and show Him that we love and appreciate all He has done for us.

It is important to remember that we praise God for all of our blessings and even for the tough times that come to make us stronger. We don’t just praise God when everything seems to be going perfectly. We also praise God in difficult times. We praise God while we face hard times to declare our faith and as a way of thanking God in advance for His help in our time of need. When we praise God amid challenging times, we declare trust in Him, and He helps us overcome our challenges. Offering praise to God during our difficulties is a statement and posture that communicates our belief in God’s control and ability to work things out for our good.

What is Worship?

Praising God and thanking Him leads us to worship Him, which is why many people use the words interchangeably. Worship is a more profound expression of adoration and reverence for God. When we worship God, we praise Him for who He is and not just for what He has done. Worship is reserved only for God. We are commanded only to worship God as nothing, and nobody else is worthy of our worship. When we worship, we acknowledge God’s greatness with thankfulness. Still, worship also communicates our willingness to humbly submit our lives to the Kingdom of God because we understand He is the Almighty and our everything.

Worship the Lord only Bible verse

Worshipping is humbling ourselves before God in surrender because we understand who God is is different from what He does. When we worship, we open ourselves up to the presence of God and invite Him to come into our hearts, fill us with His love and peace, correct us, change us, and lead us.

When we worship God, we go beyond praise as we willingly exchange our will for God’s. As Christians, we strive to live a life of humble submission, giving glory to God, and in this way, our life becomes worship. According to the Bible, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we should do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Worship, therefore, becomes our natural response when we entirely give God lordship over every area of our lives, as summarized by Paul in Romans 12.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

 In the Bible, Jesus states that God is a spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). If praise is saying thank you to God for what He has done and will do, and worship praises God for who He is, then while they are different, they are both critical to our Christian journey.

Where and When Do We Praise and Worship God? 

The practice of praise and worshipping God is not limited to a specific place or time. It is a lifestyle change transcending the boundaries of a Sunday morning service. When we embrace praise and worship as a way of life, we invite the presence of God to dwell within us and continuously transform us from the inside out. 

In the Bible, when Jesus met the woman by the well, she asked Jesus where people should worship. At that time, there were differences between where the people of Samaria worshipped and where the Jews worshipped. She asked, “Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” (John 4:20). Jesus’s response indicated that it no longer mattered where, but what was important was how we worship. Jesus explained that we must be true worshippers. God is a spirit; we worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:20-24).

We Must Worship God in Spirit and Truth Scripture

True worship is more about the heart. Praising and worshipping God should not be something we only do on Sunday or at church. Although praise and worship can happen at church, to only praise and worship God corporately on Sunday is equal to limiting all the blessings that praising and worshipping God brings. Trust me, we need the benefits of praise and worship every day, not just once a week, and God is seeking those who worship Him at all times. 

When we wake up in the morning, we should take some time to praise God for His goodness and His love. We could sing a song of praise, read a passage of Scripture, or take a few minutes to meditate on His greatness with gratitude. As we go about our day, we can praise God for what we see, hear, and experience. We thank Him for the beauty of nature, the kindness of others, and even the challenges we face. Additionally, before we go to bed, we can reflect on the day and praise God for all He has done. You could pray a prayer of thanksgiving or sing a song of praise.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

What Happens When We Praise and Worship God?

One of the most significant transformations that can occur through praise and worship is a heightened sense of intimacy with God. As we express our adoration and gratitude through praise and worship, we create an atmosphere that invites His presence to dwell among us. In this sacred space, we experience a closeness to God that transcends our earthly limitations, allowing us to connect with God on a spiritual level. This deepening of intimacy can profoundly impact our faith journey, strengthening our relationship with God and increasing our understanding of His love and grace. As we grow in our faith, we become a light to others, bringing God more glory.

When we genuinely adore God, our focus shifts from ourselves and our desires to the desires of our Heavenly Father. This shift in perspective aligns us with the will of God, allowing Him to guide and direct our paths. In this state of surrender, we become vessels through which God’s blessings can flow to us and through us to others.

Do It all For the Glory of God

When we surrender in worship, we invite God into our lives so that He can work in our hearts and minds to conform us to His image, and we begin to see practical changes. Praise and worship experiences increase our joy and happiness. When we focus on God’s goodness and His love, it helps us to feel more joyful and content. Praising and worshipping God reduces stress and anxiety as it helps calm our minds and bodies and helps us cope with difficult situations. As we relax and become less stressed, we can experience better relationships. We become more kind, compassionate, forgiving, and loving toward others, leading others to the Kingdom.

Pray a Prayer of Praise and Worship

Worship is a gift from God, and one of my favorite ways to worship God is by praying. When we pray, we can praise and worship our Heavenly Father while we invite Him into our lives. Let’s make worship part of our daily lives to experience more joy and blessings. No matter how you choose to praise and worship God, the important thing is that you do it from a heart of love and gratitude. When you praise and worship God, you are not only honoring Him, but you are also drawing closer to Him. Let’s pray together now.

A Prayer of Praise and Worship
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson