I would like to humbly share a little about my journey this week because it illustrates my point. I hope that my testimony and authenticity are a blessing to someone else. Would you please allow me to reintroduce myself? I am Dr. Krystal R. Simpson, a child of God, a work in progress, a mom, a wife, a long-time Avon lady, an author, and a teacher. As an occupation, I work in a school as a speech-language pathologist, meaning I teach children with speech and language difficulties.
Table of Contents

I felt inspired to return to school to earn my doctorate a few years ago. I thought that I was going back to school to begin teaching the younger Speech-Language Pathologists. I imagined that I would apply to work at a university as a professor or clinical supervisor, but God had other plans.
After finishing my degree, I played around on the computer one day and stumbled across a marketer who sold a course I could participate in online. The course promised to teach me how to build a website. I paid for the course and planned to build a website for network marketing. As I tried to build that site, I could not create anything that made sense. Nothing was working.
I can not adequately explain it, but I felt that God led me to abandon my ideas for the website by putting Him first and creating a website that would teach others about Him. Everything the course showed how to do suddenly made sense when I was obedient, and I started the website. I wish that I could tell you that it was an instant success, but the truth that God is leading me to share is that I was reluctant to share the blog posts. I wrote, but I did not publish the material. Everything remained in draft mode for months.
One evening, a friend who lives far away called, and I shared with her that I had created a blog. There was a post on the site that I thought would help her. When she asked for the URL, I shared it with her. From then on, I knew she would not see subsequent posts if I did not publish them. God used my friend to help me get over my reluctance.
After graduating with my degree, I applied for new jobs but did not even get a phone interview. Initially, I was discouraged because nothing was going as planned or meeting my expectations. Then suddenly, COVID-19 came, and I realized that changing jobs would have been challenging. I can better see that God had a plan, and I am thankful.
Benefits of Surrendering To God
There are benefits to surrendering to God and His plan for our lives. It is often difficult to understand God’s heart and why He would want to use broken people to partner with Him for Kingdom purposes. All we know is that God is not human, and His grace and goodness are beyond our explanations.
God has a plan, it is a good plan, and we are all part of it (Jeremiah 29:11). God wants us to live passionate, abundant lives that bear fruit of eternal value. We shouldn’t live a life whose impact only lasts for this life. God has called us to share His heart with the world in His grace and love. If we allow it, He will use us to multiply His love and grace to others.

Obedience and Surrender To God
Our God is intentional. Although some things seem to happen out of the blue, God is not random and always has a plan. His plans are for our benefit and others. He invites us to partner with Him for the Kingdom, but we must accept the invitation. God is looking for obedience as we surrender. We will not feel adequate regardless of what God calls us to do. We aren’t qualified, but we should strive to be willing vessels. Our obedience and surrender to God is a step of faith; we trust Him.
Think back to Moses in Exodus 3, when God tells Moses he will lead the Israelites out of bondage to Pharoah in Egypt. Moses felt unqualified and even questioned God. God did not get angry but lovingly replied to Moses and helped him through his reluctance.

In another story from the Bible, God called Jeremiah to become a prophet. At first, Jeremiah’s initial reaction was to tell God that he did not know how to speak and was too young for the task. However, God was able to help both Moses and Jeremiah understand what they were supposed to do. More importantly, God supported them through their reluctance to fulfill their destiny and Kingdom purpose. God used them despite their initial feelings of inadequacy because they were willing to be obedient and surrender to His will.
Total Surrender To God
When we ask God to use us in the Kingdom, we usually want to help God choose how to use us. We typically wish to have a simple assignment. We want the one that is only “one day a week or just a few hours” kind of ministry. God wants us to permit Him to do what He knows is best for us. Giving God our total surrender allows Him to exchange our plans for His.

The world tells us to map out our future, plan, and grind it out to make it happen. It is not easy to give control away, but that is what God asks. He wants us to trust Him and surrender to His will and way. If we agree, God will equip us, lead us, and multiply our efforts. He promises that He will give us abundant life. For some, the problem is that we think that we have an abundant life now. We would instead hold tightly to what we have rather than trust what is unknown. The bottom line is that we must be willing to be obedient even when we feel reluctant.
The enemy uses fear to cause us to become reluctant to surrender to God. We must be aware of his schemes. First of all, the enemy causes us to fear our failures, ineptness, and lack. Secondly, He also tries to make us scared of what God would ask of us. He wants us to fear that God will ask something too hard, cost everything, or be unenjoyable. We combat these thoughts by remembering that God is a good Father, and He wishes to bless His children.

The Power of Surrendering To God
As I write new blog posts, I have been growing more comfortable publishing posts and prayers each week, but God keeps nudging me. God wants to perfect us, which requires our faith, trust, and constant surrendering of our will. God knows that it is not easy, and He will help us understand when we ask. In our humility, we will often feel and sound like Moses as we pray and ask God, who am I?
Allow me to share the answer that God gave me today. Today, my answer came from a preacher who reminded me that when I surrender my will, I am in Jesus, and His Spirit lives in me. In this way, I am like a piece of paper folded up and nestled safely in the Bible, which is the Word of God. As long as I am in the Word (Jesus), what is seen is not me but God and His all-powerful word. In other words, it is not about who I am but where I am and who is in me. God lovingly reminded me that I am hidden, but there is power in my place in Jesus Christ.

God showed me the power of His multiplication. He will multiply everything that we are willing to do for Him. For instance, He showed me how one blog post or prayer received hundreds of thousands of views worldwide in one month.
Like any multiplication problem, God reminded me that we get zero if we multiply anything by 0. God showed me that although there were people who His Word and messages could bless if we let fear and reluctance control us, we would be multiplying His powerful potential by zero.
We must understand the power of surrender in our own lives. Obedience yields an increase of good fruit in God’s hands. We are all different and have a God-given ministry or sphere of influence. Never downplay that. Sometimes, we may see our sphere of influence as small, but it becomes exponential when God multiplies our reach with His power.
A Surrender To God Prayer
Every encounter with the children and staff at school, my immediate and remote relatives, my church family, and every person I meet represents an opportunity to spread God’s love. The same is true for you.
Your life is also multifaceted. Like me, I know that you wear many hats. No matter how you introduce yourself, if in your heart you also say, “I am a child of God,” then you have a purpose, plan, and sphere to influence. God wants to live in and through you, each of us, to affect those around us. Too often, we think that God only uses certain people. He wants to work through His people. The question is, will you surrender and be obedient? Let’s ask God in prayer to help us.

Reading your blog truly blessed me Krystal! It has shedded a lot of light in this area of my relationship with God when it comes to a new level of trusting Him and surrendering my life to His will and way. Your story has touched my heart as it truly sounds somewhat similar to my life currently. I’ve been in a place of feeling hopeless and discouraged from time to time in my search of trying to understand life in my Christian Journey, feeling stuck, etc… and reading your blog has helped to increase a new level of faith in God, if I may say (a new place of strength to keep pushing and moving forward), getting back into a more disciplined place of intimacy in God, in prayer and His word. Thank you so much for being a willing vessel and for walking in obedience to God… He’s doing more through you than you can imagine for His Kingdom. May the blessings, peace and favor of God continue to overflow in this Ministry for God, your life and family as a whole!🙏🏽💜
Thank you for taking the time to comment. Tears are watering in my eyes today. To God be all of the glory! Your comments blessed me so much. God is doing great things in His people. He is speaking to each of us. Trust Him and be blessed.