We all want to know what God wants from us. Does He want us to do certain things? Is it enough to have faith in Him? Does He have expectations of us? These are common questions that have been asked since the dawn of time, and this article will provide valuable insight into understanding God’s true desires for us. This post will give a fresh perspective on what God truly wants from us.
I pray about what to write each week and ask God to help me write my posts. Today, the message seems so essential. What does God want from us? The answer is so simple that it brings me to my knees, hoping I can accurately relay God’s heart the way He revealed it to me.

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The enemy tries to convince us that being a Christian is difficult. He tries to convince us that his defiant way is better and more fun. As a youngster, the enemy successfully convinced me that there were too many rules to being a Christian. I remember feeling like there were too many things that I could not do. I now know that the enemy was causing me to focus on what I should not do so that he could tempt me. The enemy knows we can all be like little rebellious children.

The enemy tries to get us to go against what God asks, and he has been running this scam since the Garden of Eden. The truth is that God created Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-3). He wanted them to replenish the earth and have dominion over the fish, fowl, cattle, and the land. God enjoyed a good relationship with Adam and Eve until they allowed the serpent to convince them to disobey the only rule that God gave them, which was not to eat the fruit of the one tree that God said not to touch.
Despite God’s provisions, the enemy could take the one thing God asked Adam and Eve not to do and make it seem irresistible. When Adam and Eve disobeyed, they lost their closeness with God, and their relationship was now different because of sin.
So, what does God really want from us? God wants our obedience and trust. He loves us and wants a loving relationship with us as our God. He wants to be our Father, but He gives us the ability to choose. When we decide to do things our way or listen to the enemy, we essentially say “no thanks” to God’s offer.
What Does God Really Want to Be to Us?
If we decide to live by our own rules, we stop God from being our leader, savior, provider, protector, and counselor. See, the question is not what God wants from us, but what God wants to be to us, and will we accept it? God wants us to be His children. He wants to adopt each of us into His family. As his children, he wants to give us a better life, eternal life.
When we think of our children, we want to protect them from harm. We love them and do not want them to experience unnecessary hurt. We want them to come to us when they need something, be it provision, protection, or counseling. As parents, we would not expect our children to look to someone else, especially not the enemy, right?

To be His child, we must accept the gift of salvation by Jesus’ sacrifice. When we take God as our Father, we can have all the benefits of being a member of His family, but we must choose. As children, we may make mistakes; when that happens, we need to ask our Father for forgiveness.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 ESV
What Does God Want to Give Us?
As our loving Father, God has beautiful plans for us and does not want us to miss out. God wants to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). He also wants to provide us with eternal life in a place that Jesus is preparing for us.

The Bible calls all who believe in Jesus the Bride of Christ. While Jesus is away preparing a place for us, we must be faithful to the relationship. He should find us ready to go with Him to our heavenly home when He returns.
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:2-3
God loves us so much that He made a way (Jesus) for us to spend eternal life with Him, but He has given us a choice to decide if we want that. We must accept the gift of salvation by faith in Jesus. We must allow God to help us. What God wants most is a loving relationship with his children.
We demonstrate love when we trust, obey, and accept His Son. Although the enemy wants to convince us that being a Christian is difficult, God wants us to know that choosing to be led to eternal life lead is much easier than listening to an enemy who is trying to lead us to destruction.
A Prayer For When We Have Gotten Off Track With God
Sometimes, we get off-track, and like Eve, we believe the lies the enemy tells us. We sometimes rely more on our thoughts or are led astray by false promises. Thankfully, God understands and welcomes us back with loving arms when we ask. Let’s pray for restoration to our rightful place in God.

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