The Gift of Prayer: 5 Points to Remember

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Anyone who knows me will say that I am quite the talker. In my house, my spouse usually receives my many words. My loving husband listens to my hopes, dreams, and frustrations. As understanding as my husband is, there is generally a limit to his ability to listen. I am sure others can relate. Thankfully, we have the opportunity to share everything with God. He has given us the gift of prayer.

The Gift of Prayer 5 Points to Remember

As we celebrate Christmas and are thankful for many gifts, we must be grateful for Jesus Christ. The birth and death of our Savior is why we can now pray to God the Father and know He hears us. Jesus came and died to remove the barrier of sin that separated us from God. Now, we can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Prayer is how we communicate with God, and it is a gift.

Praying to God is like talking to someone who never gets tired of listening and promises to help when we pray. Prayer works, and it is a special gift from God. Praying is crucial, and we should build prayer into an everyday routine. We need to know how to pray to create a better prayer life. Just remember these five points:

  1. Prayer is a conversation with God.
  2. There are many reasons to pray.
  3. Be yourself when you pray.
  4. Prayer should be a two-sided conversation.
  5. Praying becomes easier with practice.

Prayer is a Conversation with God

Just like we have conversations daily with others, praying should be something we often do. Think about how we communicate with a friend, companion, or spouse. We often tell these trusted few the good, the bad, and the ugly. Great relationships rely on good communication, which should occur frequently.

Prayer is one of God's many gifts to us

There are Many Reasons to Pray

Like there are many reasons to have conversations, there are many reasons to pray. I can get busy in my house and forget to do something my husband has asked, so sometimes the conversation starts with me saying, “I’m sorry,” again! I am sure there are times I need to tell God sorry, too. I ask God to forgive me for anything I might have done, thought or said is not okay. I know He has also given us the gift of forgiveness, for which I am thankful.

Sometimes, everything is going great, and I want to praise God. Prayer allows me to thank God for his gifts, such as my family, friends, and health and strength. Knowing how essential words of gratitude are to me helps me remember that God deserves to hear my thanks, too.


There are times when everything is not perfect. There are occasions when I feel sad, frustrated, or confused. God invites me to access the gift of prayer and talk to Him no matter what. God wants a relationship with me, and He is not a fair-weathered friend. He will be with me through it all. Although it is nice to speak to my spouse, God has the strength and ability to change the situation. So why would I not run to God in prayer?

Be Yourself When You Pray

Remember that no two conversations are ever alike. Although we were given the Lord’s Prayer as a guide, prayer is talking to God as an individual, and God wants you to be yourself and authentic. He doesn’t want you to memorize and repeat the same prayer repeatedly. God also doesn’t want us to keep going on as a way of calling attention to ourselves publicly.

“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”

Matthew 6:7 KJV

Prayer Should be a Two-Sided Conversation

Prayer and all good conversations must be two-sided, meaning one person can not do all the talking. My husband reminds me of this because he sometimes says I am doing ALL the talking. The Bible is God’s Word to us, and when we incorporate what the Bible says, it is like letting God know that you are listening to His side, too. Knowing what the Bible says also helps us pray within God’s will.

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

1 John 5:14-15 KJV

When we pray and say things like, “God, you promised to hear me when I pray, and I need some help right now with …..” I like to think that it shows God that I am reading my Bible and remembering what he said. I remind God of his promises to me, almost like telling my spouse of a promise made. I know God likes to answer our prayers, especially when we pray for things consistent with His Word. We need to pray more often.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Praying Becomes Easier with Practice

Imagine the first conversation you had with a close friend or companion. It may have felt awkward, and you may have struggled to be yourself, unsure how they would react. As time passed, you likely became more relaxed and comfortable communicating with that person. You could share anything with them without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. Similarly, God understands you as no one else can, and speaking to Him can become easier with practice. Trust Him as your confidant and friend.

A Prayer at Christmas

I wrote this prayer at Christmas time and hope it is a blessing to all who read it. Even when it is not Christmas time, prayer is still important. We should always be willing to thank God for our blessing and ask God to continue to bless us and others.

A Prayer at Christmas

4 Simple Prayers to Help Pray Often Printable

When something seems complicated, ask God for help. I have created a printable of four simple prayers as a simple gift to help you. Use these as a guide to help as you learn to pray from your heart. Remember, there are no right words, only right hearts. Pray from the heart.

Pray More

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About Krystal Simpson

Krystal R. Simpson encourages women to live joyfully and victoriously. Krystal challenges women to follow God in total surrender, to learn from the Bible, and to pray about everything. Click here to get the FREE 7 Simple Ways to Live Joyfully Every Single Day, Starting Today!

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