Give Thanks To God in Everything

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Despite life’s many ups and downs, we must thank God. The Bible tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This can be a difficult task, especially during tough times. But when we thank God, even amid our struggles, we acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness. We are also choosing to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

One of my favorite songs is by Tauren Wells, called “Hills and Valleys.” This song reminds me that sometimes we go through a tough time, and at other times, we feel like we are on the mountaintop celebrating. Despite the ups and downs of life, God is worthy to be praised at all times. We must know how to thank God in everything as his Word commands. Let’s take a closer look at how we can do that.

Give Thanks to God in Everything

Sometimes, it is easy to see when others are acting ungrateful. It may not be as easy to notice ingratitude in ourselves. Imagine that you give someone something, and they take the gift and begin using it but never say: “Thank you.” As a gift-giver, you would feel terrible about this visible sign of ingratitude. Perhaps you would attempt to ignore it, but you would probably be upset and hurt. Now imagine that the person you gave the gift to begins complaining that “no one ever gives them anything!”  We would all have a problem with this, but often, this is how many of us respond to God and his many blessings. We act as though we do not realize how much He has already given.

Give Thanks to God

Being around a person who does not give thanks is not pleasant. Although we may know others who act as though they are never thankful, we must thank and praise God as Christians. Christians should never be described as ungrateful. The Bible teaches us that we should be grateful for everything. Giving thanks to God is pleasing to Him.

As I write this post, many people are safe and at home. They are not sick and in the hospital with COVID-19, but many complain about staying home. Some people are blessed to work from home but complain that the children are in the way. Even the children who ordinarily enjoyed learning activities on computers now have complaints.

Giving thanks to God in Everything Scripture

Give Thanks In Everything To Maintain Our Joy

Not giving thanks can steal our joy. The Bible is full of stories where people were ungrateful and complained despite God’s provisions, and it is clear that God does not want us to act this way. One example of this is in the book of Exodus.

Exodus 16 tells a story of when God brought His people out of captivity. The people began to complain of hunger, saying they wanted bread, so God provided food. The Bible called the food that came from God “manna.” At first, the people seemed to be amazed by the manna, but that did not last.

Eventually, instead of being thankful, in Numbers 11, God’s people began to murmur and complain about the lack of variety in their diets. They wanted meat and something different.

“We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic: But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes.”

Number 11:5-6 KJV

God’s people were not joyful or thankful that God provided food for them. They weren’t even pleased to have escaped slavery. The people were on the way to a promised land, but they were complaining.

It is easy to see that sometimes we are guilty of complaining when God has graciously provided for our needs. We must learn to give thanks in everything to maintain our joy. Many people should be giving thanks, but right now, as I turn on the news, I can hear an ungrateful attitude ringing on the nightly news and the internet, and I believe that it is stealing our joy. An ungrateful, lousy attitude can spread. God wants his people to rise and spread joy.

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Why Should We Be Thankful To God In Everything?

When we do not give thanks, we risk walking along a “dark path.” Ungrateful people are not joyful. They are not content, and they are not happy. God wants each of us to give thanks and have joy. We must learn to give thanks to keep us out of the darkness that the enemy tries to lead us to.

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Romans 1:21 KJV

The enemy knows that if he can stop us from praising God, we will begin to grow cold toward God and others. If we are not thankful, we can easily stop being content, and we take a chance to allow our imaginations to run wild, which can lead to sin. We must always fix our eyes on God and not our circumstances.

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How Can We Be Thankful To God In Everything?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 states that we should rejoice, pray, and give thanks in all circumstances. Have you ever been so happy that you were singing? Have you ever had people wonder why you are so joyful? God wants us to rejoice in Him. He would love to hear us singing, praying, and giving thanks. We should all be willing to let others know of God’s goodness.

Praying allows us to thank God for all He has done for us. It also gives us peace as we remember and praise Him for who He is and all His provisions. As we pray and thank God, it humbles us and slays the prevalent entitlement attitude that the enemy wants us to have as we realize that all good things come from God, even our very breath. Praying and giving God thanks softens our hearts and helps us to be more thankful for others. No matter what we face, we should never forget that praying to our Father is a gift.

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We should abound in gratitude so that giving thanks spills over to others. Just as a bad attitude spreads, gratitude spreads when we are thankful and joyful. Eye contact, a smile, and a well-meant “thank you” can not be underestimated, especially by someone who feels undervalued, underappreciated, and forgotten.

A Prayer to Give Thanks To God in Everything

Despite the hills and valleys in life, God walks us through each one, and he does not change. He is the constant in our ever-changing world. God also provides for us. The Bible teaches that every perfect gift comes from God, and he deserves our praise. Let’s bow our heads and pray a prayer to give thanks.

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

About Krystal Simpson

Krystal R. Simpson encourages women to live joyfully and victoriously. Krystal challenges women to follow God in total surrender, to learn from the Bible, and to pray about everything. Click here to get the FREE 7 Simple Ways to Live Joyfully Every Single Day, Starting Today!

7 comments on “Give Thanks To God in Everything

  1. Thank you for reminding us to be Forever Grateful in all circumstances.

    After undergoing multiple surgeries—including bilateral knee replacements, a hysterectomy, pelvic floor repair, repair of eroded mesh, cystoscopy, and colectomy—along with various medical procedures, hospitalizations, and two cancer scares, I remain forever grateful to God for everything, both big and small. Above all, I thank Him for the breath He grants me every moment, even when I sometimes forget to acknowledge His constant presence in my life.

  2. Pingback: Don't Let Regret Steal Your Joy

  3. Giving thanks is so so important! It gives us a way to look at life through the eyes of God’s blessing in our lives. It also helps us not dwell on the “bad” in our situations but focus on God. Which is what we should be doing anyway! Wonderful post! Such an encouragement! Thank you Krystal!

  4. One of my daughter’s memory verses today was 1 Thess. 5:18. And she asked me how we can give thanks for things like dislocating my hip. And I told her that was a tough one for me too, but I was not alone. I was surrounded by family and friends. I had someone literally hold my leg still for an hour while we waited for the ambulance. The EMTs were caring and capable. I got to witness to all sorts of people by talking about what good things God has done for me even in the middle of that awful mess. It’s all about perspective! When we use God’s, things look a whole lot brighter.

    • Thank you for sharing this. You are right, it is all about perspective. I am thankful you were not alone when this happened. I hope your daughter tucks that scripture away in her heart. I believe it is a staple. Be blessed.

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