Do you live a crucified life? As we enter the spring season and celebrate Jesus, the cross is ever-present in our minds. During this time, we praise and celebrate Jesus for giving us a way to the Father. When Jesus came to Earth and died upon the cross, we know He provided us with an opportunity to be reconciled with God, but He also gave instructions on how to live our lives after He left.
I believe God wants to remind us that we each need to “live a crucified life,” and we must understand what that truly means. Living a crucified life means that we obey God, humble ourselves, and die to ourselves. Let’s take a close look at each of these.
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Live A Crucified Life of Obedience
Living a crucified life starts with following the commandments. Nowadays, we tend to want to set aside the commandments or write them off as no longer relevant. The commandments will always be important, reminding us how to live the cross. The cross and the commandments are all about love. As we look at the cross, we must remember to love God and others. In this way, we reach up to Heaven and reach out to our fellow man.

Jesus told us that we should not set the commandments aside or teach others to do so. Instead, we are to practice and teach the commandments.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:19 KJV
Live a Crucified Life of Humility
Jesus explained that if we want to be great, we must be servants (Matthew 20:26). Living a crucified life means you willingly humble yourself before a mighty God in total surrender.

Serve God
As Christians, we should be servants. Jesus demonstrated this by example, as he served God and obediently showed us how to obey and do the will of the Father.
A servant recognizes who the boss is. The Bible teaches that we must come to God as little children. When we come to God as a child, we humbly surrender to His will for our lives. If we want to be followers of Christ, we must follow Christ’s example by submitting our lives to the Father the way He did.
As Christians, we must voluntarily set aside our rights and exchange them for a life that loves, serves, and obeys the will of God in Christ Jesus. In other words, we surrender to the will of God for our lives rather than try to make up our own rules because we trust and believe that the Father loves us and has our best interest at heart at all times. Out of love for the Father in Christ, as we go about our day, we seek to serve God and bring Him glory in all we do and say.
Serve Others
Jesus willingly washed his disciples’ feet as he taught them that we must be willing to help each other the way He did. The Bible teaches us to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:13 ESV).
Additionally, the Bible tells us to take care of the “least of these,” which are those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, sick, and those who are in prison or need clothes (Matthew 25:40-45).

Live a Crucified Life By Dying to Yourself
As we spend this season remembering Jesus’ crucifixion, we must make His sacrifice personal by considering our own lives. The Bible commands Christians to live a crucified life with Christ by dying to themselves. We must die to ourselves daily and allow Christ to live in and through us.
Additionally, we all must take up our cross. God has given each of us talents and responsibilities. We each have a home, children, a job, or some circle of influence. We must be willing to let the love of God and the light of Jesus shine through us so that others can find their way to salvation.

A Prayer to Live a Crucified Life
As Christians, if we want to honor God, we must live in obedience and humility as a servant. The enemy will fight us in this area and try to get us to become prideful and selfish. This week’s prayer to live a crucified life is one that we will need to pray as we commit to living the life that God has designed.

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