How To Correctly Pray Like Jesus Taught

How To Correctly Pray Like Jesus Taught

Have you ever wondered whether you pray like Jesus taught? Do you wonder if you are praying correctly or saying the right words when you pray? If we want to know how to pray correctly, we should read the Bible. The Lord often spoke of prayer in the Bible, and we can see exactly how to pray as Jesus taught. Jesus demonstrated what to pray for, who to pray for, and when.

How To Correctly Pray Like Jesus Taught

In the Bible, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Jesus explained how we should pray by giving us an outline. He gave us a model or sample prayer called The Lord’s Prayer.

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”

Matthew 6:9-13 KJV

When Jesus taught us to pray, he told us not to pray to be showy. He doesn’t want us to repeat the same prayer repeatedly (“vain repetitions” ). Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer, and this outline demonstrated four components of a good prayer. We should think of the acronym PRAY to remember each part of the prayer easily.

How To Pray Like Jesus Taught Infographic

Pray Like Jesus Taught By Praising God

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.”

Matthew 6:9 KJV

When we begin our prayer, we start it with praise and worship of God. Our worship demonstrates that we have faith that God exists and that we know his character.

Praising God builds our faith. We praise God because He is loving, holy, all-knowing, and all-powerful. When we praise God, we remind ourselves that we are speaking to the God of the universe, and we declare our beliefs by faith.

Pray First

We call on God by name. Jesus demonstrated that we should address God as our Heavenly Father. We recognize by faith that God can answer our prayers and thank Him for the blessings He has already given. When we remember what God has done, we should be able to praise and worship God in advance for hearing and answering our current prayer requests.

Pray Like Jesus Taught By Repenting

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

Matthew 6:12 KJV

When we pray, we must ensure that we are in the right standing with God. To have the right relationship with God, we must repent, which means asking for forgiveness. Praying from a forgiven state is critical because the enemy likes to convince us that God will not hear our prayer if we have sinned. The Bible teaches that all have sinned, and while sin separates us from God, Jesus has given us a way to repent and be forgiven.

The Bible teaches that the “prayers of the righteous availeth much.” To be righteous, we must only repent and accept forgiveness through Jesus. We achieve righteousness simply by asking for forgiveness and believing God forgives us.

Confess Your Faults  One to Another James 5-16 KJV

Knowing that God forgives us of our sins, we must be willing to forgive others who have sinned against us. God does not want us to be bitter, angry, or judgmental of others. We are all a work in progress. God sees our hearts and wants us to pray for each other so that He can intervene.

Pray Like Jesus Taught By Asking God The Father

 “Give us this day our daily bread.”

Matthew 6:11 KJV

When we pray, we can ask God to meet our needs. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray for our physical needs, forgiveness, and guidance. We can ask God about anything important to us, but we must pray within God’s will.

We can see from Jesus’ example that He prayed often. Jesus prayed before eating, before a great trial, and for others. When we pray like Jesus, we can pray alone or in a crowd. Sometimes, we need to pray by ourselves, yet the Bible tells us that there is strength in numbers.

Pray Like Jesus Taught By Yielding

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”

Matthew 6:13 KJV

When we conclude our prayer, we should end it as we started by praising God and exchanging our desire with His will. As we pray, we yield by surrendering to God and permitting him to reign. We accept and trust God’s plan, wisdom, and timing. Yielding our will and preferences to God’s will protects us against praying for something God knows is not best for us.

End Prayers In Jesus’ Name, Amen

The last few words of our prayer are “In Jesus’ name, Amen.” When we end our prayers this way, we proclaim our faith in the Gospel story of Jesus. We are stating that we understand that because Jesus died and rose, He granted us access to come to God in prayer.

A Simple Everyday Prayer

As we start each day, we should begin with a prayer. I have written a simple prayer for today to help. Pray this prayer aloud or in your thoughts from your heart. If you want to download or print the prayer, click the link below.

 Simple Everyday Prayer
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Precisely How To Build Up Our Confidence

Precisely How To Build Up Our Confidence

At times, we come across individuals who exude self-assurance. They seem to navigate life easily, projecting confidence and a positive self-image, leaving us wondering how they manage to do it because we want to know how to build our confidence.

Confidence refers to a feeling of trust in one’s capabilities or the abilities of others. Most of us believe that we must rely on ourselves to succeed. We understand the need to overcome our fears and be confident in our skills and abilities, but often, we struggle to figure out how to build our confidence.

Precisely How To Build Up Our Confidence

Whenever we do something that we have done repeatedly, we gain a certain amount of confidence and feel more assured in our ability. Whenever we start something new, we have courage and a willingness to try, nothing else. The opposite occurs when we are doing something for the first time and unsure what to do or how to do it. When doing something for the first time, we feel shaky and uncertain, so how can we be confident? These three steps are precisely how to build up our confidence. We need to complete these three steps and complete them often.

  1. Resist negative thoughts and fear.
  2. Pray and have faith in God.
  3. Praise God for helping.

Build Confidence By Resisting Negative Thoughts and Fear

When I was completing my degree, the enemy attacked my confidence. I believe the enemy always tries to flood our minds with negative thoughts. When I was completing the last step of finishing my degree, I began to question whether I could write a dissertation, and fear grabbed me. “What if I couldn’t do it?” “What if I failed?” The enemy was working overtime, and my doubt increased every time I had my paper sent back to me with more corrections (which is just part of the process). Whenever the enemy attacks, we need to have a plan of defense. We should build confidence by resisting negative thoughts and fears and mustering the courage to try.

The best way to resist the negative thoughts of the enemy is by using God’s word to negate the enemy’s thoughts. For example, when the enemy causes you to doubt your ability, stand on the Word of God that says, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” If the enemy tells you that you are not strong enough or the battle is too difficult, stand on the word that says, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World” and “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” Speaking and reading positive scriptures help build our confidence and will help us resist negative thoughts and fear. We can say these scriptures aloud to the enemy to help remove negative thoughts and replace them with the positive message that God wants us to hear.

Confidence in What The Bible Says Infographic

Build Confidence By Praying and Having Faith in God

Prayer is our secret weapon, and we must remember to pray about everything. We should pray if we are starting something new or want to do something better. We must ask God to help us in every area of life. No matter how able we think we are, God stands ready to help us be even better. Imagine the kind of parent we could be with God’s help. We could be better parents, students, athletes, and even better Christians if we ask. We build confidence by praying and having faith in God. Each time we trust God, we gain more confidence in His ability and faithfulness.

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us

1 John 5:14 ESV

We must believe that God hears us and will answer our prayers when we pray. By praying, we demonstrate to God that we have faith in Him, not ourselves. God wants us to have trust and confidence to know that nothing is too hard for Him. While the world tells us that we must be self-confident, God wants Christians to demonstrate confidence in Him, which is faith. Faith is fundamental to God.

Impossible to please God without faith Hebrews 11:6 KJV

If we believe that we can accomplish something on our own, we won’t pray. Feeling that we do not need to pray is wrong, leading to pride and arrogance. God has clarified that He wants us to be humble and not prideful. When we realize that God is in control and that we may not do well without Him, we will humbly bow our heads in prayer.

Build Confidence By Praising God

After following the Bible’s steps to resist negative thoughts and fear and praying, the remaining step is to praise God. We praise God because we are confident in His ability. We praise Him for hearing our prayer and answering us in a way that He sees fit in His all-knowing and loving way. God wants us to be confident in His power and ability. We should strive to have God-confidence, superior to any self-confidence we can try to muster.

I wll praise thee with my whole heart

A Prayer For Starting Something New With Confidence

As we look ahead, I am sure many of us have goals and dreams we want to accomplish. Perhaps you want to start a new job or career, kick a bad habit, start a weight loss program, or return to school. It takes courage to take a step and try something new. The enemy will send fear and convince us we are not enough. The enemy wants us to believe we are not intelligent, wealthy, or young enough. Whatever lies the enemy throws our way, we must stand firm and dare to try. Next, we must pray.

Prayer is effective against the enemy, so he will attempt to convince us not to pray. The enemy wants us to rely on our limited strength rather than the unlimited potential of God. The enemy will make prayer seem too hard. Do not believe the enemy’s lies. As you read the prayer below, say it aloud or to yourself from your heart. Let these words become yours, but always feel free to add your own. Just remember to pray from your heart. Be blessed!

A Prayer For Starting Something New With Confidence

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Understanding the Gift of Salvation

Understanding the Gift of Salvation

I have recently started reading the entire Bible in one year. It’s interesting that humans tend to want to know everything, yet we struggle with obedience. Reading the story of Adam and Eve, I realized that we might have made the same mistake if we had been in their place. However, I am grateful that God is willing to save us. But my question is, what does it mean to be saved? As Christians, it’s essential to understand the gift of salvation and what it truly means.

Understanding the Gift Of Salvation

Salvation is a concept that the enemy doesn’t want us to understand, and he does not want us to explain to others. I believe God wants all Christians to explain salvation clearly to as many people as possible because it is a gift God wants us to have. Others can not accept this precious gift without understanding the gift of salvation. Most of us avoid explaining salvation to others; the enemy knows it. The enemy convinces us that someone else is the “expert.”

Luke 6:40

As I write this post, I must tell you I have to stop and pray because the enemy is very busy and does not want me to feel comfortable writing these words about salvation. It is easy to think that someone with more authority in the church should explain this idea, but God is challenging me and all of us to share what we have learned about salvation with a world that may not know anything. Sharing what you know may encourage others to attend a church where they can learn more. It may help them to pick up their own Bible. We should all be willing to do anything to point others to Jesus.

What Does it Mean to Accept the Gift of Salvation?

When sin entered the world, it separated us from having a relationship with our Holy God. As a result, we all were born into sin, and no matter how hard we try, we sin against God. We can not “be good” or avoid sin on our own.

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—

Romans 5:12 ESV
For the wages of sin is death Scripture

The word “salvation” is synonymous with “redeemed,” “justified,” and “forgiven.” God knew that we were in a hopeless condition, and because He loves us, He sent a way to save us from the death our sin requires. God sent a gift of salvation, which is His son Jesus. Jesus died in our place and created a way for us to have a relationship with God. All we must do is accept the precious gift, and we will be redeemed, justified, and forgiven. It is that easy.

The enemy wants us to believe that salvation is hard. He wants us to think that this gift requires something difficult. The enemy also wants us to feel that we are too far gone, or maybe we should wait. Each of us has to decide to accept Jesus as our Savior. It is a personal decision made individually.

Salvation a cross in the cloud

The Bible teaches that to receive the gift of salvation, we must confess Jesus with our mouths and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead. Whatever our issues or hangups are, God wants to help. He understands and wants to save us from our sins. Jesus died for all of us!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:9 KJV

A Prayer For Salvation

When we pray, we should always speak from our hearts. God knows if we mean what we are saying. He understands that we may think we do not know how to pray. Below is a prayer for salvation. Say it aloud, believing, or say something like this, and you will be saved!

A Prayer for Salvation

I Accept the Gift of Salvation. What Are The Next Steps?

After accepting Jesus and getting saved, celebrate and share your decision with others. The angels are rejoicing in heaven for you. Share your choice for salvation with other believers who will want to welcome you into God’s family. After that, I would recommend the three following steps. Be careful about believing that any of these are optional. 

  1. Pray regularly, asking God to teach, lead, and guide you so that you learn how to live for Him. Prayer is how we communicate with God, and we want to open our hearts to Him and allow Him to help us in every area of our lives.
  2. Going to a loving, Bible-preaching local church is essential to continue learning more about God, Jesus, and what the Bible says. You should be willing to attend a local church to bring your gifts and talents to the church. You will be an encouragement to others, and you will be learning alongside a church family.
  3. Get baptized according to Bible teaching. Some feel that baptism is not necessary. I am not sure why because baptism is biblical. Being lowered into the water symbolizes that our old life is buried. When we rise out of the water, it represents Jesus’ resurrection and that we have been given a new life in Christ.
I confess and believe girl praying

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What Does it Really Mean to Trust God?

What Does it Really Mean to Trust God?

Christians often say, “Don’t worry, trust God,” but most of the time, we mean, “Be patient.” We understand that we must trust God’s timing, but many of us use this saying to keep praying while waiting for God to do what we want. When God asks us to trust Him, He asks us for more than our patience. So, what does it mean to trust God?

What Does it Really Mean to Trust God

As Christians, we know that we need to have faith and trust in God, but I am convinced that we do not fully understand what it means to trust God. The definition of trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. I believe that God wants to make this critical idea plain and simple.

If we trust in God, we must firmly believe in God’s ability and not our own. There are three critical areas in which we are to trust God.

  1. Trust God and His Wisdom
  2. Trust God and His Love
  3. Trust God and His Plan
Trust  God

Trust God and His Wisdom

Adam and Eve were privileged to have God walk with them. They could have trusted the wisdom of God and left the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil alone, but they did not. So here we are, still trying to get things right. We are all like Adam and Eve in that we struggle to obey. We are still trying to rely on our thoughts and understanding, but we must trust God and His wisdom.

If we trust God and His wisdom, there will be times when God’s intentions do not align with our thoughts and desires. Sometimes, we ask God for something and feel that He is not responding. God asks us to trust his wisdom, even when the answer is not what we think is best. We must trust God and His wisdom and timing by surrendering to Him and not holding on to what we think we know.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart Proverbs 3:5

We must accept that God knows much more than we do. Even when bad things happen, and we do not understand how God works, He asks us to trust. Imagine when Jesus died on the cross; our human minds would have seen this as the end, but in God’s wisdom, it was a new beginning. Through Jesus and the knowledge of God, we have the gift of salvation.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV

Trust God and His Plan

We must trust God and His plan. From the beginning of time, God had an idea. He had a plan for this world, Jesus, and us. God is asking us to trust Him. God’s ultimate plan is so good that we cannot imagine what God has in store for us.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV

No matter what today looks like, God can turn things around, suddenly or slowly. He can give you the desires of your heart or exceed your expectations. Trust Him and give Him the wheel, invite Him to work in your life, and help you live out His plan.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Trust God and His Love

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16 KJV
cross and Bblle

Many of us may have heard the scripture: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). However, it’s essential that we let some of the words soak in and truly understand the depth of God’s love. He demonstrated His love for us even in times of pain and suffering. It can be easy to feel God’s love when things are going well, but we must learn to trust His love even amid pain and tears. Sometimes, He may work in ways we can’t understand, but we must hold onto our faith in Him and know that one day, He will wipe away all our tears.

A Prayer To Trust God

God calls us to trust His wisdom, plan, and love. Be careful not to rely on your blessings, such as your education, riches, and ability. Learn to depend on God. Here is a printable prayer to help you trust God. Read this prayer aloud or in your heart, and believe He hears you.

A prayer to trust God
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Procrastination and fear are two of the most common obstacles people face. They can keep us from achieving our goals and living our best lives. But there are ways to overcome them. We must learn the three main ways that the enemy sends procrastination and fear and how to combat them with the help of God.

As we go through the year, for many of us, there are always a few items we can’t quite check off our list. While it feels great to complete a project, sometimes it can be a struggle because we have not learned to stop procrastinating. Often, what causes us to procrastinate is fear. God will help us move forward and overcome procrastination and fear when we admit that we need help and ask. Simply put, it’s time to recognize these obstacles and equip ourselves to take action and realize our dreams.

Overcome Procrastination and Fear

We all have that “one thing” we must do this year. For some, it is to get healthy and kick some bad habits. To others, it is to go back to something, like school or church. The one thing that needs to change may involve starting something new, like a business or career. Whatever it is, I am here to encourage you as I motivate myself.

Procrastination and fear try to keep Christians from God’s blessings. As Christians, we must guard against procrastination and fear every time it occurs. The enemy wants us to avoid taking action by causing us to perceive that a task is too complex, time-consuming, or costly. When we know that God is pushing us to do something and not do it, we are not obedient. God will bless obedience, and He will help us when we try.

Overcome Procrastination

The tasks we try to avoid are probably the most important to our destiny and blessings. That is the reason the enemy is trying to stop us. The enemy wants to trap and convince us that we can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t succeed. We must learn how to overcome procrastination and fear. We must learn to take steps of faith rather than be paralyzed by procrastination and fear.

Every Accomplishment Begins with the Decision to Start

How the Enemy Sends Procrastination and Fear

There are three main ways that the enemy sends procrastination and fear. First, the enemy sends anxiety and doubt. The enemy tries to paralyze us with negative thoughts to stop us from taking a step in the right direction. I think of this type of procrastination as my “what if” trap.

When we look at only the negatives, such as “What if I do not do well?” or “What if I don’t get the job,” we can use these thoughts as the reason not to try. We have to look at the positive. We should think, “What if I succeed,” and “What if this opportunity is the answer to my prayers.” Positive thoughts are always better than negative ones.

Dont let doubt, anxiety, and negative thoughts keep you from your blessings

A second way to procrastinate is by having poor time management. Waiting and putting off tasks is easy when we have plenty of time. Sometimes, we falsely believe we have plenty of time, so we wait. Poor time management will cause us to misjudge how long a task will take.

Instead of thinking that a project will be quick, we sometimes envision the job as too time-consuming and complicated. If the tasks seem daunting, it is easy to find ourselves doing what we consider fun rather than taking the time to complete the job. The enemy sends distractors to keep us off-task and procrastinating.

Lastly, the third way the enemy causes procrastination is rooted in a lack of faith. Sometimes, we do not want to start something until we feel assured we will succeed. We must be willing to take a step when God nudges us, even when unsure of the outcome.

Overcome procrastination and trust God

Sometimes, we feel the urge to take action, but we may not understand its reason. However, we cannot wait until everything becomes clear. Instead, we should trust and believe that God is always with us. We should let God guide us in the right direction. When God asks us to step in faith, He may not reveal our entire path. Instead, He might show us only the next step we must take. If we wait for every detail, we are not walking in faith but procrastinating.

Be Blessed and Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Sometimes, God is trying to bless us, but the enemy is trying to block the blessing. The enemy loves to convince us that we can’t, but that is when we must dig deep. We must reach for God’s truths, not the enemy’s lies and discouragement. Taking faith will help us be blessed and overcome procrastination and fear.

Excuses or Blessings?

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

A Prayer to Overcome Procrastination and Fear

Whether it is the beginning of a new year or not, we must pray as we begin a task to overcome procrastination and fear. Praying is a weapon to remind the enemy that we believe God is on our side. God’s grace and Spirit will help us be successful when we ask. Trust that God has been and will always be good to us.

Overcome procrastination A prayer for the new year
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

The Gift of Prayer: 5 Points to Remember

The Gift of Prayer: 5 Points to Remember

Anyone who knows me will say that I am quite the talker. In my house, my spouse usually receives my many words. My loving husband listens to my hopes, dreams, and frustrations. As understanding as my husband is, there is generally a limit to his ability to listen. I am sure others can relate. Thankfully, we have the opportunity to share everything with God. He has given us the gift of prayer.

The Gift of Prayer 5 Points to Remember

As we celebrate Christmas and are thankful for many gifts, we must be grateful for Jesus Christ. The birth and death of our Savior is why we can now pray to God the Father and know He hears us. Jesus came and died to remove the barrier of sin that separated us from God. Now, we can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Prayer is how we communicate with God, and it is a gift.

Praying to God is like talking to someone who never gets tired of listening and promises to help when we pray. Prayer works, and it is a special gift from God. Praying is crucial, and we should build prayer into an everyday routine. We need to know how to pray to create a better prayer life. Just remember these five points:

  1. Prayer is a conversation with God.
  2. There are many reasons to pray.
  3. Be yourself when you pray.
  4. Prayer should be a two-sided conversation.
  5. Praying becomes easier with practice.

Prayer is a Conversation with God

Just like we have conversations daily with others, praying should be something we often do. Think about how we communicate with a friend, companion, or spouse. We often tell these trusted few the good, the bad, and the ugly. Great relationships rely on good communication, which should occur frequently.

Prayer is one of God's many gifts to us

There are Many Reasons to Pray

Like there are many reasons to have conversations, there are many reasons to pray. I can get busy in my house and forget to do something my husband has asked, so sometimes the conversation starts with me saying, “I’m sorry,” again! I am sure there are times I need to tell God sorry, too. I ask God to forgive me for anything I might have done, thought or said is not okay. I know He has also given us the gift of forgiveness, for which I am thankful.

Sometimes, everything is going great, and I want to praise God. Prayer allows me to thank God for his gifts, such as my family, friends, and health and strength. Knowing how essential words of gratitude are to me helps me remember that God deserves to hear my thanks, too.


There are times when everything is not perfect. There are occasions when I feel sad, frustrated, or confused. God invites me to access the gift of prayer and talk to Him no matter what. God wants a relationship with me, and He is not a fair-weathered friend. He will be with me through it all. Although it is nice to speak to my spouse, God has the strength and ability to change the situation. So why would I not run to God in prayer?

Be Yourself When You Pray

Remember that no two conversations are ever alike. Although we were given the Lord’s Prayer as a guide, prayer is talking to God as an individual, and God wants you to be yourself and authentic. He doesn’t want you to memorize and repeat the same prayer repeatedly. God also doesn’t want us to keep going on as a way of calling attention to ourselves publicly.

“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”

Matthew 6:7 KJV

Prayer Should be a Two-Sided Conversation

Prayer and all good conversations must be two-sided, meaning one person can not do all the talking. My husband reminds me of this because he sometimes says I am doing ALL the talking. The Bible is God’s Word to us, and when we incorporate what the Bible says, it is like letting God know that you are listening to His side, too. Knowing what the Bible says also helps us pray within God’s will.

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

1 John 5:14-15 KJV

When we pray and say things like, “God, you promised to hear me when I pray, and I need some help right now with …..” I like to think that it shows God that I am reading my Bible and remembering what he said. I remind God of his promises to me, almost like telling my spouse of a promise made. I know God likes to answer our prayers, especially when we pray for things consistent with His Word. We need to pray more often.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Praying Becomes Easier with Practice

Imagine the first conversation you had with a close friend or companion. It may have felt awkward, and you may have struggled to be yourself, unsure how they would react. As time passed, you likely became more relaxed and comfortable communicating with that person. You could share anything with them without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. Similarly, God understands you as no one else can, and speaking to Him can become easier with practice. Trust Him as your confidant and friend.

A Prayer at Christmas

I wrote this prayer at Christmas time and hope it is a blessing to all who read it. Even when it is not Christmas time, prayer is still important. We should always be willing to thank God for our blessing and ask God to continue to bless us and others.

A Prayer at Christmas

4 Simple Prayers to Help Pray Often Printable

When something seems complicated, ask God for help. I have created a printable of four simple prayers as a simple gift to help you. Use these as a guide to help as you learn to pray from your heart. Remember, there are no right words, only right hearts. Pray from the heart.

Pray More

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New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Deal with Anger Without Losing Joy

Deal with Anger Without Losing Joy

As Christians, we must deal with anger without losing joy. Being angry is dangerous. The word anger is only one letter shy of “danger.” Sometimes, we get mad, but we must be careful not to let our rage become a weapon the enemy uses to attack us or others. We must deal with anger without losing joy.

Deal with Anger Without Losing Joy

The enemy wins if he can get us so angry that we misbehave, do something we shouldn’t do, or say something we can not take back. We must watch out for anger so we are not guilty of hurting others. Sometimes we get angry. It happens to all of us.

Imagine some of the terrible consequences that can occur if you do not deal with anger without losing your joy. If you get angry at your job, you could say something or do something that causes you to lose your job. If you get mad at your spouse, you can lose a day or days with bad feelings and not talk to each other. The enemy wants to steal your joy in any way he can. Do not let him do it!

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour

Don’t Let Anger Cause You to Lose Peace and Joy

You lose your peace and joy when your emotions and thoughts are angry. It is impossible to be angry and joyful at the same time. If the enemy can make you angry, you may become unforgiving. That unforgiveness will lead to bitterness and further destruction, which would be hazardous to your spiritual health.

The enemy will tell you that your anger is justified. He will tell you that everyone would be mad about the situation. He is trying to get you to become enraged. The enemy wants you to be so angry that you lose control. You may have a right to be angry, but how you deal with the anger is the difference between dealing with it God’s way or the enemy’s way. We should not want anything to cause us to lose peace and joy.

Deal with Anger

Deal With Anger Without Losing Your Joy by Praying

Praying is the first step in dealing with anger without losing your joy. Being angry is not the time to avoid prayer. Instead, being mad should remind us how much we need God to help us. We should deal with anger without losing joy by praying.

We should pray about everything, including when we are angry. We should try to settle the situation rather than let it fester. Sometimes, all we can do is pray. Praying and venting to a mighty God who can handle everything is much more helpful than unloading some unsuspecting humans.

Be angry and do not sin

When we pray, we should ask God how to handle the situation. he may lead us to speak with the person, but he can also fix the situation without saying a word. I can recall recently when a family member spoke harshly to me. I was angry because I felt misunderstood. I wanted to lash out, but I did not. I just prayed. The following day, when I looked at my cell phone, I received a text from the person who offended me asking for forgiveness. God worked it out, which was an answer to prayer. Prayer works.

Deal With Anger Without Losing Your Joy by Forgiving

We must deal with anger without losing joy by offering forgiveness to others. We must be able to forgive whether or not the person we are angry with apologizes. Perhaps the person that you are mad at is merely going through pain at home, and they inadvertently took it out on you. We must take those negative thoughts captive and instead give grace and mercy. God understands and gives us grace, but we must extend it to others. We have to be willing to forgive as we have been forgiven (Matthew 6:14)

Deal with Anger Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us

We should forgive others for what may feel like a personal attack by understanding that the enemy will use whomever he can to come against us. Release the person by asking God to help. Give your emotions to God and pray until you feel his love. Resist the negative thoughts, and they will flee.

A Prayer To Deal With Anger

I prayerfully write a prayer to go along with each post. Let’s pray and ask God to help us deal with feelings of anger. He hears us when we pray and will answer us when we pray.

A Prayer to Deal with Anger

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A Joyful Attitude Doesn’t Complain

A Joyful Attitude Doesn’t Complain
A Joyful Attitude Doesn't Complain

One of the classroom teachers in a school where I work is a baseball fan, and in her room, there is a bulletin board with a baseball glove and baseballs around it. When I noticed her bulletin board, I was sitting in on a mandatory in-service, and the information did not seem relevant to me as a speech-language pathologist. The bulletin board read, “Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?” At that moment, my attitude was less than joyful, so I sat there, wondering how I could catch a more joyful attitude.

Is your Attitude Worth Catching

Later in the day, while at home, I read a Bible study, and the word attitude met my eyes again. At this point, I realized there was a pattern here, and I might need to listen up! I believe God knows how to get our attention, and He pointed out that I needed to stop and check my attitude. God speaks to us and knows how to help us listen.

The truth is, I was finding myself overwhelmed by my workload. My work responsibilities were carrying over into my already busy home life. I wanted a joyful attitude, but busyness was sapping my joy. I found that I was complaining. I believe I was complaining, even during my prayer time, which is why God had to get my attention. Even though I was overloaded, and my complaining seemed justified, God was helping me understand that complaining is not how he would want me to deal with the situations.

Choose a Joyful Attitude Instead of Complainin

JOY acrostic Keep a joyful attitude

Complaining is a way of letting others know you are overloaded, but it does nothing more and decreases everyone’s joy. Just because I am not in a good mood, I should not become a killjoy for everyone else. I wanted to do better, so I needed to figure out how to maintain a joyful attitude and avoid complaining.

J – Jesus, O – Others, Y – Yourself. I love this acrostic.

To keep a joyful attitude, we should always put Jesus first, others second, and ourselves last.

If we are hyper-focused on ourselves, it is easy to spend too much energy fighting what God may be trying to do. God may be trying to use us to help others, but instead of putting ourselves last, we complain as if our comfort is most important. We must remember that the situations we find ourselves in, even at work, maybe God-designed. By changing our focus, we will trust that God has a plan and will work everything out for our good. We have to believe that God has everything figured out. We have to cultivate a joyful attitude and stop complaining.

Attitude matters. Do all things without murmurings or disputings

As we complain to others about our situation, we seek sympathy or want someone else to know about our struggles, but why? The Bible tells us not to do things with murmuring (Philippians 2:14 KJV). We damage our ability to witness to others regarding God’s goodness. No one wants to listen to complainers, and we are supposed to be the ones with faith. Even if we speak to a friend, we leave them with dampened spirits as we walk away. We need to think about others and how our actions will affect them.

Pray and Ask God to Help With our Attitude

Whenever we realize a problem, we pray and ask God to help. God sometimes places us in situations to help us grow and to build our faith. Sometimes, those situations may seem hard. Rather than complaining, we should pray to know God’s will and ask God how we should handle every situation.


We do not have a joyful attitude because all is well or everything is going as planned. Having a joyful attitude that doesn’t complain is a choice. We must be joyful despite our circumstances because we are thankful, and God can.

The opposite of complaining is praising. We should begin by praising God for his many blessings when we pray. Even in the presence of difficulty, we should be able to be thankful.

A Prayer For a Joyful Attitude

Prayer helps us to have a joyful attitude. We have to be joyful rather than complainers, which is sometimes challenging. When we pray, we are reminded who is in control, and we can give all our feelings of frustration to a God who loves us and can help us through every situation.


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Authentic Christian or a Hypocrite?

Authentic Christian or a Hypocrite?

If asked whether we are authentic Christians or a hypocrite, we should strive to say that we are authentic, but what does that mean? To be authentic means that we are not false but real, genuine, and true to one’s beliefs.

Authentic Christian or a Hypocrite

The opposite of being authentic is being a hypocrite. One definition of a hypocrite is someone who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes, or feelings they do not possess. They are “pretenders.” There is also another form of hypocrisy. The other type of hypocrisy is looking down on others as if we have forgotten that we are also flawed.

As Christians, we are called to live like Christ. In the Bible, during Jesus’ ministry, the religious leaders were guilty of being hypocrites. Jesus did not act this way, and He spoke harshly against hypocrites. Jesus clarifies that what matters is how we treat others and what is inside, not how others perceive us.

Each of us can be hypocritical. We must guard against any tendency to try and impress others. We must also resist any desire to look down on others. We all need Jesus, and even after we have found him, we will continue to need Him. The life of an authentic Christian should point others to Jesus, who is the only one who can help.

An Authentic Christian life should point others to Jesus

Authentic Christians should not try to impress others; we should exemplify the gospel message. The real message of the Gospel is that Jesus saves. We must strive to live as authentic Christians and not as a hypocrite.

Authentic Christians Resist Pride and Arrogance

The word hypocrite is a loaded word often used to describe people who pretend to be more spiritual than others. After getting saved, a person may desire to live what they think is a Christian life but have some struggles. An authentic Christian resists pride and arrogance at all times.


Wanting to fit in with a church community may cause someone to “pretend” to have it all together as they try to “look” or “act” spiritually or religiously. As authentic Christians, we should resist trying to look or act as if we strive to impress others. A real Christian’s life should reflect love, humility, and forgiveness.

Authentic Christians resist walking in pride and arrogance because these are some of the enemy’s favorite tactics. The enemy would rather see us try to look religious than ask God to help us live the Christian life.

“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.”

Psalms 10:4 KJV
Stay Authentic

Authentic Christians recognize the need to stay close to God in prayer, knowing that it is impossible to live a Christian life on our own without the help of God. God knows that we need His help and wants us to accept His help. The hypocrite is happy, pretending, and does not seek God.

Authentic Christians Show Love and Are Not Judgmental

God calls us to love one another and not to judge one another. We should only judge ourselves and do our best to live as Christ has called us. We are to love others as ourselves and show mercy, kindness, and compassion to others just as God reveals it to us. Authentic Christians show love and are not judgmental.


Authentic Christians realize the impact of a kind word and a smile. They also understand the harm that can come when others feel excluded, less than, or unreachable. God sent his son to save the lost; we should always reflect that simple truth in everything we say and do.

Authentic Christians Understand Forgiveness 

God calls us to live a surrendered life, which means we give up our old ways in exchange for His will. God understands this is a process; we may struggle, and He intends to help us. We should try to do our best and ask Him for help. He does not call any of us to live a life of perfection because God wants us to be authentic and not a hypocrite.


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the enemy gets the best of us. Perhaps we make the wrong choice and do or say something we regret. We must be willing to ask for and accept forgiveness. We ask God to forgive us, but we must also be quick to offer forgiveness to others. We must understand that the enemy tries to tempt us all, and we all need forgiveness. Authentic Christians understand asking for, giving, and receiving forgiveness.

“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.”

Galatians 6:1 KJV

A Prayer to Be An Authentic Christian

To live as an authentic Christian, we need to love God, love our neighbor, and follow the example of Jesus. Being authentic may sound simple, but it can be challenging. Let’s pray a prayer to help us always be authentic Christians.

A prayer to be an Authentic Christian

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The Best Way to Handle Work Stress

The Best Way to Handle Work Stress

Do you know how to handle work stress God’s way properly? I had to learn this year as I started a new school year. The beginning of every school year is always a little stressful, but this year, my job changed. Instead of providing speech services to just one elementary school, now, I travel and service two elementary schools. I am thankful to serve new students, meet new staff, and spread the love of Christ to new parents, but a job change can be stressful. No matter what, I know God wants me to live in faith, not fear. God does not want us to worry; He wants us to trust Him.


Handle Work Stress with Prayer and Trust in God

To handle work stress, we must pray. When we pray about work stress, we often want God to change the situation and relieve our stressors. Perhaps we work with a problematic person and want God to fix them. Rather than moving the mountain, God frequently wants to strengthen us so that we can handle the climb. Better yet, sometimes, God wants us to pray for that person and show His grace and mercy rather than move that person out of our path.

Choose-Faith-over-Fear for handling work stress

No matter what, we must trust God, obey His Word, and follow Jesus. We start by believing God is in control and always on our side. We must trust that God is bigger than any situation and believe that He will help in the way He sees best.

Handle Work Stress with Scriptures

Trust-God Obey His Word and Follow His son to handle work stress

God speaks to us through His word. As we say our prayers, God often brings scripture to mind to give us the strength we need. These scriptures help us handle work stress well.

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV

Dismayed is a word that appears in the Bible, meaning discouraged, disheartened, or depressed in spirit. God does not want us to fear or be dismayed. He wants us to know He goes before us and will not leave us. God is there with us wherever we go and will help us handle work stress or whatever we face. He is our biggest cheerleader and fan.

 Scripture for handing work stress

God commands us to be strong. That means we can not let anything like work stressors cause us to be frightened, worried, or distressed. Whenever we are tempted to worry, we must remember and find comfort in knowing God is always with us.

Handle Work Stress Joyfully

As Christians, we should always choose joy. After praying and meditating on God’s word, we must remember to handle work stress joyfully. Working around stressed and overworked people makes it easy to notice those who manage to keep it all together with a smile.

I choose to Radiate Positivity to handle work stress

If you are like me, you try not to spend too much time on those who spend every day complaining and whining. It is because it tends to begin to pull you down. Work is where we spend lots of time, but we should want to stay positive. There may always be something to complain about at work, but what good does that do?

A Prayer To Handle Work Stress

When fellow workers see Christians acting less than favorable, it can cause others to question our faith. We have to speak words of hope in every situation. Believe that if God says He is there with you, He is. Believe that whatever the work stress is, it will pass. Pray in faith and permit God to fix the situation however he considers best.

A prayer to Handle work stress
A Prayer to Handle Work Stress

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