What It Really Means To Have Faith The Size Of A Mustard Seed

What It Really Means To Have Faith The Size Of A Mustard Seed

I believe God wants us to understand what it really means to have faith the size of a mustard seed. As Christians, there are times that we question whether we have or understand mustard seed faith. We know that we must trust God, believe His Word, and not doubt. The issue is that sometimes, when we have done all we know to do, the situation may not work out as we expected, and that may lead us to question faith.

What It Really Means To Have Faith The Size Of a Mustard Seed

If we are not careful, the enemy will sneak in and cause us to doubt when we should hold onto our faith. For example, we might ask God to answer prayer; in doing so, we may even ask others to pray. Although we may genuinely feel that we have prayed in faith and not doubted, the prayer may seem unanswered in the way that we anticipated. When this happens, sometimes, we begin to question the reason why. Thus, Christians may ask questions such as:

  • Why didn’t this work?
  • Did God not hear my prayer?
  • Did I not pray correctly?
  • Is God mad at me?
  • Did I do something wrong?
  • Is my faith not strong enough?

Faith is a highly complex word and idea. I believe that God wants us all to understand faith because it is impossible to please Him without it (Hebrews 11:6). What’s more, God tells us to have faithwalk in faithbuild our faith, and proclaim our faith. He does not want us to question or doubt our faith and promises to give wisdom when we ask.

Understanding Our Measure Of Mustard Seed Faith

Therefore, we can possess, live out, grow, and ultimately share faith with others. Because spiritual ideas are complicated for the natural man to comprehend, Jesus spoke in parables to the people, and he often used seeds, more specifically, the mustard seed.

He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown, it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.

Matthew 13:31-32 ESV

According to Romans 12:3, God gives each of us a measure of faith. As Christians, we know that God loves us and gives good gifts to His children. He blesses those who love Him with more than enough and distributes gifts as He sees fit. He does not want us to become boastful, and He does not want us to waste anything that He gives.

The measure of faith that God gives us could be the size of a mustard seed, but there is might in the tiny amount, and God expects it to grow. The Bible explains that the mustard seed can grow into a tree, and that tree eventually can grow to provide shelter for and affect others. Therefore, every gift from God should be valued, nurtured, and shared to benefit others.

A small amount of faith can move mountains because the strength comes from God. He multiplies the small amount, and it becomes unlimited. God can take the slightest size of faith, which is our limited ability to take Him at His Word and not doubt and mix it with His unlimited ability. This way, God can do great and beautiful things even through our minor acts. Like the widow who gave two small coins, which was all she had, God determined that she gave more than everyone else, and He honored her. In this way, small can be much in the Kingdom of God.


Walk Through Life With Mustard Seed Faith

Faith is defined in Hebrews 11, ‘”now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” As Christians, we understand that faith requires believing and trusting God even when what we see suggests the opposite. Thus, faith is believing for good even when it looks impossible to our human senses.

As we live our lives, we must walk by faith rather than sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Even when it looks like our prayers are left unanswered, we must understand that God is still in control, and our prayers will be answered in God’s timing and according to His will. At that moment, we have to continue to believe and not doubt. There will be times of faith-testing to prove that we will remain steadfast (James 1:3).

Whenever I forget that sometimes God has to say no, I think of Jesus in the garden before his crucifixion. Like Jesus, we can ask God anything, but we must honor God with our submission to His will. For example, Jesus asked God to take the cup away; God could not say yes to this request as it was the only way to save us. Just like Jesus, we must be willing to tell God not my will but Your will. God sees and knows more than we do, so we must always trust His plans as we walk through life with mustard-seed faith.

Build Our Mustard Seed Faith

The Bible says that faith comes from hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). When we hear the gospel message and decide to accept Jesus as our Savior, we join the family of God by faith, and at that point, we are ready to understand the things of God. After salvation, we are ready but still can not fully comprehend every spiritual concept all at once. Just like babies, we all need to start with milk and then progress to meat. Spiritual milk is like the foundational truths of Christianity and leads us to salvation, and then we grow from there.

The Bible states that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he does not understand them because they are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14). Therefore, as we walk with God, continue to hear his Word and apply it, our faith will grow, and we will progress in our understanding of more complex biblical truths.

Mustard Seed Faith Bear Fruit 2 word quote

Faith is like a seed sown on good ground. It is supposed to grow and produce fruit. After speaking in parables about sowing seeds, Jesus explained to the disciples that the seed sown on good soil is the one who hears His Word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and another thirty (Matthew 13:23). So our faith is supposed to grow.

Proclaim Mustard Seed Faith To Others

Ultimately, we must proclaim faith to others. We all need the Word of God to live this life and to live eternally. The Bible says that man can not live on bread alone but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). God wants us to be able to give an answer to others about our faith. He wants us to share the Good News and for our lives to be an example of His love and goodness.

Proclaim Faith Bible Verse

Salvation comes when we call on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13). God does not want anyone to perish; instead, He wants everyone to accept the gift of salvation (John 3:16). The Bible makes it plain that Jesus brought salvation, and we can not enter Heaven without being born again (John 3:3).

If the natural man cannot understand the things of God and have faith without hearing the Word of God, then someone must share the Word of God with them. As disciples of Jesus, we must willingly proclaim our faith. 

Every Christian should willingly share their faith with others. The enemy will convince us that we should remain quiet, but we must live as Jesus did and taught His disciples to do. We must be willing to tell others of God’s goodness so their faith can also grow.

A Prayer to Activate Our Mustard Seed Faith

God loves us so much that He has provided everything we need to live this life, but the enemy wants to rob us of our assurance. So, let’s pray this prayer to activate our mustard seed faith and declare our proper place in the Kingdom of God.

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Exactly Is The Peace Of God And How Can We Find It?

What Exactly Is The Peace Of God And How Can We Find It?

The Bible tells us that we have peace that surpasses understanding, but what exactly is the peace of God, and how can we find it today and every day? When I think of peace, I picture a beach and lazy living. In my mind, I imagine a vacation-like atmosphere where I do nothing, but is that really what God means in the Bible (Philippians 4:7)? 


Like most people I know, I feel that the everyday busyness of life threatens my peace at times. I have family responsibilities, but I must keep up with work timelines and deadlines as a working mom. Sometimes, dealing with the hustle and bustle of work stress can feel overwhelming, and I long for more peace. Let’s take a closer look at the peace of God in the Bible and how to obtain it.

Peace Defined

The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, which means harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility. When we read the Bible, we see God described as the God of Peace

Peace surpassing understanding Scripture
Philippians 4:7 ESV

Peace and love are some of God’s many characteristics. True peace comes from Him. As we look again at the definition of peace, we could describe God by the exact words used to define peace. God is harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility. 

When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree and allowed sin into their life, they could no longer live in the peaceful place of the Garden of Eden. When they sinned, humanity no longer experienced peace with God. Because of sin, humankind no longer lived in peace and harmony with God, and we did not have access to the peace of God

Thankfully, God sent a rescue mission in his son, Jesus. Interestingly as the coming of Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament, one of the names for Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus came to earth to help us obtain peace with God, and in doing so, He gave us a chance to once again experience the peace of God in our lives.

Isaiah 55:3 chastisement of eace
Isaiah 55:3 K

Peace With God

As Christians, we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus because we understand that Jesus purchased our salvation with His life. We recognize that Jesus freely sacrificed His life to give us peace with God. He is the only reason that we have peace with God. 

All Christians who come to God by praying for forgiveness and salvation as repentant sinners confess that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins on the cross, and we trust in Him to forgive our sins and save us. We believe that Jesus took our place and absorbed the wrath of God in our stead. Jesus made peace with God by doing so, so we did not have to.

Jesus was sinless, but He paid for our sins, and now he gives us this peace when we accept all He did as a gift of salvation. Our peace with God is secure and given to us only due to Jesus’ sacrifice, as we could never have earned peace with God on our own. We know that we can find joy and peace in God because of Jesus, but sometimes, when the enemy tries to attack, we lose sight of the truth.

Justified by faith peace with God

Peace Of God

Peace is a gift from God given to His children and becomes available at salvation. Although provided, the Bible often tells us that we must pursue it, walk in it, and live in it. We must strive to live in the peace of God, peace with ourselves, and peace with other people. We have to choose to turn away from evil, seek peace, and pursue it (1 Peter 3:11)

perfect peace 1 Peter 3:11

The peace of God is like a place or a state of living where we can live in harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, and tranquility with the Father. We live in the peace of God due to salvation, and although we may fall short, we seek and access forgiveness for sin by praying to ask God to forgive us. 

How Can We Find Peace?

We can live in a world where so much is happening and still live in God’s peace. God offers us peace even when it feels like life is falling apart. We can experience the peace of God all day and every day when we keep our minds fixed on God and trust Him regardless of our circumstances (Isaiah 26:3).  We must learn to seek peace.


The Bible commands Christians to live in peace with others. We can all do this when we remember all that Jesus had provided for us. As we accept Jesus as our peace, we remember who He is, what He has done for us, and who we are in Him. Knowing Jesus as our Prince of Peace gives us the right to experience calm as we rest in His love and peace. We must keep our eyes upon Him and our minds renewed in His Word. Although there may not be peace in our earthly world, we Christians can have peace on earth due to Jesus’ incredible sacrifice.  

As we learn to live in a place of peace in God, it becomes easier to refuse to let the enemy cause us to forfeit our precious gift of peace. The enemy will try to cause us to become anxious, depressed, fearful, and regretful. When we learn to live in the peace of God, we can see that any negative words that the enemy whispers into our ears to make us feel less than or beneath our God-given rights as children of God are just noise. As we come to Jesus and find peace, we will recognize that the enemy is attacking our peace with ourselves.

Additionally, there will be times when the enemy will attempt to attack our peace regarding our relationships with others. The enemy will always try to make us angry and upset with others. The enemy wants us to lose our cool and handle situations negatively. We must consciously decide to pray and resist the devil, and He will flee. We will become better able to see those disagreements with others or relationship problems as attacks from the enemy, and we must refuse to let him win.

God’s Word, promises, and voice bring peace into our lives. As we read the Bible, believe in God’s promises, and listen for His voice in prayer, God will send His Holy Spirit to comfort us and remind us that we are not alone. The Holy Spirit helps us live the Christian life. Let’s pray and ask God to help us live in His peace today and every day. 

Lord of peace

A Prayer For Peace

Knowing that Jesus gave His life to bring us peace with God and that he left us the peace of God, Christians can no longer allow the enemy the opportunity to rob us of the joy, peace, and hope that Jesus’ blood purchased. When we realize that we have access to peace even in the middle of chaos but only need to seek and pursue it, we should find ourselves praying. Let’s pray with faith and expectancy about our God-given peace today.

A prayer for Peace
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Consistent Ways To Show Love To God

Consistent Ways To Show Love To God

When we value someone or appreciate them, we can’t help but want to express our love. Our love should cause us to want to make the other person happy. As Christians, we want to show our love to our Heavenly Father, but how can we? What are some simple and consistent ways to show love to God?

Consistent Ways To Show Love To God

The idea of loving someone is the easiest to picture when we envision new courtships. We can relate to giving flowers “just because,” getting an unexpected note, or phoning to say “I love you.” New couples show love in their reciprocal actions and not just words. Their thoughts are toward each other, and they want to spend as much time getting to know each other as possible. The Bible tells us we should love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Show Love to God By Consistent Actions

The other day, while at the store waiting to check out, I heard young people talk about falling in love. As an older and wiser soul, I giggled a little because I realized love is much more than a feeling. Love is a decision and a choice made every minute of each day. Love takes work and consistency. We show love to God with our consistent behavior, but the primary action that God desires is our obedience to His commandments.

Keep commandments

As Christians, we should want to grow closer to our Heavenly Father, and we should desire to show Him our love with our obedient actions. We demonstrate our love to God with consistent efforts, not based on how we feel or any fleeting circumstance. God asks us to show love with our hearts, souls, and minds. In other words, He wants us to be “all in” and committed.

Love is not just a feeling

We show love to God by trying to live a crucified life as Jesus did. We should strive for God’s commandments, telling us to love Him and others. As long as everything is new and fresh and seems to be going well, it may be easy to show love. What is important to remember is that we must show love even when it is not easy.

Show Love To God Even When We Don’t Feel Like It

God asks us to follow and obey at all times. He wants us to do the right thing not based on our feelings but out of obedience and love. As Christians, we show love to God even when we don’t feel like it by obeying. There will be days that we do not feel like praying, studying our Word, or serving others.

We may not always feel like doing what is right, but we must analyze what we value in our hearts in those moments. We must determine if we are doing Godly duties based on our desire to please God. We also must be careful to ensure our motives are not self-serving or egotistical.

If governed by His Spirit and Word and not our emotions, we will love God and what He loves. God loves people, and He wants us to share the good news with others so that they can become children of God. As Christians, we must have a love for God and love for others. Everything we do for God should align with love because God is love (1 John 4:8 ).

Love God

Show Love To God Even When We Are Afraid

There will be times when following God means that we consistently obey Him despite our fear. We must show love to God even when we are afraid. We must show that we can be trusted to be light, consistently go, do, and serve even when scared or nervous. The enemy will bring feelings of fear. We must expect that and decide to obey God even when we are afraid.

Sometimes, we will be afraid of what others think, or we will fear making a mistake. These fears stop us because we worry more about our comfort, image, or ourselves. We must put our egos and feelings aside and be ready to ask God for the courage and faith to overcome our fears when we know that our obedience will bless God and His people.

Bless Others

Show Love To God Even When It Seems Hard

Sometimes, we believe that something is too hard. Perhaps the task to complete seems like it will take too much time commitment, or we think we can not do it with our human strength. As Christians, we are all a work in progress. God wants us to be consistently obedient even when it seems hard.

In this journey with God, there will be changes to how we think and live that feel easy to do and changes that seem too difficult. For example, to some, reading the entire Bible, going back to school, or kicking a bad habit would seem unattainable, but we must be careful not to tell ourselves that we can not succeed. God promises to help us. We must remember that with God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37), and we can do all things in His strength (Philippians 4:13).

God will continue to challenge each of us to be better. He will lead us to have a deeper relationship with him and to become more trustworthy and consistent. We can expect God to nudge us toward letting go of our feelings and to love Him more from a deeper place in our heart, our innermost part. God will continue to call us to be faithful and consistent despite our feelings.

Love is not just a feeling

A Prayer to Show Love To God

The best way to show love to others is to spend time with them. Reading and studying the Bible, praising God, and praying are all the ways we spend time with our Heavenly Father. As we read and study the Bible, we pray and ask God to help us understand what we are reading. As we praise God, we also pray and thank Him for all of the prayers He has already answered and the ones to which we trust He will respond in His time.

Prayer is so important. Everything we do should begin with prayer. As we pray, we should ask God for forgiveness, strength, love, and wisdom to carry out all He has asked of us for His glory. Let’s pray together.

A Prayer to Show Love To God
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does God Think Of Our Self-Reliance?

What Does God Think Of Our Self-Reliance?

As we say goodbye to a year, we must re-evaluate our plans, purpose, and goals. We usually make resolutions to better ourselves at the beginning of the new year. The world tells us we reach our goals with self-motivation and self-discipline, but is that true for Christians? What does God think of our self-reliance?

What Does God Think Of Our Self-Reliance

During the pandemic, I was at home more, and now I am unhappy with the extra pounds and flabby muscles resulting from a more sedentary lifestyle. I want to get active and healthier this year. Like many women I know, I would like to shed some pounds.

I would also like to improve my time management, which has become more difficult during the pandemic. The kids are more at home during the daytime, and my schedule is off. As I ponder what to do, I get discouraged because I do not know where to start. Since it is winter and there are still pandemic restrictions, I don’t know what to do.

I questioned my self-motivation, self-discipline, and ability to get in shape, so I asked God to help me. As I prayed, God faithfully answered with a loving response that instantly brought peace to my heart, and I pray it is a blessing to others. I believe God waits for us to stop trying to do things ourselves. Words like willpower and self-reliance do not seem valuable to our Heavenly Father, who invites us to see things from His perspective.

Self-reliance scripture 2 Corinthians 3:5 ESV

Self-Reliance Defined

Our society values and emphasizes words like independence, self-determined, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance. The definition of self-reliance is “reliance on one’s powers and resources rather than those of others.” Humans tend to think that doing something on their own is admirable. We strive to be independent, driven, hard-working, and focused. These are good traits, but we must remember that there is a limit to what we can accomplish on our own, and ultimately, we reach the end of our abilities.

Although we live in this world, we should always strive to see things as God sees them. We must be careful to distinguish and develop a God view as God’s perspective often clashes with the prevailing worldviews in our society. Everything we do as Christians should line up with the Word of God, the Bible. Although celebrated by most, self-reliance is a worldview and not a God-view because it forgets that God.

Choose To Rely On God and Not Yourself

Self-Reliance and God-Given Talents

We must be careful when we celebrate our talents. For example, if we have giftedness in an area, we can quickly become lifted in pride. Similarly, if we meet someone skilled at something, we sometimes try to hold that person up in high regard, forgetting that all good gifts come from God (James 1:17 KJV). It can be easy to forget that even when someone is talented, their ability is limited. 

God has called us to be His children, and He has called us to be His sheep. Children and sheep are both dependent on others. No one ever describes children or sheep as being self-reliant. Self-reliance says, “I can do it myself.” God-reliance says, like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all through Christ who strengthens me.”

Self-reliance is relying on our limited powers and resources. God-reliance means depending on God’s limitless resources and abilities to help us in every situation. 

Definition of God Reliance and self-reliance

Self-Reliance In The Bible

The Bible is full of stories where people try to be self-reliant instead of obeying God’s commands or waiting for His promises to manifest. One example of self-reliance is King Saul, the first king of Israel. When God first chose King Saul, he was humble but lost his humility as he experienced battle victories.

In 1 Samuel 13, we see that King Saul overstepped his boundaries and got out of order when he offered a sacrifice to God. Offering this sacrifice was not for King Saul to do but was a task given to Samuel, a prophet. In this chapter, King Saul offered the sacrifice because Samuel had not yet arrived, but Samuel came as soon as he had finished presenting the burnt offering.

Another time, Saul was disobedient on the battlefield. He did not destroy the enemy as commanded by God, which resulted in God rejecting Saul as king and ultimately anointing David as the next King of Isreal.

King Saul’s issue is that he stopped being humble, relied on what He thought was best, and failed to listen to God’s command. Self-reliance causes us to go it alone, which is not what God wants. As our Father, He wants to shield and protect us, but we must be willing to obey.

Strive For God-Reliance Instead of Self-Reliance

What Does god think of our Self-Reliance scripture

God does not see self-reliance as a virtue to reach toward; instead, He wants us to be God-reliant. God does not want us to be boastful about anything we receive from Him as a gift, nor does He want us to be envious of others. He wants the glory for all He has created and all the blessings He has freely given.

Self-reliance causes unnecessary stress and sorrow, but God-reliance results in peace. We carry a tremendous and unnecessary load when we feel responsible for everything. The Lord invites us to bring all of our burdens to Him. He wants our hopes, dreams, and even our New Year resolutions. He wants us to ask for His help in everything.

As we learn to turn to Him for everything, we surrender to His ability to work out our situation correctly. He can provide us with all of Heaven’s resources to help. Sometimes, He may even allow others to come alongside us and share our burden, but we will never realize God’s help if we are stuck in self-reliance.

God sent His son Jesus, who died on the cross, rose again, and sent His Holy Spirit to help us live this life. Rather than try to manage anything by ourselves, we can look to Jesus. He will give us wisdom. He will strengthen us to achieve whatever we set out to do, not because we are strong, but because He is strong.

Self-reliance John 15:5 NKJV

When we learn God-reliance rather than self-reliance, we are like a healthy branch growing fruit. Jesus tells us that we cannot live fruitful lives without living attached to God. In John 15:5, Jesus tells us that we can do nothing without Him. Two of the many fruits He can produce in our lives are peace and self-control. We must allow Him to help us bear fruit rather than rely on ourselves.

A Prayer For Turning From Self-Reliance to God-Reliance

As we review last year and press toward this next year, we must learn that we do not want to go it alone. God does not want us to. We should pray and ask God to help us with our goals and dreams. Imagine what would happen if we did. Let’s pray to turn from self-reliance to God-reliance.

A Prayer For Turning From Self-Reliance to God-Reliance
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

How To Handle Sorrow And Grief As A Christian

How To Handle Sorrow And Grief As A Christian

Dealing with grief is an extremely challenging process. Loss can come in various forms, such as death, the end of a relationship, loss of a job or health, and it can cause deep sorrow. The unexpected suffering can catch us off-guard and leave us feeling unprepared. It can be a challenge to navigate situations that deviate from our plans. In this post, we will explore how to handle sorrow and grief with hope.

How to handle sorrow and grief as a Christian

How To Handle Sorrow and Grief With Hope

As Christians, it is important to be cautious of the enemy’s traps while dealing with negative emotions like sorrow. During the low points in our lives, the enemy tries to take advantage of us, hoping to lead us away from the right path. Therefore, we must protect our heart, so that we do not end up making wrong choices. We must remain vigilant against grumbling, getting angry, losing faith, and falling into despair or sin.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes

According to the teachings of Christianity, death and sorrow were never part of God’s original plan for the world. They entered our lives as a result of humanity’s sinful nature. However, the Bible promises that a day will come when we will be free from death and sadness, and all tears will be wiped away. Until then, we can take comfort in the hope and promises given to us by God. He offers us eternal hope, assures us of His presence in times of grief, and guarantees that a day will come when we will experience no pain or heartache.

Run To God In Times of Sorrow and Weeping

When we experience times of sorrow, it’s important to recognize that our emotions are normal and understandable. The passing of a loved one is a time for mourning, and even Jesus himself wept when his friend Lazarus died (John 11:35).

Jesus Wept

As Christians, we should bring our grief and sadness to God. God doesn’t demand that we mask our true feelings, but wants us to find solace in his comforting presence. God tells us to come and cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). He understands our pain and invites us to approach Him with our heavy hearts. Our emotions are valid, and God encourages us to pour out our grief and sadness to Him. We don’t have to pretend to be happy; instead, we can run to God as a hurting child seeking comfort from a loving parent. God assures us that He cares for us and is ready to bear our burdens.

As children of God, we have hope that we must hold on to even in our times of sorrow. In the Bible, God calls those who have died sleeping, and He assures us that just as Jesus died and rose again, he gives us hope that we will see our loved ones also.

But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 ESV 

Even when we don’t know whether our loved one believed in Jesus, we must trust God. The Bible reminds us that the Lord is patient with us. He does not want anyone to perish but wants us all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). The truth is we do not know what happens in a person’s final moments of life, but God does. The thief on the cross turned to Christ in the last hours of life (Luke 23:39-43), and Jesus promised that he would enter heaven. We must trust God and remember that He decides who enters His heaven.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Receive Comfort From Other Christians During Times of Sorrow and Loss

All real, lasting comfort comes from God because He is the Father of compassion and comfort. As Christians, God promises to comfort us, and afterward, He wants us to be able to comfort others (2 Corinthians 1). When we reach out to others for support during times of sorrow, we allow a chain reaction to flow from our Father to His children.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 

2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 ESV

Meditate On God’s Word During Times of Sorrow

All of our hope as Christians is in Jesus. We build faith by hearing the Word of God and reminding ourselves of the price that Jesus paid to one day help us never have to suffer again. Reminding ourselves of the promises found in the Word of God helps lift us from the right now moments of sorrow by helping us look toward a more hopeful tomorrow. We can be comforted when we meditate on God’s Word during times of grief.

Let Not Your Hear Be Troubled.

Our Heavenly Father is a God of hope, and He wants to heal the brokenhearted (Psalm 147:3). Jesus said that blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4), and Paul reminds us that even when we go through sorrow and pain here on Earth, it does not compare to the glory that one day awaits us (Romans 8:18). Jesus promised that He was going away to prepare a place for us, and He promised to take us there one day (John 14:1-4). As hard as it seems, we must hold on to the hope found in God’s Word.

Pray and Trust God During Times of Sorrow and Grief

As we work through our sadness and loss, prayer is our greatest weapon against the enemy. When we pray to God, we communicate that we trust Him. As we pray to God, He will never turn us away. When we go through moments of sadness, we should pray even more earnestly, just as Jesus did when He faced great sorrow before going to the cross (Matthew 26: 36-46). We gain the strength to face our sorrows when we pray. Just as Jesus poured himself out in prayer to God, we must do the same.

A Prayer During  Times of Sorrow and Grief

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Avoid Being Distracted By The Enemy And Win

Avoid Being Distracted By The Enemy And Win

As Christians, God wants to make each of us “winners” in our Christian race. The enemy works hard to distract us and get us off-track. Discover powerful strategies to avoid being distracted by the enemy and become a winner in your Christian journey. When we think of winners in sports, like runners, quarterbacks, or bodybuilders, it is easy to imagine that these individuals must live focused lives. They must dominate distractions rather than be distracted. I picture that athletes spend a tremendous amount of time perfecting their skills.

Avoid Being Distracted By The Enemy and Win

About a month ago, I felt overwhelmed with deadlines and responsibilities, so I prayed to God and asked Him for help. I was upset about my unfair workload and wanted to complain to God about everything I had to do. I wanted God to change the situation and perhaps explain to the supervisors that they were asking too much from me. I wanted fairness, but as I prayed, God led me to study His Word as He spoke one word into my Spirit, “Distractions.

Initially, I did not understand how the word “distractions” related to my prayer, but God is faithful and will give wisdom when we ask. The truth about all distractions is they subtract. Distractions seek to take away our attention and focus. In my case, I believe the enemy was trying to pull my attention away from God. He was hoping to cause me to dwell on my problems. If the enemy could get me preoccupied with my situation, I could have possibly found myself mad and upset and could have taken my eyes off God and the Kingdom race.

Regardless of our life responsibilities or the jobs we do, as Christians and children of God, we have an obligation to be winners in the Kingdom of God. I believe God wants us to learn how to win this race despite the distractions that try to sneak in. The Christian race will not always be easy, but we must run this race with God as obedient children.

Run this Christian race with Your focus on God and don't be distracted

To be a winner in our Christian race, we must know, do, and focus on God in the presence of distractions. The enemy will try to distract us from God and His plan. He has been trying to do this since Eve. When the serpent distracted Eve, he started by challenging what Eve knew, what she did, and where she focused her thoughts.

Avoid Being Distracted From What You Know

In Genesis, the Bible tells the story of when the enemy found Eve in the garden alone. The enemy distracted and overwhelmed Eve with questions regarding what she knew about the forbidden tree. When he distracted Eve, the enemy caused her to doubt what God had said by questioning her.

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

Genesis 3:1- 7 NKJV

No matter what situation we find ourselves in, we must remember what the Word says about us and choose to have faith. We know that God does not want His children to be distracted or overwhelmed as He invites us to cast all of our cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). We also know that He promises to provide for our needs, and He will not withhold any good thing (Psalm 84:11). We have to hold on to these truths no matter what, even when the enemy questions our beliefs.

Don’t Be Distracted By Flesh

The enemy will do whatever he can to encourage us to do something against God’s plan. He is always trying to steer us off-course with disobedience. When we focus on sins and fleshly desires rather than God’s plan, we can become distracted from God as we try to take care of ourselves rather than look to our Heavenly Father to care for our needs in His perfect timing.

Dont be distracted, Seek The Kingdom of God First

Satan tries to convince us to do things independently and worry about our needs, like food. For Eve, the fruit was pleasing to the eye and held the opportunity to satisfy her flesh. In giving in to her desire to eat the fruit, she went against what God said. The Bible is clear that we must walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh because the flesh and Spirit are opposed to each other (Galatians 5:16-17). A mind focused on fleshly desires and needs is hostile to God and does not submit to God’s laws (Romans 8:7).

Stay Focused

When Jesus was hungry from fasting, the enemy tried to tempt Him to instantly satisfy his hunger by commanding the stones to turn to bread (Matthew 4:3), but Jesus resisted. Another time, the enemy tried to tempt Jesus with the promise of riches if Jesus would bow to Satan. Jesus defeated the enemy with the Word and told the enemy, “It is written…”

Sometimes, we are distracted by our feelings. The Bible tells us not to be anxious or worry about our lives. We should not worry about eating, drinking, or wearing (Matthew 6:24-34). We are not to be anxious, but rather, we should pray.

Don't be anxious about anything

Don’t Allow Your Focus To Be Distracted

We will go through situations, but we can’t allow our focus to be distracted. We must remember that God will not let His children go through more temptation than we can handle. He will always provide a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). No matter how the enemy tries to convince us otherwise, we must focus on God and fix our eyes on His ways (Psalm 119:15). We know that our God is good, so rather than entertain the enemy, we must submit ourselves to God and resist the Devil, which will cause him to flee (James 4:7).

Don't be Distracted Resist the Devil

The enemy will attempt to tempt us with material things, riches, or various instant gratification forms. In the case of Eve, the enemy promised that if she ate from the forbidden tree, she would be like God and have wisdom. We must be careful not to allow our focus to be distracted. The Bible tells us to set our minds on things above and not on things on Earth ( Colossians 3:1-2). We must seek the Kingdom of God first.

Avoid being distracted| Set Your Mind on things above

As Eve ate the fruit, she focused on being like God rather than being a child of God. Instantly, her worry-free life changed. The enemy knew Eve would forfeit the peace as she ate the fruit and gave it to her husband. The enemy wants us to become overwhelmed, and he wants us to feel that we can not succeed in our endeavors.

When I felt overwhelmed with my job, I was worried about what I thought might happen tomorrow. God warned me that what I was concerned about was simply a distraction from the enemy. At the time, due to Covid-19, I could not see how it would be possible to do the job asked of me. As I prayed, God helped me more than I could imagine. The whole situation worked out when the students went to a hybrid model and were not attending school five days a week. What I was worried about was not even an issue; it was merely a distraction sent by the enemy to steal my joy. As I prayed, God was already working it out in my favor and preparing my way of escape.

A Prayer To Fight The Enemy And Win

Let’s pray that God will help us win in our Christian race as we learn to deal with overwhelm and distractions in a pleasing manner that honors God. We want to know, do, and focus only on God’s plan for us and not allow the enemy to cause us to lose joy and peace by taking us off track with worry, uncertainty, or other distractions.

Avoid being distracted| A Prayer to Fight the Enemy and Win
A Prayer to Fight the Enemy and Win
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

Five Decisions True Christians Decide Daily

Five Decisions True Christians Decide Daily

Living the Christian life is a journey. More importantly, it can be considered an individual journey, and along the way, there are many decisions to make. As we travel along life’s path toward living out our God-anointed purposes, we must decide to live as Christ commands. Although our journeys, callings, talents, and struggles may differ, there are five decisions that true Christians make daily. These are daily decisions, and as we stay focused on our goal to live for God, we commit to these decisions.

Five Decisions True Christians Decide Daily

These five decisions are simple yet powerful because each determines whether we are indeed a child of God or not. The Bible is clear that we should follow Jesus as our example. In the end, we want God to say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). We do not want to hear, “I never knew you”(Matthew 7:23). Let’s look closely at the five decisions we need to make, and let’s choose to make them today.

  1. Decide to accept the gift of salvation.
  2. Decide to turn away from sin.
  3. Decide to put your faith in Jesus and trust him.
  4. Decide to love and forgive others.
  5. Decide to spend time with God.

Decide To Accept The Gift of Salvation 

When Jesus walked on the Earth, He trusted the will of the Father. We know it led Him to the cross, which purchased our salvation. To be a child of God, we must accept the work that Jesus did on the cross as payment for our sins, and we must receive salvation as a gift from God through faith. 

Decide to Accept the Gift of Salvation

We receive salvation by confessing Jesus is the son of God, whom God raised from the grave. Next, we get baptized as an outward sign that we are dead to sin and raised with Christ. Salvation is not difficult. It is a decision. We must decide to accept what the Bible says about salvation as truth. Salvation is for everyone. We all make mistakes, and we all need forgiveness for our sins. God offers a way to be forgiven and welcomes us into his family through faith in Jesus. “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).

The Bible states that we must recognize that we have sinned and need forgiveness. We ask for forgiveness by repenting. “Repent, therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:19, ESV). Repenting causes the angels to rejoice (Luke 15:10). It means realizing that we have sinned and are ready to change by turning away from our sin and darkness toward the eternal life that Jesus died on the cross to give us. 

Decide To Turn Away From Sin

As Christians, we strive to live our lives in a way that represents our love for and obedience to God’s Word. God helps us to turn from sin, and his Spirit helps us to leave the practice of sinning (1 John 3:9), but we choose to do so and ask for His help. Having a new desire to live a life free from sin leads us to our knees, asking God to deliver us and set us free from every chain trying to bind us as we pray in the name of Jesus.

Only Jesus lived this life without sin, and He will help us to turn from sin. When we receive salvation and ask God to forgive us for our sins, we give up a life of sin and turn our lives toward Jesus. Jesus washes our sins away and comes to life in our hearts. He helps us live a life free from sin, and if we fall short, He will help us get it right. Jesus stands ready to forgive us and help us live this life. All we must do is ask Him.

Heaven is not for Good people

Living this life as a child of God means we begin a journey toward becoming more like Jesus. It will take a lifetime and will require many decisions along the way. First, we surrender our will and old ways by taking steps toward living in a manner that brings glory and honor to God. As we choose, we decide to stop compromising or making excuses for sin, but instead, we begin repenting and praying for God to change us.

Decide To Put Your Faith In Jesus And Trust Him

After we receive salvation, Jesus tells us to take up our cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Just as Jesus did the will of his Father, we must decide to trust God with our lives and do the same. Living as children of God means we are like sheep listening to our Shepherd’s voice, Jesus; as He leads, we follow Him.

Decide To Put Your Faith In Jesus And Trust Him

As sheep, we place our trust in God and His Word. We trust God in everything. Even when we can not see the outcome, we must believe that God is for us and not against us. He has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and even when we go through the testing of our faith, the purpose is not to harm us but to produce steadfastness (James 1:2-4).

Decide To Love And Forgive Others

As followers of Christ, God commands us to love others as Christ loved us. God is love. God so loved us that He gave his son (John 3:16) for our sins. Jesus Christ loved us enough to lay down His life for us (Ephesians 5:2). The Bible says that whoever loves has been born of God and knows God, and anyone who does not love does not know God (John 4:7-8). We must do everything in love (1 Corinthians 16:14) and love all people, even our enemies (Matthew 5:44).

Decide to Love and Forgive Others

In return for receiving God’s love and forgiveness, we extend the same forgiveness to others. Just as God forgives us, He wants us to forgive others. Jesus is our example. Jesus asked the Father to forgive us even as He died on the cross. The Bible states that if we do not forgive others, our Father will not forgive our trespasses (Matthew 6:14-15).  

Decide To Spend Time With God

Spending time with God includes praying, worshipping, and learning more about Him and His Word. Our faith comes when we hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17), and we gain strength when we seek the presence of God (1 Chronicle 16:11). Jesus proclaimed that He did the work of his Father, and he commands us to be doers of the Word and not just hearers only. As we study the Word, we learn God’s character and can better learn to live by Christ’s example.

This is the day which the Lord hs made scripture

The Bible says that there were times when Jesus would rise early to go away to pray (Mark 1:35). When we pray, we have the opportunity to pray for ourselves and others. In prayer, God speaks into our lives and gives directions and strength. The Holy Spirit helps us pray. Spending time with God is essential, and we must always rejoice, pray, and give thanks  (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

A Prayer for the New Christian’s Journey

Whether we are new believers or have been Christians for a long time, we must examine ourselves and judge whether we have truly committed our way to the Lord. If we have fallen short in our decision to live for God, we can pray and ask God to help us. This prayer is for the Christian’s journey who decides to stay committed to living for God.

A Prayer For the New Christian's Journey
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

How To Have Faith In God’s Word

How To Have Faith In God’s Word

Have you learned to develop faith in God’s word? The events of 2020 have taught us that life can be unpredictable and full of surprises. No one expected a pandemic or the closure of churches, schools, and workplaces. It’s possible that many of us were caught off-guard by all the unexpected changes. However, we must always remember that God is still in control, even when things are not going as planned.

How to Have Faith in God's Word

When everything around us changes, there are two choices. We can go through the situation with or without the help of our Heavenly Father. God allows us to choose, but we should always strive to place our faith in God and his Holy Word.

I can still vividly recall the day I received the devastating news that I had contracted COVID-19. As a Speech-Language Pathologist working in a school, I had to stay home and isolate myself from everyone. Sadly, my positive COVID test resulted in the school authorities sending 56 students home to quarantine as a preventive measure. In my heart, I was aware that I had been extremely cautious, using hand sanitizers and wearing masks, which left me wondering why I still got sick.

During this time, the enemy tried to make me feel like my positive test was an indication of something wrong in my relationship with God. The enemy wanted to weaken my faith, but I prayed and asked God for help. As I stayed home and recovered, I continued to pray and spend time with God, and I learned so much during this time.

Humans tend to gravitate toward something whenever things shift, leading us down unfamiliar and uncharted waters. The enemy will try to use this time to lure people to abuse substances, partake in domestic violence, or succumb to emotional instability. God wants us to run to Him. Rather than turn down dark pathways that will not bring us closer to God, we must rightly choose to draw closer to God by activating our faith in the one who never changes.

How Does the Bible Define Faith, and What is Great Faith?

Defining faith is not easy, but we look to the Bible to help us understand as we ponder a definition. The Bible explains that “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1 KJV)”. Faith reminds us that God works even when we cannot see it.

Hebrews 11 is often cited as “faith’s hall of fame” because it recounts people’s faith in the Bible. As we look at the Bible, we see that regardless of who the writer wrote about in Hebrews 11, the common thread was that they obeyed God’s Word.

  • By faith, Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear, constructed an ark to save his household.
  • By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.
  • By faith, Sarah herself received the power to conceive, even when she was past the age since she considered him faithful, who had promised.

As we look closely, we see that the Bible shows us that faith is related to hearing God’s Words, believing, and moving in obedience. There are instances in the Bible where Jesus declares that someone has “great faith.”

In Matthew 15:21-28, A Canaanite woman comes to Jesus because she wants Jesus to heal her daughter, oppressed by a demon. As she spoke, the Bible says that Jesus initially did not answer her, and the disciples tried to send her away. As we read the account, we realize that the Canaanite woman was relentless. She understood the power that would come if Jesus spoke to her situation. She was willing to wait for Jesus to give her just a crumb. Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.

Matthew 15:28 ESV

Another time where Jesus states that someone had great faith is noted in Luke 7 when a Centurian sought Jesus to heal his servant. The Centurian did not feel worthy to come to Jesus or to have Jesus come to his home, but he truly believed that if Jesus spoke a word, his servant would receive healing.

In Luke 7:7 KJV, the Centurian says, “Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.” The Centurian showed that he knew what it meant to be taken at his word and obeyed. He clearly understood the power in Jesus’ words, and it seems this is what caused Jesus to say that the Centurian man had great faith.

Have Faith in God

Faith Has Life-Altering Benefits

While studying and writing this post, I was awakened at night and grabbed my pen to write the definition God spoke into my spirit. Faith is a belief, trust, and obedience to God and His Word, leading to life-altering benefits. It is a belief that if God speaks into a situation, the situation will change despite the odds or what it looks like, and faith requires being all-in despite earthly consequences.

We understand that faith has life-altering benefits when we look again at Hebrews 11. We can see that all of those mentioned in Hebrews 11 experienced life-altering changes when they believed in God’s Word. Think of the chain reaction of events that happened because of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Sarah’s obedience. God blessed the faithfulness of His people. The Bible shows us the relationship between faith and obedience to God’s Word and the life-altering benefits that faith brings throughout Hebrews 11 and all of the Bible.

As children of God, when we obey God’s Word and trust God with our lives through faith in Jesus as our Savior, we can experience the life-altering benefits that God offers. As we continue to live surrendered lives, he changes us, directs our paths, and blesses others through our obedience.

Have Faith In The Word of God

We must learn to have faith in the Word of God because it holds the power to win every fight against the enemy. The enemy knows that there is power in the Word of God, so he will try to attack our belief in the Word. The enemy works so hard to keep us from reading the Bible, attending church, or doing anything that will cause our faith in God’s Word to grow. The Bible tells us that faith grows when we hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17), and if we are of God, we hear His Words (John 8:47).

Have Fatih

God tells us that His Word will not pass away (Matthew 24:35) but will stand forever (Isaiah 40:8), and will go out from God, and not return empty, but accomplish and succeed the thing for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:11). Every Word of God proves true (Proverbs 30:5), and nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). God tells us to take up the shield of faith against the enemy because it can extinguish all of the enemy’s fiery darts. (Ephesians 6:16).

Jesus showed us how to battle the enemy with the Word of God. He did this when the enemy came to him in the wilderness after Jesus had been fasting. The enemy knew that Jesus was hungry, so he tempted Jesus to command the stones to become bread. Jesus refuted the enemy with the Word of God.

Man shall not live on bread alone

Each time the enemy came, Jesus stated, “It is written.” the enemy continued to bother Jesus (Mathew 4:7,10), but each time Jesus responded by quoting God’s word to the enemy. In doing so, Jesus shows us that the Word of God defeats the enemy.

With Jesus as our example, we learn that we must activate God’s Word as our weapon of faith against all the enemy throws at us. Whether it is a sickness, financial lack, or if we battle some addiction or sin, God has given us the keys to victory. We can find all of the answers that we need in His Word.

Faith Must Be Unwavering

Our faith must be unwavering. In Romans 4, the Bible tells us more about Abraham’s faith as it declares that “no unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.” (Romans 4:20-22).

Ask in Faith Nothing Wavering

Obedience and unwavering trust in the Words spoken by God are essential to the definition of faith. Jesus reminds us in Mark 11:22-24 to have faith in God and tells us the importance of speaking and not doubting when we pray.

So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.  Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

Mark 11:22-24 ESV

Additionally, it is crucial to discount and not rely on what we see with our physical eyes. We must put all faith in God and His Word. God expects us to be all-in and unwavering. Our faith does not depend on what we see, feel, or think but relies only on God’s words and what we know that He can do.

Expect Faith To Be Tested

We must expect testing of our faith as God’s word says that our faith becomes steadfast through the tests, which means it becomes firm and unwavering. The Bible tells us that even though Abraham knew that God had given him Issac, God tested Abraham’s faith when He told Abraham to sacrifice his son (Genesis 22). When Abraham demonstrated that he was willing to obey God’s words, God supplied a ram to offer instead.

Testing of Faith produces steadfastnes

When I received a positive Covid-19 test, I had to decide how to handle the news. Would I trust God and His Word, knowing He can heal and protect me, or would I become fearful? I had to remember that there is power in the Word of God that is bigger than any fear or sickness.

A Simple Prayer For Increased Faith

Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh and walked among us to show us the way (John 1). He offers us a way to defeat the enemy. We must believe and trust God’s Word. Let’s pray in faith, asking God to help us. Let’s learn to use God’s Word when we pray to defeat the enemy and enjoy the life-altering benefits that faith produces.

Simple Prayer for Increased Faith
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

An Easy Way to Understand God’s Calling For Our Lives

An Easy Way to Understand God’s Calling For Our Lives

Have you ever wondered what God’s calling you to do in life? Do you hear people talk about being “called” and want to know your God-given purpose? Maybe you wonder whether you are working in the right job, living in the proper city, or pursuing the right path. God does not want us to be confused about this because sometimes, we can become afraid to make any moves as we try to figure out God’s calling. Let’s look into the Word to learn how to know your calling from God for your life.

God's Calling For Our Lives

As we live this life, we are mindful that God has a plan for us. His divine purpose for our lives was determined before birth (Jeremiah 1:5). God is not random, and Everything He does is perfectly designed.

There is a reason we were born to our parents at the time we were born. God uniquely created each of us, giving us the gifts, talents, and abilities needed to fulfill our purposes. Prayer and Bible study will always lead us toward finding our purpose and God’s calling.

God tells us how He wants us to live in Romans 12. He wants us to present our bodies as living sacrifices to Him, which means we live for Him and are open to His plans. As Christians, when we realize how much God loves us and all He did and wants to still do for us, our response should be, “Here I am, Lord.”.

God’s Ultimate Calling For All Christians Never Changes

God’s ultimate calling for each of us is to bring Him glory. Our purpose is to glorify God (Romans 11:36). Everything was created for God and through God; no matter what we do, we are to bring Him glory. Glory is high honor and distinction by notable achievements in which the Father can take great pride.

God's Calling For Our Lives Scripture

The Bible says God has called us to a relationship with Himself through faith in Jesus Christ. The first step in living out God’s calling is to receive salvation and belong to Jesus Christ (Romans 1:6). When we become children of God through salvation, we become individual members of the collective body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27).

God has given us gifts and talents, and He expects us to use those talents as members of the body of Christ for His glory. God gets praise when we use our abilities to help others or offer our gifts in worship to Him. We should never bury or hide our talents, but we must be careful not to be lifted in pride by our skills and abilities.

Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began,

2 Timothy 1:9 ESV

God’s Calling For All Christians is Not Hidden

God has not hidden our calling and is not waiting for us to find it. He expects us to grow and develop in His Kingdom. We begin our journey as babes in Christ when we ask for forgiveness and accept His gift of salvation. We must start by being faithful, obedient, and patient as we wait for the Lord to exalt us in His perfect timing.

The problem is that sometimes, as believers, we get confused and disheartened. We may feel that we must find God’s calling. God’s calling isn’t lost. Our calling should bring God glory and bring others into the Kingdom. There is a call on our lives; it is not a secret. We should live for God every day. God calls us right where we are when He invites us to become His children.

When we look to the Bible, we find countless examples of those called and used for Kingdom purposes. Names of men and women in the Bible include Moses, Paul, Abraham, Esther, and Mary. These gospel greats were indeed called to do something great for God but were never recorded as searching for God’s calling.

God’s Calling and Job Are Not Synonymous

God may call us to be a light at our job, be an example in the community, or serve others. We must do whatever we do from our hearts as we do for the Lord (Colossians 3:23). We must be faithful (Luke:16:10).

God’s calling and jobs are not synonymous. God’s “calling” may not look like preaching from a stage, writing a bestselling book, or becoming a missionary living abroad. Your calling right now may be to be a good mom, a good wife, a teacher, or a volunteer in your community. Most importantly, we strive to bring God glory while we live each day.

Our life may not feel important enough to our pride and flesh, but remember, God calls us right where we are and changes us from there. We must be careful because the enemy may be trying to get us to move from where God wants us to develop, grow, and bless others. God’s calling is not about making money or a name for yourself but about living for God and blessing others.

An Easy Way to Understand God's Calling For Our Lives ! Peter 4:10 ESV

The enemy likes to bring confusion and doubt. He wants us to question whether we are on the right path for God. If we mistakenly believe we should have what we think is a more important job for God, we may move prematurely from where God wants us to bring Him glory. We may even find ourselves walking in pride. We must allow God to take the living sacrifice of our lives, use it, and develop us in His timing.

God’s Calling May Not Be Where You Feel Talented

God wants us to stay biblical, which means we should look to the Bible for answers because sometimes ideas sound acceptable to our human minds, but we must look at them from the lens of God’s Word. For example, many recommend inventorying our skills and abilities to decide our purpose and God’s calling.

I have read authors who suggest that our talents and gifts help us to know our calling. The problem is this teaching is not biblical, and nothing in the Bible supports this logic. We can’t assume that God will use us in an area where we seem to have natural ability and talent.

While determining your strengths and talents may help decide a career path or an area of study in college, I do not believe that the Bible encourages us to find God’s calling by looking at our strengths, skills, and abilities. The Bible says the opposite.

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

1 Corinthians 1:26 KJV

For most people in the Bible, the Scripture records that they had weaknesses, but God used them anyway. God’s glory reveals itself when what seems impossible becomes possible through faith and obedience in Him. The Bible says that God will use foolish things to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). Your purpose as a believer is to build the Kingdom of God. Your role in His Kingdom will require your natural gifts and talents, but God will develop you and reveal your calling in His timing.

There is an easy way to understand God's calling for our lives. Do you wonder what God wants you to do in life? Do you want to know your God-given purpose?

God’s Calling is Fluid For Each Day and Season

God’s calling is not some future event. We must understand that God will develop us, and our calling may differ depending on our seasons of life, readiness to grow, and God’s purpose on Earth. We must be willing to be used as a vessel for the Kingdom of God each day and be ready to change when God leads.

We must stop worrying about “missing” God’s calling because the enemy will try to convince us to work within our strength rather than wait for God’s direction. We must understand that God will not let us miss our calling. If the enemy can cause us to do something prematurely, we may find ourselves frustrated with the outcome, but if we wait on God, He will get the glory, others will be blessed, and our faith will increase.

god's calling Bible verse

A Prayer For When You’re Unsure Of God’s Calling

After receiving salvation through Jesus Christ, God calls us to live for Him every day. He wants our lives to bring Him glory as we use our talents and gifts to praise Him and bless others. The easy way to understand God’s calling for our lives is to draw close to God and learn His ways.

We must pray and read His Word to build a stable relationship. We want to know the Lord’s voice and listen daily for instructions He would give us. We must make it through tests and trials as faithful servants and get busy showing the Father’s love to the world around us for God’s glory! Let’s pray and ask God to help us.

New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

What Does The Bible Say About the Holy Spirit?

What Does The Bible Say About the Holy Spirit?

As I prayed about writing this week, I felt strongly that I was to write about the Holy Spirit. Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He understands the importance of the Holy Spirit. God does not want his children confused about anything, including the function of the Holy Spirit. Now, more than ever, we must be able to answer what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

What Does the Bible Say About the Holy Spirit

When Jesus was on Earth, John the Baptist baptized Him, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him as a dove (Luke 3:21-22). When Jesus prepared to be crucified, buried, and resurrected, he spoke with the disciples (John 16). Jesus told them that He would be going away but would send the Holy Spirit to them, and He told them to wait. Jesus told the disciples that it was to their advantage for Him to go away so that the Holy Spirit could come. While Jesus could be with us on Earth, the Holy Spirit could dwell in us (John 14:17). Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit (the comforter) would be with us forever (John 14:16).

 John 16:7 ESV

The Work Of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God and Jesus, is available to all Christians, but He will not come into our lives without an invitation. He wants to live within us, comfort us, and teach us. He wants to help us on our everyday journey, but we must ask Him to direct us. He will not push his way into our lives.

Understanding the Holy Spirit’s work will help us know why we need Him to dwell in us and help us invite Him into our lives. The Holy Spirit has numerous functions, but they represent three primary functions for a more fundamental understanding.

  1. The Holy Spirit teaches.
  2. The Holy Spirit gives power.
  3. The Holy Spirit changes us.

The Holy Spirit Teaches

The Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible and truth as He testifies Jesus (John 15:26). The scripture says that the Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself but glorifies Jesus, guides us in truth, speaks of what He hears, and reveals things to come (John 16:13-15). The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and revelation so that we can know Jesus (Ephesians 1:17) and the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), which is why we need Him as we read and study the Bible.

John 14:26 KJV

The things of God are Spirit and do not make sense to the natural man. Still, when reborn in the Spirit, we are Spirit-led and better able to understand spiritual concepts (1 Corinthians 2:14). The Holy Spirit gives us the power to witness and teach others. He guides us and tells us what to say (Mark 13:11), but He also helps the person we are talking to receive the spiritual message. The Holy Spirit allows us to recognize our needs and helps others understand their need for a Savior. As the Holy Spirit gives us the words to say, He convicts us of sin (John 16:8), and God draws people to Jesus (John 6:44).

The Holy Spirit Gives Power

As we live this life, we need the Holy Spirit’s power to help us be victorious as we fight the enemy and produce eternal results and fruits that benefit the Kingdom of God. Ultimately, we want to be changed. We want to be more like Jesus by allowing the Spirit to live in and through us. Jesus explained that because He was going to the Father, He would send the Holy Spirit’s power to allow us to do greater works (John 14:12).

The Holy Spirit anoints and gives power. Remembering that we are to pattern our lives after Jesus is important. After his baptism, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove (Mark 1:10). The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus to preach the Gospel, preach deliverance, give sight to the blind (Luke 4:18), do good, and heal those oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38).

Luke 3:22 ESV

Today, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live a Christian life as a witness for Jesus (Acts 1:8). He fills us. He equips us with the ability to speak the Word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31). The Holy Spirit strengthens us in our inner man (Ephesians 3:16). It gives us the power to walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh (Romans 8:13). When we are weak and do not know how to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us by making intercessions (Romans 8:26).

The Holy Spirit Changes Us

The Holy Spirit brings the new birth (John 3:5John 3:8) to help us change into Christ’s image. When we are born of the Spirit, He seals us (2 Corinthians 1:22) and bears witness that we are now part of the family of God (Romans 8:15-16). Being adopted into the family of God through faith in Jesus brings Abraham’s blessings and is available to all (Galatians 3:4).

No Christian has to live without the Holy Spirit, nor should they want to. The Holy Spirit washes, sanctifies, purifies, and justifies us (1 Corinthians 6:11). He confesses Christ’s Lordship (1 Corinthians 12:3), changes us, and helps us produce fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). He releases love (Romans 5:5), righteousness, peace, and joy (Romans 14:17).

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is called oil, fire, wind, a river, and wine. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit is a gift poured out and given liberally to those who ask (Acts 2:17). The Bible says that He comes upon us, moves on us, falls on us, anoints us, baptizes us, fills us, dwells in us, and flows out of us. There are different depths of the Holy Spirit; we can grow by faith as we seek Him.

How to Be Led By The Holy Spirit

To be Spirit-led, we must repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). Next, the Bible says God will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). When we truly desire to live life as a converted Christian, we must ask God to help us. When we seek Him, we find that we thirst after His righteousness, which means we genuinely desire to live a life that pleases Him.

Stay Thirsty

As we diligently seek God, we have the promise of our Savior, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6).” As we confess our sins, ask God to help us with our weaknesses, and submit our lives in obedience, He will fill us with His Spirit. As the Spirit reveals areas of sin, we must repent and ask God to help us. As we turn from sin and our old nature, we invite the Spirit to fill us, lead us, teach us, and strengthen us, and we believe that God will answer our prayers by faith.

 Acts 2:38 KJV

A Prayer To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

We know that Jesus has returned to the Father, but He promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us in His absence. The Holy Spirit teaches, gives power, and successfully changes us to live this Christian life. The enemy does not want us to understand the Holy Spirit. He wants to see us continue to try to fight Him in our strength. Let’s pray and ask God to help.

A Prayer To Be Led By the Holy Spirit
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