How To Receive Divine Healing From God

How To Receive Divine Healing From God

The best way to receive Divine Healing is by seeking God. He alone is all-powerful and all-knowing. He created our bodies and should be the first person we consult when there is a problem. The Bible answers all of our questions about how to be healed. Gaining a deeper understanding of what the Bible says about healing can strengthen your faith and prevent you from being led astray from the truth.

How To Receive Divine Healing From God

It can be challenging to know what to do when you are sick or know someone who is. The problem is that, as humans, we tend to look for a specific formula. We want someone to tell us exactly how to experience healing. Sadly, for some, we can be taken advantage of by empty promises or lured away from our faith in God as the enemy convinces us to try other things that are not in the Scriptures.

We place ourselves at risk when we do not know what the Word of God says about healing. We cannot go astray when we better understand what the Bible says about healing. This post will look closely at the Old and New Testaments.

With God, praying is the first and last step to receive Divine healing. The Bible commands us to pray about everything. Of course, we should listen to those God has gifted with the knowledge to understand medicine, but it is crucial that we still pray about the information and medical advice they give. When we pray and listen to God’s voice, sometimes, God will lead us to obtain a second opinion, or He may instruct us to another physician who can best help.

After we know the situation, we must seek God for healing, but what does that mean? How can we be healed? Let’s search the Scriptures to understand.

Understanding Healing In the Bible

As we search the scriptures to understand better what God says about healing, we see that sickness existed throughout the Old and New Bible Testaments. When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, disease, pain, illness, and death entered our world. Now, we no longer live in Eden, but we live in a sinful and fallen world where there are times when people get sick, and everyone will eventually die once.

Remembering that this was not God’s original plan for humanity is essential. Sickness and death are consequences of Adam and Eve’s original sin, but thankfully, God has provided our healing and wholeness when we pray with faith.

Remembering that this was not God's original plan for humanity is essential. Sickness and death are consequences of Adam and Eve's original sin quote

Faith and trust are essential ingredients for healing. We must believe and become thoroughly convinced that God can heal when we need healing. We must also trust that God does what is best, even if it means not allowing complete recovery on Earth as we want.

Understanding Healing In The Old Testament

The Old Testament points to three specific things that people did for healing: 

  • They prayed to God with faith.
  • They sought the help of a Prophet or Priest. 
  • They followed all instructions of God. 

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God and ask for His help. When people pray to God for healing, they should confess their sins and ask for forgiveness. They should also express their faith and trust in God’s healing power.

In the Old Testament, people came to the Prophet or Priest to ask God for what was needed. So, if anyone needed healing, they would ask the Prophet. In the Bible, the Prophet or Priest released God’s healing to people by laying their hands on them, speaking a word, or giving a direction to follow. 

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King Hezekiah’s Divine Healing

According to Scripture, Hezekiah was a faithful king who became sick unto death. The Prophet Isaiah told him to get his house in order because he would die from the sickness and not recover. As the Prophet left, Hezekiah prayed and wept bitterly. He said, “Now, O Lord, please remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight( 2 Kings 20:3)”. The Bible says that God heard his prayer and he turned the Prophet around and told him to go back. 

Turn back and say to Hezekiah, the leader of my people, Thus says the Lord, the God of David your Father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you. On the third day, you shall go up to the house of the Lord, and I will add fifteen years to your life. I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city for my own sake or my servant David’s sake. “And Isaiah said, “Bring a cake of figs. And let them take and lay it on the boil, that he may recover.” (2 Kings 20:5-6).

When Hezekiah prayed, he was given instructions from God. The instructions came from God as delivered through the Prophet. The instructions were two-fold. He was to place a cake of figs on his boil and go up to the House of the Lord (tabernacle) on the third day.

Hannah’s Divine Healing

The story of Hannah gives another Old Testament example of praying to God for healing. Hannah was barren and went to the temple to pray and ask God to heal her. She even made a vow to God.

And she vowed a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall touch his head.”

As she prayed, the Prophet Eli thought she was drunk, but when Hannah explained she was not, he blessed her and gave her Godly instructions. The Bible says that he told her, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him.” 

Divine Healing For Hannah

In due time, Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, for she said, “I have asked for him from the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:20).

She was healed of her barrenness, had a son named Samuel, and kept her promise to dedicate the child to the Lord. The Bible says that Eli’s sons were not God-fearing, and they did not know God. Having Samuel grow up with Eli allowed someone besides Eli’s sons to learn the priestly duties. God did not leave Hannah without children when she gave Samuel to grow up with Eli. The Bible says Hannah visited Samuel during the yearly sacrifice and always made him a robe each year. Eli spoke a blessing over her and her husband again, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters (1 Samuel 2:18-21). 

Understanding Healing In the New Testament

In the New Testament, people received healing by following the same three steps. They prayed with faith. They sought Jesus, and they followed instructions. When Jesus was alive, anyone seeking healing sought Jesus as the priest. The Bible says Jesus was our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14). 

Jesus is the High Priest Scripture

There are numerous accounts of Jesus’ healing in the New Testament, and each time was different. One example of a New Testament healing was the ten lepers who sought to be healed by Jesus. They called out to Jesus for help, and He directed them to go to the priest and show themselves to him. The healing occurred as they followed directions and went to the priest (Luke 17:11-19). Another time, He placed mud on the blind man’s eyes and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:6-7). Yet other times, Jesus spoke a word and declared a person’s healing.

Divine Healing of Loved Ones In the New Testament

There are at least three examples where someone came to Jesus on behalf of a sick friend or relative, and Jesus healed the ill person simply by speaking. One example is in Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-28, where a non-Jewish woman came to Jesus pleading that he heal her demon-oppressed daughter. Jesus granted that healing and commented on the woman’s great faith.

In Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10, the Bible teaches about a Centurian who came to Jesus because his servant was near death. The Centurian told Jesus that he was not worthy to have Jesus come into his home but understood the authority of Jesus. He believed the servant could recover if Jesus spoke the word. According to the scripture, Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that moment (Matthew 8:13 ESV).

Finally, in John 4:46-54, an official came to see Jesus because his son was sick unto death. He asked Jesus to come before his son died. This man did not have great faith but believed enough to ask Jesus to help. Instead of coming with the man to heal the son, the Bible states that Jesus told him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the words Jesus spoke and went on his way. As the man headed home, he met his servants, who said the boy was recovering.

The Paralyzed Man Receives Divine Healing

One story in the New Testament exemplifies what we should do now. In this story, the friends of a paralyzed man believed that Jesus could heal their friend, so they lowered the paralyzed man down through the roof while Jesus was speaking. The story is in Matthew 9:1–8, Mark 2:1–12, and Luke 5:17–26. Interestingly, in all three accounts, Jesus forgave the paralyzed man’s sins before healing him.

The friends brought the man to Jesus because they understood that Jesus was the only one who could help. Jesus forgave the paralyzed man’s sins because that was a vital part of the paralyzed man’s needs. Forgiveness from sin is what we all need, and it is what He came to give us.

Jesus knows that sin takes its toll on us. So he forgave the man of his sins and then healed him. In Romans 6:23, The Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death. Our sins are leading us to an end that separates us from God. Remember, sickness and death are not the will of our Heavenly Father, which is why He sent His Son Jesus. Our Father wants us to have health and Eternal life.

The wages of Sin is death scripture

Understanding Divine Healing Today

After Jesus ascended to Heaven, the Bible gives clear instructions on how to deal with sickness. James 5:14-16 clearly states that we should call for the church’s elders, and they should anoint us with oil in the name of the Lord and pray in faith. The Lord promises to raise the sick person and to forgive their sins. 

God decides whether to heal us on Earth or take us home to Heaven, where there will be no more sickness and pain. Although we may want longer life on Earth, sometimes our healing does not happen on Earth. As hard as it may be to accept, we must trust God’s plan. He still has forever planned for us. We must have faith that He will heal us in whatever way is best, and we must take comfort in the fact that He promises to help.

Eternal life is a precious gift from God given to all who will receive it. Jesus died to save and heal us. The truth is, we can not go to Heaven with unforgiven sins. There is simply no sin in Heaven. Although we can never be perfect, since no person is perfect, to make it into Heaven, we must be forgiven and redeemed through the saving grace of Jesus.

Healing Bible Verse

God wants us healed, living well on Earth, and on our way to experiencing eternal life with Him. We should desire the same. To be healthy but not on our way to Heaven would not be sufficient, but if we have unforgiven sins, we will not experience all of God’s goodness. We must deal with them as a priority so that we are healthy and convinced that Heaven will be our home one day. God wants us to be in good health and for our souls to be prosperous.

A Prayer For Divine Healing

We must rely on God and believe in His Word regarding Divine healing. Our priority should be forgiveness, which is essential for achieving overall wholeness, well-being, and eternal life. Divine Healing comes from Jesus, and prayer is the key that opens that door. Whether we need healing or know someone who does, let us come to Jesus with our requests. He is the only one who can provide the help we need. Let’s pray together now.

A Prayer for Divine Healing

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What Does The Bible Say About the Holy Spirit?

What Does The Bible Say About the Holy Spirit?

As I prayed about writing this week, I felt strongly that I was to write about the Holy Spirit. Understanding the Holy Spirit and His purpose is crucial to living a joyful and peaceful Christian life. We know God as our Father, who sent His son, Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is often less understood. The enemy thrives on our confusion because He understands the importance of the Holy Spirit. God does not want his children confused about anything, including the function of the Holy Spirit. Now, more than ever, we must be able to answer what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

What Does the Bible Say About the Holy Spirit

When Jesus was on Earth, John the Baptist baptized Him, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him as a dove (Luke 3:21-22). When Jesus prepared to be crucified, buried, and resurrected, he spoke with the disciples (John 16). Jesus told them that He would be going away but would send the Holy Spirit to them, and He told them to wait. Jesus told the disciples that it was to their advantage for Him to go away so that the Holy Spirit could come. While Jesus could be with us on Earth, the Holy Spirit could dwell in us (John 14:17). Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit (the comforter) would be with us forever (John 14:16).

 John 16:7 ESV

The Work Of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God and Jesus, is available to all Christians, but He will not come into our lives without an invitation. He wants to live within us, comfort us, and teach us. He wants to help us on our everyday journey, but we must ask Him to direct us. He will not push his way into our lives.

Understanding the Holy Spirit’s work will help us know why we need Him to dwell in us and help us invite Him into our lives. The Holy Spirit has numerous functions, but they represent three primary functions for a more fundamental understanding.

  1. The Holy Spirit teaches.
  2. The Holy Spirit gives power.
  3. The Holy Spirit changes us.

The Holy Spirit Teaches

The Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible and truth as He testifies Jesus (John 15:26). The scripture says that the Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself but glorifies Jesus, guides us in truth, speaks of what He hears, and reveals things to come (John 16:13-15). The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and revelation so that we can know Jesus (Ephesians 1:17) and the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), which is why we need Him as we read and study the Bible.

John 14:26 KJV

The things of God are Spirit and do not make sense to the natural man. Still, when reborn in the Spirit, we are Spirit-led and better able to understand spiritual concepts (1 Corinthians 2:14). The Holy Spirit gives us the power to witness and teach others. He guides us and tells us what to say (Mark 13:11), but He also helps the person we are talking to receive the spiritual message. The Holy Spirit allows us to recognize our needs and helps others understand their need for a Savior. As the Holy Spirit gives us the words to say, He convicts us of sin (John 16:8), and God draws people to Jesus (John 6:44).

The Holy Spirit Gives Power

As we live this life, we need the Holy Spirit’s power to help us be victorious as we fight the enemy and produce eternal results and fruits that benefit the Kingdom of God. Ultimately, we want to be changed. We want to be more like Jesus by allowing the Spirit to live in and through us. Jesus explained that because He was going to the Father, He would send the Holy Spirit’s power to allow us to do greater works (John 14:12).

The Holy Spirit anoints and gives power. Remembering that we are to pattern our lives after Jesus is important. After his baptism, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove (Mark 1:10). The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus to preach the Gospel, preach deliverance, give sight to the blind (Luke 4:18), do good, and heal those oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38).

Luke 3:22 ESV

Today, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live a Christian life as a witness for Jesus (Acts 1:8). He fills us. He equips us with the ability to speak the Word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31). The Holy Spirit strengthens us in our inner man (Ephesians 3:16). It gives us the power to walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh (Romans 8:13). When we are weak and do not know how to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us by making intercessions (Romans 8:26).

The Holy Spirit Changes Us

The Holy Spirit brings the new birth (John 3:5John 3:8) to help us change into Christ’s image. When we are born of the Spirit, He seals us (2 Corinthians 1:22) and bears witness that we are now part of the family of God (Romans 8:15-16). Being adopted into the family of God through faith in Jesus brings Abraham’s blessings and is available to all (Galatians 3:4).

No Christian has to live without the Holy Spirit, nor should they want to. The Holy Spirit washes, sanctifies, purifies, and justifies us (1 Corinthians 6:11). He confesses Christ’s Lordship (1 Corinthians 12:3), changes us, and helps us produce fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). He releases love (Romans 5:5), righteousness, peace, and joy (Romans 14:17).

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is called oil, fire, wind, a river, and wine. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit is a gift poured out and given liberally to those who ask (Acts 2:17). The Bible says that He comes upon us, moves on us, falls on us, anoints us, baptizes us, fills us, dwells in us, and flows out of us. There are different depths of the Holy Spirit; we can grow by faith as we seek Him.

How to Be Led By The Holy Spirit

To be Spirit-led, we must repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). Next, the Bible says God will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). When we truly desire to live life as a converted Christian, we must ask God to help us. When we seek Him, we find that we thirst after His righteousness, which means we genuinely desire to live a life that pleases Him.

Stay Thirsty

As we diligently seek God, we have the promise of our Savior, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6).” As we confess our sins, ask God to help us with our weaknesses, and submit our lives in obedience, He will fill us with His Spirit. As the Spirit reveals areas of sin, we must repent and ask God to help us. As we turn from sin and our old nature, we invite the Spirit to fill us, lead us, teach us, and strengthen us, and we believe that God will answer our prayers by faith.

 Acts 2:38 KJV

A Prayer To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

We know that Jesus has returned to the Father, but He promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us in His absence. The Holy Spirit teaches, gives power, and successfully changes us to live this Christian life. The enemy does not want us to understand the Holy Spirit. He wants to see us continue to try to fight Him in our strength. Let’s pray and ask God to help.

A Prayer To Be Led By the Holy Spirit
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson

God Can Protect Us From Sickness

I woke up this morning to more news regarding the Coronavirus or COVID-19, and I began to pray for God to protect my family and friends from this sickness. As I said “amen” and continued my day, I pondered the idea of sickness and disease. I want God to fix it for everyone, but I felt secure as I got up from praying. Although He may not stop this illness and disease, God can protect us from sickness and watch over His children.

God Can Protect Us From Sickness

This world that we live in is not the Garden of Eden. Sin caused Adam and Eve to lose the opportunity to live there. When sin entered the world, it brought sickness, disease, and death. In our world, we have had many illnesses like polio, HIV, influenza, and smallpox. These illnesses and diseases do not come from God, but they come from the enemy.

There Will be No Sickness in God’s Kingdom

Life on this Earth is temporary, and we can take heart that there will be no sickness in God’s kingdom, Heaven. The reality is that at some point, we all will pass away from this world as we know it. According to the Bible, we can not live forever here on this Earth and will die once (Hebrews 9:27).

The world we live in right now is flawed. According to the Bible, things on this Earth will worsen because of the enemy, and eventually, all things will pass away. For this reason, God has prepared a way to bring us eternal life so we can spend eternity with Him in His kingdom. The enemy does not want us to find that path.

The purpose of the thief

How we live on this Earth is essential to God and determines whether we live with God for eternity. God desires that we become His child and live a life of faith that trusts Him. God wants us to prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers (3 John 1:2). Our spiritual health is more important than our bodily health to God. We can only experience eternal life if we are reborn spiritually as a child of God by accepting Jesus as our Savior.

When we hear of sickness or pandemics like Coronavirus, we must realize that this world is worsening. As children of God, He promises to give us abundant life. Being a child of God comforts us that even though we can not control anything, we know that God can.

Current suffering  or sicknessnot worthy to be compared Romans 8:18 NIV

Pray and Trust That God Has a Plan Even in Sickness

The enemy is determined to rule this world and lead people astray. The enemy brings illness and fear. We must pray and trust God. We must remember that as children of God, we will one day arrive at a home that is God’s Kingdom. One day, the world will be free from suffering and pain. While we wait on that day, we should share the good news with others so that they know how to be reborn spiritually into the family of God.

Being a Christian does not mean that we will never get sick. When children of God experience sickness, we are to pray and ask God to heal us. He is faithful and will answer us. He may answer us using a doctor or send divine healing. He may deliver us from our sickness on Earth, or He may heal us as He takes us home to be with Him.

We can only pray, believe, and trust God to answer our prayer as He sees best. The Bible says that when sickness comes, we call upon the church’s elders to pray for us with oil.

Scripture about sickness

The enemy sees the state that many churches are in, and he knows that many people have decided not to attend church, and some who attend church still do not pray. Prayer is so vital. During illness and sickness, we need to pray for our salvation, the healing of those with the disease, and divine protection from illness.

Pray for Divine Protection From Illness

Pray for divine protection from illness for yourself and your family. This prayer asks God for forgiveness and protection from disease. We should also pray that others find refuge in God and that the illness subsides. Pray this prayer with faith.

 A prayer for Divine Protection From Illness
New Books Available by Krystal R Simpson